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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20, 2016

One year ago today: July 20, 2015, anemic albino blonde one?
Five years ago today: July 20, 2011, beware the L293D.
Nine years ago today: July 20, 2007, $7 in tips.
Random years ago today: July 20, 2012, on-line Scrabble.

           Silver plunges as the banks mean business this time. New York has finally got the cheats over in London back on the same page as they flood the market with bogus low-value paper swaps. And did you get a load that dork who killed his family in Czechoslovakia? What a shit-head, trying the old American “voices in my head” defense in a foreign court. He’s lucky he only got life. They should string him up by the thumbs.
           Here's a photo that almost did not make the grade. That's JZ cutting tar paper at warp speed. Have you heard the latest prediction date for currency collapse is September 27th? Another Tuesday, end-of-worlders love a Tuesday. Watch the link, it’s a hoot as long as nothing happens. But the reality is the US government has been paying its debts by just printing up the money. That's right, even your tax refund is phony money.

           And for the millions of people who don’t want Windows 10 but keep getting those annoying popup messages, there are plenty of sites that tell you how to uninstall update KB3035583. That is the GWX (Get Windows 10) file the bastards at Redmond slipped into your system disguised as an update. It is not an update, it is yet another MicroSoft virus. Remember “Windows Genuine Access”? Same douchepunks at it all over again.
           I’m further running out of material for both the Wiki pic of the day and the Ig Nobel prizes. Not all their posts are suitable for this blog and I have no suitable replacements for when those run out. Therefore, I’m going to the coffee shop for the bulk of today to sit around like I used to in university. Because it was easier to study there than at home. Better lighting too, if I recall. In university, I lived in a semi-heated attic and rode the bus. Meaning I missed about 20% of my early morning lectures. You know, during university, I only ever met one other student whose parents did not buy him a car. Tex. His mother was a widow.

Wiki picture of the day.

           A lot of home time in this now empty unit at the trailer court. The place has little nostalgia for me, since my purpose was to buy a house and that is mission accomplished. But plenty did happen here, from the sidecar to my journeys to a lot of music and projects ranging from navigation to electronics. Then, that is a function of having my own place more than special effort on my part. You see, when I’m halving the rent, it is unlikely I would trust the other person enough to set up a really big venture. In the case of the people I’ve known since 2008, that was a wise move.. Bunch of cheating liars, anyway.
           I’m really only here to sell the place, and I’m prepared to lower the price until that happens. Prime time is October, but if I wait until then, I’ve lost most of the capital gain in rentals. The answer is to take the first real offer that tempts me.

           This photo won’t make much sense unless I fill in the details. It is here because it worries me and I don’t usually worry. That is the oak flooring that was removed from the bedroom. It has since been moved away from the building but nobody knows if this wood is a potential re-infestation source. If I leave it in the back yard, it may be infested. If I stack in against the house to get fumigated, it provides a termite bridge. And whoever knows the answer isn't saying. There does not appear to be any termite damage on any of the oak. So the picture rates [publication today] because if I’m wrong, I’m out a thousand bucks. And I don’t normally throw away that kind of money. And that is hard money, not some credit card splurge.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           ISTAT: Economics, 2014. These are “the boys” who, when faced with strict European Union mandates, included Mafia revenues such as prostitution and drug sales into their calculation of the Italian GNP. This is formally known as “The Florida Model”. It "kind of" explains why the southern Europeans are not northern Europeans. And never will be.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           In an hour I’ve only learned the first four lines of “I’ve Been Everywhere”. Maybe I should develop a mnemonic but that might be worse than the rote memory exercise. I brought back my Ibanez so I’m reviewing my repertoire. If I plug in a dozen old standards, I’ve got my set, meaning I could go out and solo. I probably will as soon as I get familiar with my gear. I have never used the Fishman and headset to play a solo guitar set, you know. Hasn’t happened yet.
           Here’s a photo that gets rated as most boring of the day. The explanation is the termite tent is finished by now and this tarpaper and insulation work is now the most expensive stage. I can only say this combination seems to be as effective with air conditioning as it is with heat in colder climates. The decision to insulate the floor brings the cost of renovating this single room to nearly $1,000.

           That’s materials only. Labor is either free, not recorded, or [it may be] capitalized as a direct expense. Who is going to be brave and go up into that attic next trip? The only alteration to the structure at this point is the relocation of the air conditioner to its own bracket instead of that tacky window mount. And, in the scheme of things, $1,000 is not that bad, considering what it adds to the house price.
           At noon tomorrow, I start advertising this place for sale on a larger scale. The local buyers have all been disqualified or did not come up with the coin. I’ve established that deadline despite the likelihood of disappointing a few who I know are very interested. Remember, compared to renting a room or studio in this area, my place is paradise.

           According to PerfectBlog, the perfect blog contains 1,149 words, 3.2 pictures, a story line, and engages the reader for seven minutes. Hmm, this blog was originally that in hand-written form. They should also have a number in the six-word title, short words to start (duh), and a featured picture to the right of the page.
           There should be liberal use of subheadings, contain sound bites, allow comments and have 9.96 links. They also target Saturday and Sunday readers. I’d say most of that is a judgment call. Blogs intended to be read at the office should not have any sound and if you want comments, go to YT. A high number of daily hits smacks of a geared down blog, clickbait for the masses. Perfect blogs come and go.
           The study, of course, cannot qualify content. Like the Nobel Prize committee, there’s nobody on staff who understands the subject matter well enough to rate it good or bad. And as for their assessment of the ratio of readers who scroll to the bottom, that can be affected by including a Last Laugh feature. Ha!

Last Laugh - maybe a repeat but still a hoot.

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