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Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16, 2016

One year ago today: April 16, 2015, obviously a good day.
Five years ago today: April 16, 2011, the trophy wife.
Nine years ago today: April 16, 2007, a tacit conspiracy.
Random years ago today: April 16, 2008, I hate ink cartridges.

           Here’s a shot of the promo pic for a place called Zen Mystery. I was there last evening and the women did not look like this. Nope, not at all. Not even a little bit. That’s for sure. You can read about it below, if you have time. I have time. That’s why the entry today is so lengthy. What? You want to know which one I’d pick? The blonde second from the left. Why? I dunno. Millions of years of evolution? Maybe she looks like less of a screech in the long run? There will be repetition in today’s blog, as it was written in sections.
           Today, or at least this morning, you get editorial. Why? JZ’s truck is in the shop, and it was something serious. You’d be cruising along at 55 mph and hear a “chirp” that sounded like the door frame. That’s logical if the truck had been in an accident, since it was a relatively new truck when he got it second-hand. But he also got a 40,000 mile warranty. That’s a narrow shave because he’s put 39,000 miles on it. You see, I could hear the sound, but he kept saying at the same time he felt a slight tug on the steering wheel. And after the tale from the trailer court about Wallace’s car, I’m suspicious of all newer vehicles that suddenly go back on sale.
           So, I’m staying home all weekend, whether I like it or not. I read my news feed for the first time in days. I am partial to the news, but other than what I glance at during morning coffee, as far as I’m concerned politics is somebody else’s problem. I’ve arranged my affairs long ago that before I’m inconvenienced by politics, others will be in agony. What, you ask, do I think of people who are constantly concerned with politics? Cruz-bots from the cupcake party. There is something too sinister about the people attacking Trump. Maybe their "Chicago values", Ted?
           I do not consider Trump a politician. He’s more like the anti-policitian. I see both parties of insiders have ganged up against him. They are terrified he’s going to get in and start cutting the fat. Their strategy seems to be tempting him to run as an independent to split the vote, which in itself is their admission of defeat. Their main beef is how Trump exposes their corruption without even pointing fingers. The Constitution recognized the danger of a professional politician class and meant that this country was to be run by a constantly changing small team of amateurs. In that sense, Trump is the only patriot.

           Trent and I went pub-crawling last evening. Nothing of note came along, but I am even more incentivized to make that guitar act a reality. Thanks Trent, by the way, for helping me get a set of Karoke mics. Notice I avoided saying he was “instrumental”, ha-ha. Tell you what, once again, I’ll just relate the evening and you make your own conclusions. Test you character, not mine, type of thing. Ready?
           That rainstorm brought the town to a halt, with no chance of using the scooter. So Trent pulled up in the hybrid and we headed over the Gulfstream. It is no longer a racetrack, it is a gambling casino, now surrounded by up-scale shops. We walked past several pubs before deciding to check out the new ROK BRGR, our favorite up in Hammarshee, in Ft. Lauderdale. The one run by our playboy bunny friend. But she was not there. Other than a lady who recognized us from the show on the beach last Friday, the place is arranged so you must sit with your back to any pretty gals that pass.
           We discussed the club, the “You&”. In fact, it dominated my conversation, but I feel if there is any chance it could become the next Jimbos, it is worthwhile for me to pursue it. This involves spending money and investing time. It’s unfortunate we can’t meet up there on Thursdays, but just you watch. That’s the same day I started at Jimbos. You help sell the beer and you are in. Again, you rarely bring a following, but you attract pedestrians and get the regulars to stay just one extra round. The barmaid loves you over it, and you are in.

           The absence of women at what is purported to be the hottest night spot in the area had us back northbound on Federal to visit a vegan café. The Zen Mystery, it’s just north of where they demolished the Dania Hotel. (Say “DAY-nee-uh”.) It’s a hangout for the New Age bunch, with the flowing clothes and such. The strongest drink is the house brand of tea, served in recycled beer bottles. The crowd was spotty, maybe twenty people, many of whom had the old hippy “cool walk” down pat. You know, where you bob your head as you stroll along.
           We met other who were rained out, including that guitarist who looks like Kenny Rogers (latter day) who played near the Fountains out on University back when Cort’s coffee was in the picture. A vegan café is an excellent spot, usually, to meet women. But not tonight, you know, I’ve often thought the fascination with women and vegetarianism has to do with staying slim. On Friday’s, though, time to get out to the night clubs and find that man they so justly know they deserve. I like that, they want equality and a marriage both, and the sooner the better.

