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Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 19, 2016

One year ago today: February 19, 2015, 0523:43 GMT
Five years ago today: February 19, 2011, e-reader, my eye.
Nine years ago today: February 19, 2007, cosplay before it was cosplay.
Random years ago today: February 19, 2008, my cat eats cookies.

           It isn’t entirely the cleverness of foreign trading partners that is responsible for the declining share of world trade in America. There are inherent defects in our system, well, maybe I should not say inherent, but built-in. You can’t fix stupid. There are two of everything in America that there should not be two of. Two screw threads, two voltages, and of course, two Honda throttle cables. You only get one guess which one the parts shop is going to order. That’s even if you give then a picture and the old cable, they’ll just say the supplier is the fool, who in turn will say it is the factory’s fault. This only has to happen so many times before people regard Americans as idiots.
           And now I am 100% reliant on JZ feeling better by tomorrow. I have reconciled everything to the penny and I can meet the asking price (although I have no intention of spending it all). So unless something astonishing balloons up, I think this is a done deal. This is a compromise, but that is pretty much how it has to be. It is a semi-commercial area, with the odd factory within walking distance, but the setting is definitely residential.
           The satellite shows back yard pools (above ground) and RVs parked in the area. It’s middle of the street and the area looks reasonably well-maintained. We should be there in about 24 hours from now. Also, the taxes are extremely low, which is fine, since we consider this place to be mostly a base of operations. If I get it at the projected price, there will not even be any rush moving up there.
           For my green article today, I’ll just say I intend to plant a garden or put in a greenhouse. Just having a couple trees in the yard is greener than I’ve been living for the past 13 years except for Wally’s Folly. But you couldn’t sweep the yard leaves over there without him saying you did a lousy job of it. Well, Wallace, I’ll be you could tell me to the penny what I’m going to spend on this place. After all, you know where it came from—it was your cut. Bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha!

Wiki picture of the day.
Galveston, TX, September 1900

           I really do regard every day as precious enough to record. That may account for my certain dislike of doing nothing for very long. When you write about that [nothing], you lose your audience and a huge chunk of your life. This day was consumed by meeting the requirements of buying this house without a mortgage. The way the system is designed, there is no smooth and easy ride. But, I think this will be a unique enough adventure.
           In the background, I had some documentaries on about the Royal Navy. The parts about the daily life and food of the sailors I find fascinating. It’s a well-produced series that tells much about the life and times at deck level. Also, it pulls together many topics that in our school system are taught in isolation. For instance, I had no idea before what was Royal about the navy.

           It’s a lengthy series, but now I know about copper sheathing and the real reason Captain Cook made such detailed maps while he was pretending to explore. Imagine that, a few centuries later it would be these same Brits accusing other people of being bent on world conquest.

           Confirmed, there will soon be no more Wiki pictures of the day. It seems only one photo in 16 has an interest factor up to snuff for this blog. Unless you actually like pictures of fruit cut in half and various zinc oxides, professionally taken, mind you. By a photographer with no sense whatsoever on the value of content.
           There is definitely some large outfit in the central state purchasing all houses that come on the market between $26,000 and $42,000. And they are paying full list price, which we cannot compete with. However, the trip plans are already made for tomorrow, so off we go. Whoever we are up against is not touching any property that needs even medium repair or upgrade, hinting they are professional flippers who figured out, as I did a while ago, that Florida mid-state is an up and coming area.
           It leaves slim pickings for us, but I don’t have 7 years to wait for another business cycle. We are getting into the business too late, really. We can’t compete with money, or time, but the complexity of the market means we will always find a niche we can work. Like planning. Very few of the rich players both get big and stay nimble. I know, I’ve done their books. And my plans are already deep into the 2018 campaigning season.

Last Laugh

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