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Tuesday, March 13, 2001

March 13, 2001

           [Author’s note 2016-02-28: Alas, I did not record who I was talking about or the incident. The original script shows that I told somebody what to say to get off on what appears to be a driving charge. That could have been one of several people I’ve met since arriving in Miami.
           Here is the only known picture of me in 2000, the year I went gray. (It was years later I went from gray to white.) This is along the south banks of the Orinoco River, in Venezuela. The gazebo is a government-subsidized waterfront eatery. Note how clean and modern it is compared to Miami.]

           The Hippie called. We do Club M tomorrow. But that’s not my preoccupation today. Stay with me here. I like law, I hate lawyers. Regular accountants study business law, CMA’s study tax law. I hate the way the society presents the study material, not the content.
           The difference is [that] business law is generally civil, tax law often involves [criminal activity]. Thus, the study of it from my standpoint reinforces what I already know about the limits of police activity. Generally, if they [the police] can’t do it elsewhere, they can’t do it in a tax crime either.
           Well, today I was able to apply this logic in reverse to get a friend’s charge dropped. The police told him if he didn’t cooperate , he would be spending the night in jail. Whether that is true or not, it is a threat—and police cannot make threats.

           [Author’s note 2016-02-28: I read forward and back in the 2001 journal, but still can’t find anything about this instance. But I do know once you determine the level of the policeman’s education, you can merely talk one level of the law above them and they will quickly defer. Another thing is to ask them to explain what they started. Dang, this looked like a real opportunity that I failed to write down.]

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