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Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6, 2016

One year ago today: May 6, 2015, about an aging actress.
Five years ago today: May 6, 2011, awkward Kumbaya limp-wrist.
Nine years ago today: May 6, 2007, back when it was Thailand.
Random years ago today: May 6, 2009, when Nokia was still reputable.

           My buddy who works in the Saskatchewan Tar Sands sends this photo of a forest fire outside his back window. The blaze is reported by satellite to be the size of New York City. You can watch this video to get some idea of the scale of this event. The CBC, the Canadian state television, has not covered the story except by political statements. Then again, the CBC has the largest known budget in the western world for staff “sensitivity training”. Musn’t offend viewers with the truth, now.
           The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting System) is modeled on the BBC (British Broadcasting System) which is modeled on inbred bureaucracy, nepotism, and primogeniture. The BBC used to, however, produce top-notch documentaries before they went astray some twenty years ago. Now they produce "docutainment".

           In local news, a Miami tow truck driver refused to haul a vehicle that had a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. What do I think? Easy one, I think the driver is an idiot, but an idiot perfectly within his rights to refuse anyone service. Naturally, the lady driver said this was “bigotry”, but she would say that. Ha, the driver told her if she wanted a tow she could “go call the government”. Ha! Good one. And did you see that clip about the Frenchman who sued the government because his job was boring? Get read, DMV.
           While packing away my extra food reserve, I notice the box of canned vegetables. I paid for 24 cans of mixed veggies, but instead, inside the carton all the cans were of a far higher quality product. I’m not saying what, but the cover story is “asparagus”. I just had a full meal of nothing but that, with butter and salt. What a bonus. Come on natural disaster, I’m ready. Got my coffee, got my tea, now I got my asparagus, a word that most people cannot spell backwards from memory. Try it.

           My news feed says there is a new meetup in town, for “Wisconsonites”. I only paid attention because I thought they were “Wisconsinonians”. Yes, I’m watching silver. My favorite part of the silver graphs? The upper right-hand quarter. Here’s another club for real estate investors. I’ve been to those, it’s all about buying within the system, which is plain dumb. I’d attend a seminar on how to screw the system, that would be worth the admission. Here’s a book club that caught my eye. The blurb capitalizes that the club is CO-ED, like wow, man.

Wiki picture of the day.
Refueling, circa 1923.

           This contraption was an improvised tank built in New Zealand in 1941, when the threat of Japanese invasion seemed certain. With at least three machine guns and whatever is in that turret, it would probably have held its own against Japanese equipment. The Japs never developed tanks as they did not envisage a war fought on flat, dry land. The NZ tank looks top-heavy but watch this video to see it actually has a remarkable independently slung track system.
           When the old-timers tell you never to volunteer for anything, it was probably hardware like this that motivated their thinking. My opinion is the only really effective armored cars and home-made tanks in warfare, as opposed to civil war, were the Soviet models seen in the same video. If you’ve never seen the armored cars made by civilian companies, you should take the time to watch the full video, which sadly lacks narration.
           Most amusing to me were the John Deere American models, which required more men to operate the guns that could fit on the tractor. And on some of the British makes, the armor is really concrete painted to look like armor.

           It’s resolved if the doggie-poo place is still on the market by Monday, we take another look. My contention that the offers higher than ours are falling through is totally supported by my team, but there are other explanations. What if it is a team acting in concert? That is not inconceivable. Or what if they all find out something we don’t, being 200 miles away. I’m not busting my chops, Friday is my day off and I’m having a rare lazy day. Might as well enjoy it.
           JZ has relatives in Tampa, I sort of recall his sister saying that. As soon as I mentioned the place, he wants to go fishing. I’m on board for that, ha, ha. I still have never gone out with a fishing pole and bait. I never saw the open ocean until I was 29. And after that, why bother? What you gonna catch out there, a millionaire widow? The biggest fishing fans I know are trying to get away from women.

           Here’s an item. I came upon a video of the trial of Saddam Hussein. It was in Iraqi, which I do not speak, but my vision is great. It was clear he was not allowed to defend himself properly. If he explained a question, the “judge” cut him off. If he was interrupted while answering by anybody in the room, the same judge allowed it to continue. It was clear also that the judge was working from prepared notes and Hussien was not even given a pencil to make notes.
           I’m not endorsing Hussein, but I know a bloody kangaroo court when I see one. The judge was obviously somebody’s puppet. It would not be the first time American media has re-written the history. I do not know if it was the trial that convicted Hussein, but what I saw was preposterous.

Ig Nobel Prize Winners

           Ron Popeil: awarded 1993 prize in “Consumer Engineering” for invention of the infomercial and thus “redefining the industrial revolution”. For the awards committee it was easy, they merely overlooked the fact is was actually Ron’s father who invented the Veg-O-Matic, the Inside-The-Shell Egg Scrambler, and the Pocket Fisherman.
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           I’m trying to design a small breadboard that has a built in plastic or wooden battery clip. It’s a hassle to chase around for a battery supply every time you want to design something, so it’s anybody’s guess why there isn’t a battery clip compatible with those plastic breadboards that have been around since day one. And I’ve got a documentary on the Italian campaign in North Africa playing that, despite a recent production, is so pro-British it is nauseating. Then along come the Germans who are automatically all Nazi, with “the best equipment the Germans had”, mainly because it was the only equipment they had, and superbly trained for the desert. Where? There are no desert wastelands in Germany and we know they didn’t substitute Detroit.

           Trivia. Only leap years beginning on a Sunday and common years beginning on a Thursday have three occurrences of Friday the 13th, in February, March and November. This will not be on the exam.

Last Laugh

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