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Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016

One year ago today: June 12, 2015, yes, you can beat spider.
Five years ago today: June 12, 2011, definition of practical nurse.
Nine years ago today: June 12, 2007, guitar practice.
Random years ago today: June 12, 2013, the Trump breakfast.

           Finally, I got you a pic of the pineapple. It’s abandoned, but one of those traditional American landmarks—a roadside food stand with a sign the shape of what’s for sale. If I’m not mistaken, this was a 1950s trend begun by a donut shop in California. Before long, there were buildings the shape of milkshakes and ice cream cones. This is just south of Sebring, Florida. We stopped nearby to tour a display lot of prefab storage sheds and that is what I want.
           But we’re just looking as at the moment all my cash is kind of tied up. That tends to happen with large purchases. We spent half the day speculating why the floor was uneven, whether some of those tree branches actually bump the roof in a windstorm, figuring costs of knocking down the dead tree, and drinking pots of Sunday morning tea.

           Notably, there was not even one person seen on the streets all weekend. The Bible belt. This is so different from the third world rat-race of Miami that JZ is talking of buying his own place immediately. That’s a different story, in that I’m cautious who I let into my place and he isn’t. Consequently, he’s had everything from coin collections to expensive stereo needles go missing and I have not. Remember, I’m not the guy who told you that. It’s probably no secret, but I ain’t takin’ chances.
           I was right, the town is closed on Sundays. We had to fast-food breakfast at the Burger King. And between you and I, the south Lakeland BK is not the best. My research confirms all the citrus trees on my property and the neighborhood have the greening disease. Odd name, because the trees turn a pale or pastel color. The BK has a TV lounge so it was inevitable I heard the news. Another massacre, this time in Orlando at a night club. Always, it is a frustrated nothing male like my brothers who suddenly encounters the real world and realizes what a loser he is and it’s his own fault.
           And I contend that somebody knew the guy was a murderous prick. I don’t care who it was, but I don’t buy that nonsense that nobody suspected a thing.

Wiki picture of the day.
Helen Keller

           JZ got those bags of leaves out of the back yard. In the hot noon sun. The same time slot I opt for a siesta next to the air conditioner. I think he just wanted to use his pitchfork. The guy has a pitchfork. Figure that one. Bowing to popular request, here is a photo of the ribs from the Palmdale Cracker y’day. You be careful, this term “cracker” has more than one definition. It is a native-born white Florida settler. From the sound of their cattle whips.
           It is also a derogatory term used by blacks to describe whites they don’t like. The reverse equivalent of the n-word, except it seems entirely to say it if you are black. Even in a courtroom. I’m moving into a predominantly cracker area, in that case. It has all the cracker problems. Low crime, quiet nights, zero drug use, helpful neighbors. I hope I can assimilate.

           Make no mistake about it, the new place needs work and I have to keep reminding JZ that I accepted that condition years ago when I started looking. He thinks I got too good of a deal. My plan stays on track, I’m going to remove one panel of drywall in each room to see what is between the wall studs. I’ve done this type of thing before so nobody is going to convince me it is a major undertaking requiring hundreds of hour and thousands of dollars. I always did intend to move those air conditioners out of my beautiful double-hung windows and into proper wall mounts. I’ll be cutting drywall anyway.
           Nor will I commit to any strategy until after I see what’s there, but I will say if there is no insulation, then all the gyproc is coming down. And if I do that, I’m rewiring the place to three prongs and data lines. My major concern is the uneven flooring and that’s largely going to be investigated when I rip up the bathroom floor. That’s a central location in the house and is better idea than crawling under the house for a look. JZ says the flooring is too old to remove, I say I won’t know until I try. Besides, I priced out new wood flooring and it isn’t that bad.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Steven Stack: Medicine, 2004. Thanks, Steve, for explaining how country radio music increases the white suicide rate. “The effect is independent of divorce, southernness, poverty, and gun availability,” Steve goes on to say. But only in the rural population. Get Steve to figure out how to pump this music into government offices.
           Yes Stevie, we picked up your award was in medicine, not music.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           Storage sheds. There is a sales lot on highway 27 just north of Lake Placid. Why did I chose one so far away? That’s easy. The lot is open, no salespeople, each model is unlocked so you can inspect, and inside the price is marked on a card. This is the only way that most things should be sold. They are what I expected. And they are pretty nice. While totally unfinished on the inside (expect for electric outlets), many of they are mini-cabins complete with lofts.
           The prices for the biggest and best topped out at $7,500. I can afford that, but I won’t. The construction is so simple, I’ll start hunting for a kit. I’ve got nearly 32 feet of open width in the far back yard, so the biggest of these sheds will fit in there with room to walk around the sides. There can be little doubt I will opt for an indoor garage, fully air conditioned.

           This photo shows a shed kit around the $2,400 range. It has the basic layout that I want, but I’ll go for a real garage. To park my batbike. The garage door on the right, matching my driveway. And a workshop to the left. I want a workshop at least 18 feet long. This shed is too small plus I want something considerably deeper. When I work on something, I want room to walk around the entire project. If we make another trip this week, I’d like to take my work desk up there. The one I have my drill press mounted on.

Last Laugh
Seems legit.

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