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Monday, July 25, 2016

July 25, 2016

One year ago today: July 25, 2015, first house inspection, Florida.
Five years ago today: July 25, 2011, I expended massive brainpower.
Nine years ago today: July 25, 2007, this is Dixie Highway.
Random years ago today: July 25, 2008, quite the day.

           Have you ever heard of an air curtain? Not me, so here is a link. I’ve walked through similar open doorways mentioned in the video, but it seems to me there would have to be a massive downrush of air to make these things work. I did not notice anything except the transition to cool. I’ll watch for one in action next time I visit the mall. I wonder if the make them for porches? The literature says they keep out insects. You learn something every day. Well, I do anyway.
           Later, I learned they do come in six-foot lengths for patios. If they work for patios, they will work for porches. Wouldn’t that be unique, a screenless air conditioned porch? I would only need six units. As usual, whenever I find something new to me, there are no real sources of information. I can’t find a single adequate demo video of the air curtain, just sales pitches.

           Once the insulation is complete, the new kitchen is going to consume 77% of the electricity in the new place. During the renovations, I’ve decided to pay the extra few cents per dollar to make the place less dependent on the grid. Small concessions, like if I put in skylights, leaving enough space between [design components] for your standard size voltaic panels. Instead of converting to propane, I’m thinking more along covering the bases instead by having a small area in the proposed shed that is equipped for power outages. Newcomers be informed that propane is no longer cheap.
           If I didn’t say, the back yard is huge enough for a 34’ shed combination garage. I’m waiting today on a buyer, so maybe I’ll check the prices of propane appliances. Last time I looked a propane refrigerator was $2,500 but I did not shop around. And that was a full-size fridge, which I may not need. Seems I recall a propane specialty store in Nevada. Return later, I’m heading out for a store-bought breakfast.

           Ta-da, I completed the NYT weekend crossword. Including the usual names of people I’d never heard of. The Miami Herald has cheaped out. The weekend price is up to $3 and they’ve removed the Sunday local puzzle page. Raising prices and cutting features is not the cause of their weakening revenues. It is their constant pro-Cuban anti-American stance. A year later they still run articles based on half-truths and debunked accusations. Samples: Trump is racist (he isn’t) and Trump called Mexicans rapists (he didn’t) and that Trump will wreck the system—as if it isn’t already broken and the other candidates cannot possibly fix it no how.
           Soon, I hope to find another paper for my daily puzzle fix. You know, I missed it, but I’d rather watch Mrs. Trump plagiarize any speech than watch Hillary squint at the teleprompter for the most original material in the universe. And that plastic-faced Ted Cruz bozo just does not know when to quit. I’ve never heard any of his speeches; his slick manner puts me off after a couple of sentences. If not for Trump, I would not know the guy is alive. My interest remains economics, not politics.

Wiki picture of the day.
Hong Kong
(The stars are permanently invisible.)

           The movie I watch last day, “The Guilty” gets another recommendation. The category is: movie with the most plot twists that is still easy to follow. I’d say there are around 30 because every major character in the story is somehow related to or knows each other. I would have considered the story complete without the surprise ending.
           I found the store in Nevada and reviewed their merchandise. It’s called Ben’s. You know, since the propane fridge is more of an emergency backup, I was drawn to the smaller units, which are quite reasonably priced. This photo is a small propane fridge. Note set of controls along the bottom panel. For now, these appliances are luxuries and I have zero plans to actually buy one. Hey, that’s two things I learned today.

           You bet, there is still some hokus-pokus going on with the silver market. The big players are manipulating to the hilt but cannot get the price back down below the critical $17 per ounce. It continues to float back to just below $20 no matter what. Personally, I think the European Union is toast. The over-privileged ruling class is too corrupt for anyone’s sensibilities. Watch for a revolution to be downplayed in the newscasts as right-wing neo-Nazi movements composed of ordinary people in the streets.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Callum F.G. Ormonde, Colin L. Raston, Tom Z. Yuan, Stephan T. Kudlacek, Sameeran Kunche, Joshua N. Smith, William A. Brown, Kaitlin M. Pugliese, Tivoli J. Olsen, Mariam Iftikhar, and Gregory A. Weiss, : Chemistry, 2015. This is the team working on a chemical method of unboiling an egg. For practice, they put their names in a bucket, shake it, and try unscrambling that.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           I turned in early only to be awakened by a sound that has become unfamiliar. Rain on the roof of an empty building. The old place is empty except for the Spartan bed, table, and chair needed while I sell the place. Hence the rain on the roof creates a hollow echo inside that woke me up repeatedly. Okay, all you budding poets and songwriters, there’s a theme for a better country song than what’s out there.
           So I read some material on what’s happening in the army with camouflage. I can understand they are not telling us the good stuff, but I can’t understand why far more extensive use is not made of infrared detection. The best sensors can detect a quarter of a degree temperature difference and see through smoke, dark, and foilage. I thought maybe it is too expensive, but that’s wrong considering how the Pentagon wastes money. Want to make millions? Invent some kind of dummy that looks like the infrared signature of a soldier. Right now, the only way is to take hostages along.
           I also conclude the army is not or purposely not using infrared detection to seal off areas of enemy activity. The detectors are cheap, you can make one by removing the red filter off any old digital camera. It is ludicrous to watch some military type standing beside some mountains in Asia saying they can’t find the enemy. When, in fact, they can spot every fart and muzzle flash within twenty miles. Like Viet Nam, they seem more interested in continuing the war than winning it.

           Germany again. How many more have to die before they get over their guilt trip? My guess is only a couple hundred. The Germans have considerable experience dealing with religious and political fanatics in their midst. You have to love the way the media says there are not terrorist ties when they mean the police have not looked deeply enough yet. Merkel is a traitor, a completely indoctrinated traitor, pitiless on her own countrymen. War-like nations like China have proven for two millennia that the Liberal idealistic “homogenous population” is no a cure for violent aggression. Integration, my eye.

Last Laugh

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