           So, there were no women there, not available anyway. Except the entertainer who was playing, are you ready for this, a ukulele. Now remember, if you are a cool vegan, you must be into any music that asserts to be “natural”. This includes said small guitars, flutes, wind chimes, or even beating on a hollow log. I may check the place out some day, but their nightlife is a little too organic for me. They have lots of hippy crafts for sale. Chunks of rock crystal, chips of sage wood, hand woven bracelets, you know, all the essentials.
           This inspired us to head across the roadway to that pub where Jimbo Jackie used to walk over back when. It gets used in many movie sets, you’ve seen some here. It’s been somewhat upgraded with top of the line juke box and TV, and they got rid of the pool table. Along with the riff-raff it attracted. The barmaid was new and took an immediate liking to us. We didn’t stay, once again, no women. We drove up to our old club for a nightcap and the memorable event of the evening.
           I locked us out of the car.

           That’s right. From force of habit with my Caddy, the passenger door lock only locked the passenger door. I hit the button and it was AAA time. We retreated into the club, the tow truck arrived promptly on schedule, so we called it an evening and left, with 27 songs still on the juke box. Getting me out of the house on a Friday is a major feat so I’m dedicating the next few days to producing great an open mic set as possible for next Thursday. Hopefully, I’ll have my Karaoke mics by then, but no panic if I don’t. I’ve got lots of work to do.

Wiki picture of the day.
The Muybridge horse photos.

           I misquoted Margaret Thatcher. So, change that from quoting her to paraphrasing her. There, all fixed. What she actually said was socialism, not liberalism. I think, however, anyone can be excused for continually getting those two mixed up. And did you see what happened with Bill Cosby? How many times do I have to tell people to delete your emails. Trust me, you don’t need them again, and if you ever have one to keep, make a copy and store it on your computer, not the email server. But, as usual, 99% of people will not listen. I have no emails more than 5 days old.
           Next item on the weekend agenda, I scanned the interior real estate offerings. Prices continue to drop and the number of foreclosures is climbing again. In two weeks, if this trend does not reverse, we got ourselves a mini-recession. There’s a place in Bartow I’ve looked at, it’s been gutted to the studs for new electrical work. They lopped 20% off the asking price this morning, which is about what it would need in materials. But consider this, drywall or not, the pictures show somebody has been living inside the place for years. See photo.

           This décor is not too far off from places I’ve successfully renovated in my time. If it is inhabitable, it is worth a look. For that matter, I’m not that keen on drywall and I’d like to put something nicer. It’s under the scope, and so is silver now trading at over $16. While I hope it triples quickly, I hope the people who are saying much more are wrong. Why? Because that would cause panic in the streets. And the recent hurricanes shows us what happens to all the food and other important things almost instantly.
           And trust me, having to boil water before you use it is a real hassle, even if you don’t have to chop the firewood. Boiled water cooled down tastes funny. I just want silver to go to the point where I make a bundle and then have the politicians jump in and try to stabilize things. How’s that for a battle plan. Yeah, that’s what I thought, but then, the politicians can’t just do nothing, you know.

           I didn’t have the gumption to get out the door today. Hey, this is Florida, it’s not like I’m missing the parade. Most fun in this town is heavily dependent on hired help. I built a small wire reel holder, my big accomplishment of the day. Tuckered me right out, but not before I watched this utterly disgusting woman, see photo. Now remember, you are getting one of the most unadulterated opinions still possible, because I have never seen this woman before and have no idea who she is. Could be your sister for all I know.
           But she is one crooked liar, and not very good at it. I also have no idea how the delegate system works, but if the will of the people is not expressed by that system, then it sucks. In other words, notwithstanding that I had no idea what she was talking about, I still knew she was lying. She was asked if the delegate system was corrupt because it was nullifying people’s votes. This woman is so stupid she could not pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were under the heel.

           Her answer? She would not answer no-how. She took the tack that the people who are complaining the system is undemocratic knew that before and so their complaints don’t count. Duh? She further added that those who disliked what was going on had not spent enough decades building loyalties behind the political scenes. So, although I do not know what politic process she represents, she certainly represents all that is disgusting and sordid about it.
           So get this straight folks. This delegate system does not like the terms “corrupt” or “undemocratic”. They are saying if you win a rigged race and they give the prize to the loser, it is because you are not smart enough to have paid off the judges. When media sluts like this woman are given air time, we need the Trump more than ever. The world must be laughing their heads off at this woman. Oddly, I only turned the volume up because I could see she was trying to over-talk her interviewer.
           I take this “delegate” system to mean that if Trump doesn’t win and overturn the tables in the temple, that your vote is no longer a vote, rather something that is taken into consideration by the insider establishment as they decide what is good for you. That is the kind of thinking that foments revolution.

