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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26, 2016

One year ago today: April 26, 2015, on feminism.
Five years ago today: April 26, 2011, robots, cats, insanity.
Nine years ago today: April 26, 2007, old math vs. new math.
Random years ago today: April 26, 2004, early business discussions.

           A new test run on the scooter. True, that event has become synonymous with otherwise quiet mornings, but any robot buff worth his buff need not be convinced about the need for test runs. True, the other guy can find the problem faster than me, because he only looking for the problem, not what was causing it. Happens all the time. This, of course, was my excuse to visit the Taft Café and go shopping for a camera. My Argus 1610 finally gave up the ghost.
           So I toured a couple places like Target and K-mart for budget cameras, that is less than $50. The fact nobody but nobody stocks these smacks of trust violation. If an excellent camera can be included with a phone that sells new for $19.95, there is no valid reason a camera could not be produced with all the desirable features for blog use. That would be qualities like instant-on, 640x480 jpeg by default, viewfinder, card slot, macro capability, and ordinary battery size.
           Since no camera ever marketed has all these simple necessities, I’m buying this model to see what’s wrong with it. I see the ad avoids describing the battery size, cable type, or whether there is a card slot. The $16 price tag is right. Probably 9 out of 10 original proprietory pictures you see in this blog are taken by an Argus. The best camera is the one you have with you most of the time.

           The above string of camera requirements mean stay away from Sony. Even if you get a Sony camera that appears to work well, there is always a catch. If nothing else, it will record video in some incompatible format and the software download will clobber your other apps. As the Trump says, Sony has lost its direction. Actually, I’ve been saying that since 1985. And I have a drawer full of junk brand name cameras. That’s why I keep returning to my trust Argus brand. The original $9.95 DC1600 now sells for $48.00, a terrific endorsement over what I’m talking about. Are you listening Samsung, Panasonic, Nikon, Polaroid, Olympus, Ricoh, Canon, and Fujifilm? I did not think so.
           And super congratulations to the geniuses over at eBay, who bury the unique identifying number of each article for sale in microscopic font beneath the display portion in the lower right corner of the results page. Below the “also-viewed” panel. Way to go, you people. Let me guess. Millennials. You don’t get that stupid by yourself. Nosiree, stupidity of that caliber is a strong team effort.

           Turn up the sound for this Ted Cruz bozo, people need to laugh. There’s a case of: advanced individual stupidity. That guy needs no help. I watched him being interviewed about this delegate fiasco and had a difficult time following his answers. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to bamboozle me that way? Well, enter Ted Cruz. He was asked a single question about why the top candidate isn’t getting the most delegates.
           From what I gather, it is because, he insinuates, Americans by and large “don’t understand the process”. Cruz goes on to say if they understood how it worked, they would agree with it. Which is a roundabout way of saying if you don’t agree with it, you must not understand it, you idiot. That’s a familiar-sounding tack, honed long ago by queers and born-agains. To know them is to love them—at least that’s what they think.
           I confess that I don’t really know what this Cruz guy stands for. He talks gibberish. He is against Trump yet adopts all the items on Trump’s agenda, from the wall to the military. I don’t like people that do that. I’m not alone, I saw the picture of the meeting he called where only 22 people showed up. He has a mousy look and a furtive, rehearsed talking manner—and Canadian-style lying never works on me.

Wiki picture of the day.
High-end espresso tamper.
(Complete with bubble level.)


           “Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.” ~ Popular Mechanics, 1949

           Music is not a fixed entity, so remember not to take too many things I try as any type of new path. Here’s an example of what I mean, and an excellent tale from the trailer court. Who remembers the Dania Beach Bar & Grill. It’s an institution; I last played there with Awesome Arnel in what, 2012? Anyway, the drawbridge has been closed for months and I was wondering how they’d survive. It is more of a restaurant than a pub, but you can always get a gig there. They used to close at 5:00PM.
           The bridge is now open, there are new owners, and son-of-a-gun, they only want bands that play a diversified set. That rules out 99% of all bands in Broward and Miami-Dade, and 100% of the bands that don’t listen to me. Ah, but there is one entity that, although I would not say he listened, is now whistling the same tune. That people want modern top hits and old country-like standards. Nothing in between.

           Take a look at this picture and tell me that is what you want to go out to see this Friday with the old lady, you know, while you are having your anniversary pork chop. Myself, I see nothing wrong with this as music, but I’m disgusted by the people who are into the whole Dragons & Dungeons scenario.
           I disliked it when I first saw it, probably because I’ve never been mystified by fairy tales and the whole medieval mentality thing. And I can be very sexist when it comes to dressing up in costumes. Women, okay sometimes. Men? Depends on the costume, and spikes and chains tell me those are some fucked-up people indeed. I’m not saying they don’t make money, which is a separate issue. I’m glad I got out of rock when I did.
           Or as I like to put it, I grew up and rock didn’t.

           So China finally launched the Dongfeng-41, literally “East Wind”, a family of Chinese rockets. Much is being made of its range, but in fact the explanation is that China is so damn far away from anything. One glance shows the rocket is a shameless copy of outdated Soviet and American technology. Range, my eye, the Americans can land robots on Mars. There is something fishy to begin with about media hoop-la over this primitive missile.
           What should be pointed out is that the only time the US wins Asiatic wars is when the eastern nation adopts western military doctrine and hardware. Like Japan did and got whupped.

           Trivia. Truck driving is the most common job in 29 states. But not if Google has anything to do with it. Driverless trucks are already tested in Europe and show the driver represents 75% of the cost of operation. Those are numbers too big to ignore. I would not rue the contingent loss of hotels, franchises, whorehouses, and the like. I never did like the freeway cult.

           I was always impressed by that tale of the child prince in his room full of expensive toys, playing with an ordinary rubber ball. If you knew my cousin Leslie, you’d get my meaning. Anyway, I regularly buy toys that are new to each generation, but are really recycled ideas.
           I suppose I hope one day I’ll hit on something new but it has not happened yet. This is a ball full of liquid and glitter. You have to bounce it a couple of times to see the effect. Similar in concept to those snowstorm glass globe souvenirs, this one is destined for a gift. It just takes one idea like this to retire in ease, they say. Then, that is true of everything from hit songs to paper clips.

           So look at the ball again and think, it is not the ball, but the concept of a toy that was a combined reinvention of two other objects, a type of thinking that I find particularly fascinating. And have since I was eight years old. Did you know I used to get laughed at because I would often prefer toys that were “below my age”. I was surrounded by people who did not know what thinking looked like.
           You know something? I was also considered “immature”, when in fact, I was so mature they didn’t know. Mature enough to know that living your life saying “sir” and “ma’am” to everyone you could is the equivalent of living on your knees. Funny, the people who called me that are just coming around now and finally voting for Trump. Like my family, maturity when I was a kid was the hypocritical process of always giving the answer that made you look good rather than what you just finished saying in private what was right. I had convictions and stuck to them, hence, I was not mature. Got that?

           Here’s another mini-laff, almost a chortle. Reading the ads for a cheap camera this morning, I came across one write that I think used to work for Radio Shack. Remember my scanner that “covers” 23,900 channels, but only receives 10 of them? Well, this camera ad says you can take pictures of “beautiful flowers, sweeping landscapes, and intimate portraits”. Wow. Better get one or you won’t have any “dramatic memories of friends and co-workers”. To paste on Facebook without their permission.

Last Laugh

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