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Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016

One year ago today: June 10, 2015, hipster starter kit.
Five years ago today: June 10, 2011, printer parts, courtesy HP.
Nine years ago today: June 10, 2007, that’s slim, not skinny.
Random years ago today: June 10, 2010, the scoot coupe.

           I have not got the brand name yet, but this is the before and after of my pal’s $3,000 new floor. It looked nice in the picture last May 28, but see here. That gouge came out of it just sliding the furniture back into place. Vinyl or not, that is unacceptable these days. If you call it flooring material, there is an implication of durability. We’ll get you the brand name soon.
           The [tropical storm] arm of Colin has passed, so I’ve packed up a truckload of boxes for the first big run out. When that will be, I can’t say and probably wouldn’t, anyway. Everything is in order and on schedule, all you have to do is wait and the good news will follow. Actually, that was a dumb thing to say because the caliber of people who read this blog are not likely to sit around for anything.

           What’s this, a price bump has already moved through the area? I can tell when my search criteria finds nothing. All that is left in my price range are mobile homes without the land. Let me widen the search and up the ceiling. Let me double-check. Yep, prices up $9,000 in the cities and $5,000 in the smaller towns. This is not clever buying on my part, but a trend that occurs every summertime in this general area.
           One new item is the need for ground transportation in both south and central Florida. The bottom line is I cannot sever my situation completely for a while. I would still have to make certain trips back to this area and cannot rely on anybody else to get around. That brings up the second motor scooter or a small motorcycle. If I buy one, I would need to park it. Can’t be JZ’s, there is no room. Could be Fred’s, but then to crash, I have to drive the 33 miles to JZ’s anyway. Give me some time to ponder this.

Wiki picture of the day.
Blast the Jap.

           The storm returned which sent me to the library to continue my recent and sudden interest in floors, walls, and siding. JZ mentioned terrazzo, which I thought was some kind of fancy linoleum. Do you know the stuff? It is granite and marble chips poured in a rosin concrete, then ground to a polish. I’ll pass, though if you got the money, they say it stays cool in the summer. I’m prepared now for just about anything we find on tearing up that bathroom floor. And I have the technology ready for the repair.
           The bathroom is directly inside the building from the corner where I found the termite bridge. It feels spongy but since it is more recent than the flooring of the rest of the building, that could be a number of things. I have packed up enough tools to completely replace the joists, although more likely I will bolt on sister boards. The books I read say not to tear up old wood flooring, but don’t give a reason. I’ve done it before without a hitch.

           Shown here are some photos of typical floors from the joists up. I see moisture barrier or rosin paper has become a big deal, yet many of the texts say it is fine to lay a hardwood floor right down on the joists without a subfloor or underlayment. Myself, that subfloor is vital to a strong building and well within my price range for materials. What would you do?
           I’ll leave the decision until I consult with JZ for the primal reason that the “second pair of eyes” concept works amazingly well for us, considering we squabble over most everything else. On my own, I’d err on the side of caution, yet he might point out that new oak flooring is cheaper and better than what I want to do. I want to double the joists and block them. JZ uses nails, where I prefer deck screws and lag bolts. My robots do not fall apart.

           The library on the circle is the nearest open of Fridays, but it is also the hangout of noisy immigrants, dry-hacking smokers, stumbling drunks killing time till dark, and whiskey-voiced women talking nonsense on the cell phone. The whole contingent was out in force, as visibility was down to a half block, if you can extrapolate that from this photograph taken at 1:00PM.
           I was equipped with earplugs and a fixed scowl, enough to get me by the whole afternoon without much ado. I only had to move twice, once because of a black sucking in his snot, and again when some 40-year-old skank sits next to me and starts playing Boy Zone on her tinny iPad speakers just loud enough to get through. Irish music hasn’t evolved much since U2 proved later on they could electronically recycle even the stalest of American disco-pop.
           Here’s a Florida library survival tip. If you want peace and quiet for an hour, book one of the computers and just use the table space. That’s the only floorspace they are remotely apt to enforce the quiet rule. Just don’t count on it. Floridians will go strange if they think you are beginning to rely on their ineptitude.