           How do I view the events of a revolution in America? That’s an interesting conjecture. It is not lost to anyone that the government has sold out and has no direct interest in representing anybody but their own self-interests. It is the continual imposition of unpopular edicts that will ignite the flames. I don’t foresee the wholesale armed clashes like the Spanish Civil war, but rather a slower buildup of resistance from Bundy-like cells. The authorities will create their own quicksand by having to go practically door-to-door to enforce the will of the elite.
           I’ve said before, there has never been a revolution in history where the citizens were better armed than the King, so to speak. But not outright war with two opposing sides. I envisage more of a splintering into self-protection groups and the wholesale defect of some police departments and army units to the “rebels”, similar to the tsarist forces in 1918. I know if I was ordered to shoot a citizen who was fighting for an America he believed in, I would disobey.

           The revolution would quickly become more of a guerilla war, with the government eventually losing because they would almost instantly lose their taxpayer base. And they would incur universal hatred by ever more drastic measures to impose their will. I believe the government knows this unrest is inevitable, but that they are not as prepared as they wanted to be. They still don’t really control the food and water supply and there are two items right there that would need to be dominated to put down rebellion.
           There won’t be any united front against the establishment any more than there is now. They’ll support the same causes and leaders but each in their own way. It will break up the union, I foresee the separation of the new nation of Columbia and the establishment of Texas on its own. The biggest rift and bloodiest battles will be, methinks, between the western cowboys and the eastern tax collectors, two diametrically opposed philosophies. I would side with the cowboys, as I would with anyone who just wants to be left alone.

           All day I was building small gadgets, like a kid again. Well, maybe a little more cutting-edge, but it confirms for me starting to learn electronics at my age was a correct move. I had NPR in the background, another call-in show. That station has certain topics that are taboo and one of them is currency manipulation. That’s a complete NPR no-no, like interviewing the families of illegal alien rape victims. And did you ever notice how many people deny that the banks will ever withhold currency? Folks, it happens, look at Greece.
           The government simply froze all bank accounts and then hit a switch that allowed each person to take only $75 per day out of the ATM. Or was it $300? Anyway, it wasn’t very much, gas and grocery money, they said. I go by how the government has to take money out of circulation before they can manipulate it. Like they did with gold and silver. When I had my paper route, I regularly carried around lots of silver. The nickels and dimes were pure silver—and I’m not that old.
           With gold, it was different, but the goal was the same. First they took all the gold coins out of circulation and melted them down. That was in the 1920s I heard. Gold bars cannot be used as money because nobody has enough change, we talked about this years ago. Then they put the bars in Fort Knox. Then they gave it to the Treasury. Now it is all gone. But the first step is taking it out of circulation.

           These days, it will be done digitally. I can confirm the rumor that if you try to take more than $5,000 out of the bank, they treat you with suspicion. JZ and I withdrew $6,100 a few months ago for a potential cash house deal. And that took all afternoon plus an “interview” with the branch manager. This was plainly a deliberate bank policy to treat you like a criminal or drug dealer or something. And we are not talking that much money in the first place.
           Anyway, don’t you think for a second they won’t be cutting off your access to any large sum of money you think is yours. Your IRA, your CDs, your mutual funds, all of those are required to be registered with the government. I had a lot to say about that twenty years ago. The law is explicit, the government is not supposed to be concerned with how you make your money, only whether you pay the taxes on it. But the complacency of the sheeple gave them a free hand, now it is too late.
           And remember what happened when I landed in the hospital. The only things I had left after that were those that were hidden under my mattress. That tale from the trailer court was very well documented. Although I had never borrowed money in my life and therefore should have had no credit report, that credit report listed every asset I owned and my bank gleefully handed it to them against my will. They told them my info, right down to branch numbers or where I parked it at night. And you wonder why I don’t trust banks. The bank has no business knowing if I even own a car. Read my lips, if it is associated with your Social Security Number, it isn’t your property any more.
           Is this a secret, some conspiracy theory. No. Read your bank's policy statement.

Last Laugh

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