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Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016

One year ago today: May 21, 2015, Ron Paul, silver, Hawaii radio.
Five years ago today: May 21, 2011, on real estate.
Nine years ago today: May 21, 2007, rare photo, me in teens.
Random years ago today: May 21, 2008, darling Pudding-Tat at the vet.

           My second morning in the first piece of property I’ve owned myself since 2006. Note, the other property was nowhere near Florida, which is why you hear so little of it. This was you’d call a glorious morning, nothing but silence overnight and the birds chirping before dawn. No car horns in the morning, no distant ambulance, no noisy cars roaring uptown, no couple arguing up the road at 2:00AM. Ah, living.
           To recap, I did not completely inspect this place because, since it was not a two bedroom, I left thinking they would never accept my lowball offer. They did, in two hours and ten minutes, not the three I may have said earlier. And the wording was that the realtor had been instructed by the owner’s lawyer to “inform” me that my offer had been accepted. Now there’s a few lines you can read between all on your lonesome. The answer to the lowball acceptance is in there somewhere.

           Here is a picture of the kitchen, no cupboard doors instantly tags this was not a cookshack, or seasonal accommodation, but a summer or winter cabin. Fine, this rivals any places I grew up in. The kitchen is small but I since I insist on a dishwasher, there is a partition that can be moved three feet without much ado. If you look past the fridge, you can see what looks like a dryer or dishwasher. This is a type of Maytag water heater, which, when I move the wall, will fit into a base of the new linen cabinet.
           Whether any of this comes to pass is a “shall-see”. I have not determined if the older part of the structure is plaster, but from the solid feel, I think it is.

           So, next noticeable is the closet in the corner of the living room. So this was somebody’s cabin and the rear wing was added on much later. It was a one-room cabin with a small kitchen. The closet was for the living area, which included sleeping. Fine, if what I have in mind works, it will become an excellent master bedroom again. Meanwhile, nothing has changed. Why? Because the first rule of every good robot-capable thinking mind is to build a prototype or scale model. Always.
           This just in, if the substrate is indeed sand, that is, mine tailings, JZ reports that he can easily fix the entire foundation. I spent three hours in the rather well-equipped local library, and I confirm he has all the equipment. I don’t know about “easily”, but I think JZ means compared to other types of concrete work. There is a cement plant a mile east of town and you can always get them to do an end pour for cheap? Huh? Oh, that’s where they have a few yards left over on a bigger job and have to get rid of it fast.
           Further inspection of the yard, which I’ll pace out tomorrow, shows it is indeed sandy, a type of speckled red and black grain, similar to table salt. I can easily dig my heel into it or scoop it up by hand. What’s more, my motorcycle parked overnight had already begun to settle and driving across it to park employs low gear only. The sheds need replacing, but the concrete pads on which they rest were properly poured.

Wiki picture of the day.
Kim Tae-yeon, Kim Hy-yeon, Seohyun, Choi Soo-young, Im Yoona,
Jessica Jung, Tiffany, Sunny, and Kwon Yuri.

           I’m getting to know the area around the new place, it is kind of like the Miami area was fifty years ago. A string of small towns that are gradually growing together into a large single metropolis. But for my lifetime, open country will never be more than a couple of miles away. I finally drove around the business loop, the truck route around town. It is just 8 blocks from the core of the old city, so it has never drained away the majority of the commerce. The downtown is thriving.
           The shopping center is seven blocks, actually closer than from where I have one now, which is over a mile away through a tortuous weave of those one way streets so dear to the Florida city planners heart. Here’s your photo, I found low-sodium SPAM first look. Who could ask for anything more? Yes, I consume SPAM because as far as it goes, it is the highest quality canned meat, and I rotate it through my emergency stock.

           In fact, I just had a SPAM and horseradish sandwich. Hey, you eat lobster and I won’t touch the thing. Anyway, one small jar of horseradish lasts me years because of an incident back on the farm. I accidentally put a spoon of it on my plate thinking it was mayonnaise. It was home-made horseradish, and under the glaring Gestapo eye of my parents back then, you ate every morsel in front of you, or it was razor strop time. What? Well, it’s a pity so many Millennials have no clue what a razor strop is just when it is so badly needed.
           I can confirm one thing. When I grew up, in the households that had a razor strop, there were no food allergies, no learning disabilities, no special needs children, and I doubly guaranty you no bipolar behavior at all. Ever. No doubt there were a few episodes, but never more than once, I’ll tell you.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Takeshi Makini: Chemistry, 1999. He invented S-Check, a spray for wives to apply to their husband’s shorts to see if he’s been cheating. For when the smell test doesn’t work, one supposes. I can find absolutely no information about the product anywhere, but I know I didn’t buy any.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
           All information was gathered early, I took the afternoon off and went for coffee at the Magnolia. Later, I walked over to the local club, the only one really downtown. And I have a blog-worthy incident to report. I never really “go drinking”, which I associate with bums who play pool or watch TV and guzzle till they drop. I at least have a notebook, and in this case a clipboard. I had been sketching the yard and other related items.
           Partially the result of that is this sneak preview of the living room and kitchen wing of the new place. This is not the whole building, just the front area. And it has ship-lap siding, which I can’t model, so the “log cabin” look is my doing. Like a dollhouse, the roof is removable to reveal the rooms and permanent fixtures.

           But I noticed one of the barmaids took an aversion to me. Well, I glanced at her, you know the story. Chunky, thirty-five, still slinging beer, used to be a babe, now all her clothes are too tight. So I let it go, what do I need women like that for? There are three barmaids in the joint. Well, I got the story on this later.
           Okay, I’m new in town. Around a year ago, so federal knucklehead with a badge and pistol started going door to door, tapping his card on the windows. Then inside, he subjected the business owners to stringent and lengthy questioning. He was particularly hard on drinking establishments, demanding to know the contents of every bottle in the place, including the pickle jars. And guess what? He had a clipboard just like mine. He was looking for trouble.
           And DC wonders why they don't get no respect.

Last Laugh

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