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Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016

One year ago today: May 15, 2015, the elusive “Camp Good Counsel”.
Five years ago today: May 15, 2011, why the “place stamp here” notice?
Nine years ago today: May 15, 2007, another failed audition.
Random years ago today: May 15, 2010, peak spending age: 46.

           What a relaxing day, say, didn’t I advise you to do the same? If you didn’t tough luck, I feel great. I even scanned Craigslist for some used equipment. I was fairly astonished to see so many people still trying to sell SLR 35mm cameras. What, are they daft? I didn’t know you could still get 35mm film developed once Kodak got run out of town. And some of this crap is carrying $800 price tags. The day was another broiler so I went over the real estate listings and found a few late spring offerings.
           And selling DVD cameras that still use magnetic tape? Who would buy such a thing? Then again, I do use an Argus but folks, I make no pretentions about it being a sellable item. You even have to use an XP computer to install the driver.
           I see the IRS is doing a Ross Perrot on Trump, pulling a highly conspicuous audit right when it will impact most on his campaign even if nothing is found. But this time people are on to them. Here’s the interior of the new Hummer.

           That’s it, my whole day. I stopped at the Senor for brunch, said, “It’s too damn hot.” And came home with a good book. Let’s see, there must have been something today that made it worthwhile. Lemme think. Well, I did write seven personal letters, five of them to people who have never written me back in thirty years, and one to a college friend who did send me a letter ten or so years ago.

           Okay, some controversy and trivia. You’ve been good.

                      √ Who said, “The struggle for world domination will be entirely fought between . . . Germans and Jews. All else is façade and illusion.” Come on, who said that? It was Taylor Swift. Smart kid.
                      √ The Labor Bureau reports 20% of Americans over 65 are working. That’s more than before Social Security came along in the 50s. Somehow, I don’t think it’s the gung-ho “I’ll never retire” factor in focus here.
                      √ People who speak more than one language rarely get dementia.
                      √ Britain has begun using NeoFace to identify people at music concerts. No warning was given. It is not clear what happens to the data of non-criminals after the search. But the English will soon find out.
                      √ Google and Android, which I warned you about more than ten years ago, is being sued for more than $3 billion in Europe over practices the American sheeple don’t even understand. That’s on top of the billions Google has already paid up for cheating and invading privacy.
                      √ The government’s martial law detainment lists come primarily from voter registration information.
                      √ Many people don’t realize the world Internet around is dependent on undersea cables.

Wiki picture of the day.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           John Martinez: Award in Nutrition, 1995. Creator of the world’s most expensive coffee, extracted from bob-cat poop. The animals are force-fed the coffee cherries and the beans “recovered” from their defecation. Says John, “Good to the very last drop.” Literally.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

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