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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016

One year ago today: April 12, 2015, it’s German for “Fire”.
Five years ago today: April 12, 2011, thanks for the house.
Nine years ago today: April 12, 2007, “Deemed if you do . . .”
Random years ago today: April 12, 2014, Wal*Mart announces organic food.

           Take a peek at the Kitco (no link) chart this morning as the big banks desperately try to hammer silver back below the historical $16/oz mark, where most runs begin. You see, if silver takes off, this time the banks can’t manipulate it because they no longer own it. The real physical silver is in private hands. And there will be no 1933-style trickery, since the public is fully aware of how that stunt was carried off. This time, I predict there would be armed resistance. Back in 1933, people trusted the government. Now they hate them.
           And people, intelligent or not, have exceeding long memories. It is not forgotten that the fortunes that emerged after the war came from families who hid their 1933 old instead of turning it in. It’s common knowledge the head of that list was the Kennedys. If you peek at the chart, my explanation of the recurring “ripple” is the banks panicking and trying to force silver back down. But you can see they are weakening.
           To read the chart as I see it, think of the little downward dips as the banks selling paper at depressed prices and the upward moves as little guys buying real silver. I’ve always thought real silver and certificate silver should be on two separate charts.

           Rumor has it if silver hits $400 per ounce, even the banks don’t have enough money to buy it back. Is this a looming financial crisis? I’d be okay with that. The banks either have to buy the silver back, go under, or change the law. And the people are onto that third option. If they have to buy it back, as required by law, it would be the single largest transfer of wealth away from the international banking system in the history of the planet.
           That’s an interesting price, that $400. At any lower price, there is some speculation the banks of the world could conceivably pool their money and buy the silver they have sold so many times over. But above that price, they bodily can’t do it. You know who the banksters are. "Now don’t think they [the banks] will go down without a fight. You know who the banksters are, and they are not above orchestrating a World War, or two, just to get their own way. Meanwhile, there is only one thing to do. Sit back and play some music.
           If you are really into computer talk, here is a leetspeak converter. Along with binary, Morse, and pig latin.

Wiki picture of the day.
Monument Valley, Utah.

           Let’s get to a progress report on my guitar set. Unless you want to hear the nitty-gritty on my appointment at the dermatologist, the list is top story. See, I knew you’d go for the guitar. Taking a lesson from all my earlier failures, I started with the most difficult tasks first. This ranges from finding suitable material to grabbing what I need off the Internet, song-wise. I’ll have to print up lyrics, since memorizing 32 songs always takes longer than you think.
           I’m relying heavily on prior experience, for instance to fake the instrumental breaks, I kick in a choruser and strum it through. But I have to wire up a center negative power supply or Boss pedals eat batteries. And I can’t remember how I pirated tunes off youTube, so that has to be relearned. Moments later, it was easy, turn off Playthrough under Preferences in the Edit menu. Windows Vista and above has two annoyances. They hide the Stereo Mix button over copyright worries and Windows interprets most USB plugs as mono. Disable Playthrough and set Recording Channels to 2 for stereo. Always record MP3s in stereo by default.

           Old dogs and new trick, I’m having difficulty reaching for the guitar instead of the bass when I want to learn a new tune. The guitar is an awkward instrument, but I understand how that quality lends itself to such fascination with the ego of those who worship it. You find every author dreams of it, but doesn’t not insist people read his books, yet each guitarist thinks his rendition is a show-stopper. I’m not out to be a guitar player, rather to be able to strum some chords behind my unpolished vocals and turn that into a show somewhere. Hey, I did it with Jimbos.
           My decision was swayed by a practice session with Ray-B some years back. I’ve tried before, but could not shake my professionalism with the bass. That is, I will never be as good on the guitar as on the bass. So I’d made some backing tracks, what a lot of work—and you have to play the song exactly the same way every time. Ray-B heard me strum, which is the easy part and noted my timing was perfect. That’s from the piano, you know. He said basically if I can strum like that, forget the tracks, just get out and play.

           The banks continue to blast away at silver prices, but the momentum is upwards for a reason. The banks are creating the sham trade prices using silver certificates, not real silver. And the true buyers are after the solid metal. Those who hold silver have been awaiting this demand, and I’d say right now the few that are selling were the weaker investors who cannot go the distance.
           If I’m wrong, it will be just ha-ha, becauseso was everybody else. But if I’m right, I claim the title of the next guru who came out of nowhere. Such is the fickle finger of Internet fame. (A reminder to noobs I am totally unversed in the silver market and anything I read into the charts is my version of astrology.)

           Keep it up, Fox News. When Trump gets in, he’ll remember names. Fox News is trying to pin the tag, “The Disrupter” on our man. True, he disrupts their cozy little world of Liberalism and hatred of America. Hatred? Yes, the way they coddle immigrants and welfare cases as long as the cost is passed on to the taxpayer, for whom they have zero compassion. Why you are “lucky” you have a job where you can pay taxes. I think I heard that one when I was six years of age. There’s other people who can’t work and people starving in China, like you give a twit.
           It’s easy, Mr. Trump. Those changes in the libel laws are making sense. Freedom of the press is confined to a responsibility to publish the truth. Those who distort it are not the press. What is distortion? The systematic presentation of one viewpoint hoping repetition will make some converts. That’s a good definition. The real press would occasionally change sides as circumstances change over time.

Last Laugh

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