One year ago today: March 19, 2015, credit causes stupidity.
Five years ago today: March 19, 2011, my bartender era.
Nine years ago today: March 19, 2007, beach jammin’.
Random years ago today: March 19, 2005, it’s a “reed accordion”.
See this picture of the seemingly endless Florida horizon. I’m rolling past it, but in reality, central Florida is characterized by low hills, low as in fifty feet maybe. This is more of the black earth around Okeechobee that has been plowed under for sugar cane after the Cuban revolution. Note the fluffy prairie clouds, but you know, this is still not the same as crossing the wide-open spaces. Just like curved iCool pictures are just not the same as real pictures. This picture is from last Saturday, the 12th.
You want a top story? I’ll give you one. I just rinsed my hands from making biscuits, reached for some coffee, and dropped my favorite ceramic mug to the floor. Smashed to pieces. Now I’m grumpy, and I’ll spew off about the news. My primary source of media is still the newspaper if I have time to glance through the columns after working the crossword. So, let’s see. Mother Theresa is canonized, I’ll be a son of a gun. I’m okay with that.
I don’t know about this opening up of Cuba. These people have destroyed Miami with their “culture” (being Cuban has nothing to do with race). This is not my opinion, the average Floridian does not go to Miami except maybe on business. Your average Joe does not know the embargo was economic, not military. Castro stole millions of American retirement funds invested in Havana and other seaports. All he ever had to do was pay it back, but if one looks at Latin American business operations in general, communist or not, you can guess how far that would get.
Hillary has her spin doctors at work, I mean who else could come up with a phrase as meaningless as “Fighting For Us”, and I see that Rubio person finally admitted defeat, although he persisted with a few pathetic comments on his way out the door. This might be a good spot to remind the reader that until I began following Trump as a business person, I knew nothing about politics. As far as I was concerned, everybody was running against Trump and only recently learned Rubio was the same party, whatever that means. Republican, I suppose.
I’d seen and heard this Rubio on the news and for all I knew, he could have been the spokesman for the local school board. But I know a slick snake-oil con man when I see one and never for a moment considered him as a president. The only good news in the paper was about the dog who fell overboard was found a month later on a nearby island. I see a sex crime convict was beaten in jail, which confirms my opinion that the system deliberately turns a blind eye on this danger.
The law forbids cruel and unusual punishment and the prisons bureau should be held responsible, as in the victim should be allowed to sue. For openers, prisoners should not even be informed of why other prisoners are present. All convicts are created equal and if we accept that torture is pain endorsed by the state, then those who allow unsafe prisons are themselves criminals. I’m not endorsing bad guys but I think the state has no business regulating sex (that’s the parent’s job).
And silver has been pounded down below $16 again. But it is clear the banks are having a harder time of it each round. It’s taking them days longer and they can’t seem to get it ever back as low as the last time. Come on, silver. Baby needs a new pair of shoes.
Washington, DC, 1979.
”Never lend out a book you might want to read again.” – Various.
I waited all morning for the mechanic to look at that clutch wire, so here’s more news commentary. For the most part, I do not know what is behind any of these stories, so I am often criticizing the journalist’s angle, careful to make that distinction. How about this guy who has been suing 3M over Post-It notes since the 1970s. He invented it first and settled with 3M, but is miffed that 3M “takes credit” for the invention. In fact, they have irrefutably shown that they developed the product independently, so I’m with 3M on that one.
The State of Florida continues to report Zika virus cases without mentioning they are borne by illegal immigrants. And if you think somebody peed in your corn flakes, there’s a video of just that, sort of, over at Now there’s a site that delivers what a name like that suggests. And is Kellogg’s ever, well, right pissed.
It looks like a growing number of European states are finally admitting it was a tragic mistake to let in all the Islamics. For many, the damage is already done, and I see massive violence on the way. I’ve said before, it the newspapers were responsible, they would publish the names, pictures, and home addresses of the individuals who are actually responsible for allowing in these illegals. I find it insane that somebody’s kid is murdered and the family cannot get the name of the immigration official who allowed the killer into this country. I’m not saying they should retaliate, but they should have his name.