           Yes, I confirmed the Google search rules have changed to avoid positive coverage of Trump. Following on with that are dozens of anti-Trump sites who have begun to post titles that are pure click-bait. Good, it confirms what America already suspects—nobody can win against Trump unless the media resorts to fossilized dirty tricks. They were so comfortable with their politically correct ploys that they are mentally incapable of anything new and are at a complete loss when the non-PC candidate surges ahead.
           Finally, I waited for a lull and drove home, getting only half-soaked. Lots of congratulatory e-mails over the new place, including an invite to blueberries and pancakes—if I can get to Seattle. You see, diets don’t count when you are out of town.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Vatican: Economics, 2004. To save money and make up for diminishing numbers of priests, the Catholic Church has begun to outsource prayers to India. A spokesperson defended the practice, stating that once the prayer is paid for in advance, it does not matter to “all the gods” who does the praying. Whoops.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           I’ve completed my research on floors and flooring. I’m satisfied nothing has changed since I worked on a framing crew during summer breaks back in university. There is more emphasis on plastic waterproofing materials, which I agree with and will use. Otherwise, now is the time to start pounding stakes and nails. I have a contact at a paint company (Behr) who guarantees me he’s got a product that will completely rejuvenate the siding material, providing it is not wormy or rotted. It isn’t, I checked, it is a good thirty years newer than the rest of the house.

Blog rules, I must report anything outstanding, even if it is negative. Y’day was my lowest blog readership in 10 years. Normally Thursday is just another day. On this one, from the entire planet, I had but 31 hits. I suppose one could argue that I’ve never had a day with zero hits, ever. In fact, I rarely have an hour without a hit, but today between 12:00PM and 1:00PM, I had nothing. The perspicacious reader could calculate if 31 is a daily minimum, in ten years that is still 113,227 hits and that is nothing to sneeze at.
           Does this change anything? Nope. I don’t write for brownie points. But readership indicates appreciation and the patterns show that I have a solid core following. Could be everyone took the day off and went fishing. It isn’t always easy trying to bring quality articles and still retain the direction of a personal journal. All I’ll say is that I honestly do delve into all the topics I bring up here, I’m don’t go out there and purposely do anything because it is blog-worthy. This is the fourth low-count day this month, so I’ll review what features are most popular.
           The blog will endure, if even in abbreviated form. Overall readership is still in the thousands per month, more than enough to keep me writing. The sting of social media remains, I remind you this blog and most others never did fully recover from the decline of September 2014 to September 2015 when the texters became a majority. By comparison, my posts must read like epistles.

           Damn, silver is ailing. Here’s another chart segment showing, in my fantasy opinion, the mechanations of the banksters to micromanage each tiny uptick. However the price is remains over $17 per ounce, the critical price at which the sellers cannot deliver [physical metal] to the buyers—rather by handing them silver certificates.
           This is the Hong Kong market this morning, where the majority of trading is real silver. London is mixed, but with paper still dominating. In a few hours the New York paper stock exchange will kick in another attempt to pull the price back into banker turf. Lately, New York seems only able to dampen rather than depress.

           Meanwhile, I’m the one on edge. You see, I make money whether the market goes up or down, same as a broker, just not as much. The distress here is when the market does nothing. Like with silver, a nothing market ties up good money for no good reason. Yeah, well it’s been nearly a business cycle since the last run and silver is still an excellent bet.
           Face it, pundits, the dollar did not collapse on May 28, and that particular morning I went out for coffee twice. I repeated that performance this morning, with toast and jam on the side. Since the new property brought everything but the essentials to a [complete] standstill, I have enough cash to do as I please the rest of this month. So, I’ll go to the library and the foreign cinema, maybe.
           Later, cancel the movie, rain. I don't like the Israeli films that much.

Last Laugh

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