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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 28, 2016

One year ago today: June 28, 2015, early real estate looked at.
Five years ago today: June 28, 011, Kenora is a town in Canada.
Nine years ago today: June 28, 2007, 25 million illegals?
Random years ago today: June 28, xxxx, WIP

           There are two more truckloads to the new digs. One of those trips will involve an unusual cargo. It's been five years since the toothpicks were moved. If you don't know about the toothpicks, that's so sad. Back in 2002, me and a guy from work counted one million toothpicks just so we could see what a true million of anything looked like. Most people have no idea. Some think they do, but they are wrong. They are either looking at the outside edge of a pile (pyramids, Great Wall, money) or they do not know when to stop looking (grains of sand). No, Sparky, I have seen exactly one million objects more often than any other human being in history. Ever. And those who say otherwise are not thinking very deeply.
           The sudden emergence of the toothpicks again is easy to explain. They make money just sitting there. Of course, they are not currently on display, but when they are, it is something people will pay a dollar to see. These were the star attraction at the San Diego County Fair in 2003. That was indeed a most memorable undertaking. The plan has always been to find some business that uses the display as a draw and we split the donations 80/20. Yes, that's 80 for me. Why? Because I can set up the show in my front yard and keep 100, that's why. Trust me, all of us are going to need extra cash income when we get old. Only the insane trust the government any more. And only the truly stoopid don't think that far ahead.

           Ah, I found a valid picture for the day. These photos aren't random, you know. They are hand-picked, and however blurry you may think, you never know if that may be intentional. But my philosophy has always been that, blog-wise, any picture is better than none. When we arrived this afternoon, there had been a terrific wind-storm on the previous Sunday. So here is a small wheelbarrow of part of the tree limbs and leaves that were lying all over the road, yard, and driveway.
           Cleanup took half the afternoon but it is different you know, when it is your own place. Myself partially and some others more so are still in disbelief that the guy sold me this house in this neighborhood for such a low price. This trip in especially important, as we have planned to see if my newest theory of straightening the floor is viable. If so, that will lop off approximately $6,500 in renovation costs. Wouldn't that be something?

           JZ showed a few hours late, but remember, he still works for a living so these trips take him away from a certain amount of gainful activity. I rationalize the matter, saying that his free access to the digs and the chance to get away from the South Miami cesspool for a tank of gas is an overwhelming advantage.
           We cleared out ahead of a rainstorm and took the usual path up to Lakeland. Fun? Sure, we had one box fly off the truck on 27, so we had to turn around and go get it. Turned out it was all my freshly laundered socks. We did not stop at all, arriving in the suburbs at 6:30PM. There was evidence of a nasty storm. It took a half-hour just to clear the leaves and tree limbs off the street and rake leaves.
           And I'm still awestruck to find my pen drive, forgotten at the Lakeland Libary last week, was present in the lost-and-found bin, in original condition. When you live near Miami long enough, you learn that such acts of kindness and responsibility are the first casualty assimilation. I have no "proof" the two events are related, but I have plenty of proof those who deny it are naive simpletons.

           This is interesting. In the year 1830, it is estimated there were only 3,400 factories in the entire world. Most of them were in England, and most of them were sweatshops. I think MicroSoft is today's equivalent of a sweatshop. The workers are not hired for intelligence, the emphasis is on "teamwork". You know, where 9/10ths of the crew occupy their time figuring out how to get the real worker to do their job and still take the credit.
           Windows 10 does it again. The operating system shuts down your anti-virus when the screensaver cuts in. You can't leave it overnight to scan, and since it only works when you are using the computer, it is there to use up resources right when you need them the most. And you do need them most, because Windows 10 has gone ballistically top-heavy on overhead and gimp features. It takes so long to move a file they even put a little display on the screen so Millennials thing it is flying along. I mean, who even comes up with this shit? Cretins, that's who.

Last Laugh

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