And I see some Miami Herald joker named Bob Martinez announces he will use his vote to “make sure he [Trump] is not elected. He makes Nazi references, for which he should be sued, but not until he returns to evening school for his GED. The man is an obvious and blatant moran (the correct Internet spelling of moron) who has no clue about anything deeper than his one-track mind can grasp. Trump is not a bigot. But Bob says he is, because Bob won’t admit America does not have a Swedish problem, or an Icelandic problem—it has a Cuban-Mexican problem. Poor Bob, dumber than a sack of wet hammers.
I knew it, the conversation came up about how much got done the last trip by myself than with two people. If I can do 90% of the task myself, I must not appreciate the effort of others. Wrong, I say, that is an illusion. When I arrived in Plant City, I knew where the library, the coffee shop, and the malls were. I went directly to each destination without error. When my headlamp burned out, when I needed tools, I knew exactly where to find the stores and even where to park.
When the property reappeared for sale, I knew the side roads, the speed limits, the best ways in and out of town, and roughly how long things would take. I knew where to eat, what the prices were like, and what neighborhoods to avoid. Much of the same applies to the 200 miles each way, no matter which road I decide to take. When you get down to brass tacks, that I even knew where to stop for gas, beer, tea, or even where to find the real estate magazine racks, you could say 80% of that capability came from earlier explorations.
For that matter, even my decision to take the batbike on such a trip may have been positively influenced by accumulated knowledge of the interior, a place where every trip before 2015 meant getting lost at least once.
Have you ever heard of a Daihatsu? It’s Japanese for “Osaka Engine Manufacture”, the oldest Japanese automaker. This was parked over at the motorcycle shop, I believe this one was brought over from England. Style-wise, they are somewhat smaller copies of American vehicles, this one looked like a compact Charger or Barricuda.
My clutch will be out of commission for the weekend, so needing downtime, I found my way over to Starbucks. They had entertainment. In the form of these two Korean babes (everyone else likely thought they were Chinese) having this big discussion about men. They were mid-20s, but talking like mid-teens. Such as how much they like some guy, “but not that way”. I had to stay over an hour; it is rare to find people willing to make such public fools of themselves that much, even in Florida.
Then, I went out for Chinese food. No connection, I had planned for a week and pinched calories so I could have my cashew chicken on the weekend. If it was up to me, I’d have a bite at the Dunkin Donuts in Plant City right now, but my system is thwarted by a loose clutch cable. I had the batbike up on blocks, but the mechanic totally forgot our noon appointment. He was busy working on his Daihatsu.
Alaine called, she’s finally got an Apple computer. Ha, that vindicates my position that tablets are merely an interim device used solely for entertainment. To get anything done, you still have to shell out for a real computer. And she’s got a top of the line Apple. Most of these are sold to customers planning on writing a book. She also reminded me of the dinner on Palm Sunday at St. Jude, but I’m going to pass as the red scooter doesn’t like 50 mile round trips any more.
Did you know in 1553, Spain proposed a law forbidding lawyers to immigrate to the new world? That’s your trivia. And here is a real Mars documentary. Not one NASA hoser crying the blues, though you get a few quips about Mars being vegetarian because the crew “might get too attached” to the animals to eat them. But, but, aren’t those the ones who must have lied on their applications? So you kind of let those ones starve to death. A crisis on Mars is not the right time to spring being a Libtard on the lean and hungry.
But it would fit the Libtard mold. Libtards, like queers, have to lie and cajole their way in first, because that is their only prospect of getting to a situation where anybody will listen to their nonsense. Libtards always feel justified to lie their way in the door if it “gets their message out”. That, folks, is why you have queers in the military and the phone company. I don’t buy any theory they got that way afterward. And I’m not nearly so much against queers as I’m against people who lie to get in the door.
Last Laugh
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