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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21, 2016

One year ago today: June 21, 2015, JZ & I make a plan.
Five years ago today: June 21, 2011, mahogany poisoning?
Nine years ago today: June 21, 2007, the sickest things on TV.
Random years ago today: June 21, 2009, I predicted the Dark Web.

           The morning in the beautiful Lakeland library, where even if they know you, they still want to see your ID to use a computer. Who knows, maybe your ID changed or expired since y’day. These things are of vital importance to the routines of the staff. If you didn’t know better, you’d be inclined to think they owned the books. Or something. The whole concept of requiring ID for "strangers" to use a public library is putrid. It's not like there is some identifiable mass crime wave in progress. They say it doesn't make any difference, but they still insist. Only a dodo doesn't think twice about that.
           I got my hot little hands on the property deed this morning. At which point I refused to talk to anyone else, or sign any more documents, or fill out any more forms. I politely told all the parties concerned they can forget it. It [the deed] was the only paperwork I had ever wanted, I was just being polite to them until it was mine. How do you like me so far? Folks, I will never forget what happened the last time I signed a "standard form" without questioning every clause. That was the worst financial mistake I ever made. I can smell a disguised credit application a mile away. I used to drive a Cadillac, you know.

           [Author's note: it turns out they were indeed trying to slip me some bogus documents to sign. A county petition, a voter's registration form, an authorization to "fund-raise" me for school bus donations, a credit form stating the city could target my bank account if I didn't pay the electricity bill, and an "assessment" to send retarded adults to summer camp. Like I can afford to even send myself to summer camp.
           This folks, I'm sad to say, is the type of corporate bullshit you must now be on constant guard for. Always ask if signing is compulsory, if they can withhold service if you don't sign, and if there is a penalty, is the penalty something easier to live with than the consequences of signing. These people are not your friends.

           Next, I drove around until I found the local mom & pop coffee shop. Alas, the hours are incompatible, but they let you sit there and read a book. By page 100, I can recommend this book as a good “spy” novel, but also a work of contemporary political concerns. When I spotted that, I looked up the background of Brad Thor, and he is an obvious creative writing grad.
           The thing is, he uses existing world affairs which the bad guys will no doubt find touchy material. I understand some of the books are banned in Saudi, a sure sign it contains too much truth and too many facts. If any of my readers regard my stance on bad government as unique, just read this guy. He compares the huge federal behemoth as “Jabba the Hutt”. A worm that sends out his minions to quash anything that might try to curb his growth.
           And he roundabout describes why war between the USA and China is inevitable.

Wiki picture of the day.
Buying Alaska.

           It didn’t take me long to determine the next layer of corruption in Florida. It formerly did not concern me, but homeowner’s insurance stinks to high heaven. Just you try to get a quote out of somebody. The going rate appears to be 1% of the purchase price plus $400 each for riders like fire, flood, and wind. The system is geared to gouge those who MUST by contract carry insurance, but coverage is not compulsory if there is no mortgage. Thus, I will continue to shop around, including the option of private insurance not associated with Florida.

           Take a peek at this screen that pops up when you request a quote. What is your gender and date of birth? How would you rate your credit history? Sounds to me like the value of the asset being insured is secondary. Florida rates have been going up 109% per year, with the average annual total of $1,990 the highest in the nation. I gave up trying to get a quote on the home that did not involve more of my private information than about the value of the house.
           If you have time, here is a disturbing report about insurance company fraud. Corruption is rampant as the companies find it more profitable to bribe politicians and lawmakers than to pay valid claims. They often target legitimate claimants who they know do not have the means to fight back.
           Time to call in the lawyers, Mr. Trump. Meanwhile, I’m driving 12 miles to the Sweet Magnolia for coffee and salad. My physiology is adapting to the slower pace of life. I don’t mind at all, because even when I have lived in the largest cities, home was always a place where I could shut out the rat race. Want to party? We do it at your place. Want to sail, we use your boat. Now you get the idea. Want to read, relax, study, rehearse, and other productive activities, then we can use my place.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Nic Svenson: Mathematics, 2006. Along with another Australian named Piers Barnes, these guys calculated the odds of taking a group photo where nobody had their eyes closed. Sorry, no URL. It was there, but I must have blinked.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           Never heard of the Polk County Flotilla? Neither had we, but that was the explanation given for the big empty town last week. Everybody was at the lake. It seems they tie a bunch of boats and barges together and the Coast Guard puts on a show. Personally, I’d like to see the Coast Guard disbanded as they have proven incapable of stopping the invasion of rafts from Cuba.
           I have plenty of company in the State who feel the same. This country does not need any more ceremonial outfits who with billions in funding can’t even “guard” 50 goddam miles of sparsely inhabited coastline.

           The area around Winter Haven contains the headwaters of the Peace River. It’s a chain of 50 small lakes covering 5,200 acres. And the water is ice cold. Some of the lakes are connected by canal. The actual river sources are mostly in protected park areas, such as shown in this photo.
           I’ve hesitated to unpack, hoping that the house could be tented for termites before I moved in. No such luck. They can’t show up until mid-July and I’m kind of obligated to use the service recommended by the nice lady I asked. It also means I’ll have more time to move. To think it over, I went to the new club and wrote a letter to Marion. In pencil.

           How about this incident of the Ft. Meyer’s gang-bang. Sixteen arrests with accompanying literature stating the students were disciplined. Yes, it is regrettable that in our day and age, there are still adults who are too closed-minded to admit teenagers are sexual creatures. Disciplined? The "adults" involved with that are the laughing stock of the school system. We've all met the brand of adults who are against teen sex.
           Adults who try to ban others from natural behavior have a repugant mindset called “prohibition”. The incident involved 15 boys and 1 teenage girl, all under 16 years of age. I’m not saying it was right or wrong. I’m saying it is the responsibility of the parents and the government and police should not be involved. Florida law allows consensual sex within ridiculous age limits, and I believe it should be respected that neither the girl or her parents wish to press charges.

           Imagine, the courts dictating who can have sex. No good will come of this. I will say it again and again, police who arrest children for “sex crimes” need to be taught a lesson about respecting people’s liberty. Unless there is some other crime also committed in connection with the teens, the police need to go do their job elsewhere. And this whole nonsense of making an example of only the teens who got caught is what needs to be prohibited.
           Note, one of the boys was over 16 years old and has been charged with sex crimes, ruining his entire life even if found innocent. It is only and always the males who get “disciplined” and charged. That says all you need to know about the mentality of the police or the government who enforce sex laws against teenagers.

           [Author’s note: I believe this entire federal interference into the country’s sex activities will backfire. Like happened when they outlawed alcohol, they made criminals out of so many ordinary citizens that disrespect for the law was the ultimate result. Soon, there will be an entire generation of teems entering adult society who will have no use for age of consent laws and who will attach no shame or discrimination against those with such records. It will breed yet another layer of discontent against the non-elects bound on regimenting this once-free country.
           If you think otherwise, you’re siding in principle with the same assholes who said weed would never be legalized. Face it, some people have no concept of leaving other people alone. Sit down, Patsie.]

Last Laugh

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