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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2, 2016

One year ago today: August 2, 2015, early Trump comment.
Five years ago today: August 2, 2011, it’s the drawbridge thing.
Nine years ago today: August 2, 2007, Mary-Ann, the neighbor.
Random years ago today: August 2, 2008, kiosks, Colorado, $3 coffee.

           I already like this whole system of not paying rent. I’ve always disliked the old English system whereby rents and house prices were always kept high enough that the average worker could never quite afford his own place. True, other nations have the same system, but they don’t sell it the way the English do—or prevent you from building your own home by erecting a monstrous barrier of ordinances and zoning restrictions. Inquiries on this place have dropped to zero, which always happens on the first of the month. Here’s the schematic that appears in my on-line ads.
           If I can’t get any bites by usual means, I shall do the unusual. I know how long it takes the city to tell you to take down a sidewalk sign. Around 8,000 cars pass by on Federal every morning. The signs will only be up between 6:30 and 8:30 in the AM, but that should be enough.
           The recommended fastener for sister joists is 3/8-inch coach bolts 4-1/2 inches long. Not a problem until you find out what these puppies cost nowadays. With washer and nut, it’s $1.25 each, and I’ll need 44 of them for the east wing alone. That’s $55 plus tax, meaning I’ll spend nearly as much bolting wood as I did insulating the walls. And I have the gut feeling these prices will seem low in another year.

           You look at every other country where there was a real change of regime. Venezuela was a prime example. Certain consumer prices soar and the Liberal press has a field day. But what is really happening is the old corrupt government is giving way to a new corrupt government. The old payola kickback system is gone and prices begin to seek their more natural levels. The US is due for such a change when Trump gets in.
           My prediction for that is he will do as promised and root out the Veteran’s Admin, expect to save X billion dollars. But once he gets in there he’s going to find it is 10X billion dollars. Remember your macroeconomics money multiplier formulas. They apply to your tax dollars, too. When the Donald sees, that, he’ll go after other bloated rabble like those Forestry a-holes and the Department of Agriculture.
           Hence, if prices erupt under Trump, that’s good. It is shaking the crap out of the system. You know, I never did understand why in countries where there is famine or even not enough food, why is it the farmers remain poor? It doesn’t make common sense why the producers of food under such a system are not very wealthy indeed. Most American can no longer produce their own food.

Wiki picture of the day.
Yes, but what time is it?

           I’m in a cranky mood from mild jet lag. Mild as in I’m getting used to the trip now. So, listen to me gripe a bit, it can be informative when thinking people do it. And if I find any thinking people in South Florida, I’ll let you know. Here’s picture of my excellent subfloor to cheer me up. As far as I know, this is the best subfloor plywood commonly available. I hope you like the wood-grain pattern, because once in place, any additional floor covering has no urgency.

           Next I get a call from down south, remember Barbara, the redhead from Churchill’s. Kidney cysts, so she’s goner. Folks who saw us at Xmas year before last tell me I would not recognize her today. Duly noted. As silver heads for a two-year high after a steady climb since March. I put up the advertising as soon as the office staff left and was going to wait until dark. But a rainstorm soaked my new signs, good thing I used oil paint, huh?
           I figure I’ll put the signs up tomorrow and Thursday, and if no offers, I’ll strike out for Lakeland. Where the summer afternoons are not a trial by ordeal. Trent was on the line, he’s too busy to get away. I gave him the update on the new cabin. I’ll be happy when I get the place spruced up enough for company. Once I sent the payment for the fumigation this morning, the day’s work was done. Except for painting the signs, I mean.
           Ha, I like the way the media says Trump blasts the rigged system. They don’t seem aware how close it sounds to “trumpet blast”. Please tell me they know that because if not, they really are as stupid as he says.

           Let me spell something out for the weak-minded. I feel sorry for people with personal problems, but from a distance. There’s a big reason the problems are labeled “personal”. Put simply, I do not feel sorry for people who go public with their petty issues—and that includes suicide. That’s where I draw the line. I do not believe there are any more crazies or bipolar or disturbed or psychotic people around today than at any period In history. And that is why I’m getting annoyed at these “suicide by officer” shit-heads.
           Troubled teens? Give me a break. There were just as many loser dorks and pathetic nerds per capita throughout history. But you know what? They knew they were losers and most got over it. If there is more of anything today, it is self-absorbed dead-head males who know if they waste themselves they are going to get sympathetic coverage. It started with the American media. I mean, do you ever hear of a Russian or Australian suicide on the news? No, because they don’t glamorize it.

           What’s changed is the last two generations have been raised as wimps. They go through public school totally indoctrinated instead of educated. Around 15 the real world they’ve been cocooned from starts closing in. Damn, everybody isn’t equal. Damn, AIDS is not a just another disease anyone can get. Damn, letting all those illegals in wasn’t such a good idea after all. And adopting that lame politically correct attitude just to fit in isn’t working out like “they” promised it would.
           It seems as though today’s losers don’t know enough to crawl in a hole and die. Quietly. Read my lips, you bipolar types stay away from the airports. Loonies stay out of public parks and bus depots on those all too frequent days you forget to up your meds. I think most of society is beginning to see a pattern here where there should not be one. I’ve said it before—people who think they are special or their problems are unique have not been keeping up with the assigned reading.

           [Author’s note: my lack of tolerance for the imbalanced has nothing to do with their condition but a lot to do with allowing them to mingle with the population. I’m sympathetic for the extreme cases they lock up, but am not a fan of how they let the others wander around in public because they “are not a danger to themselves”. Bull! Somebody somewhere knows they are nut cases and are a danger to others. I cannot possibly be the only one who notices the behavior of these screwballs so strongly mimics that of extraordinarily spoiled children.
           Put another way, I am just not okay with how these marginal cases are continually excused for their conduct until it intensifies into public violence. I contend that even the casual observer soon clues in that rapid and assured punishment is splendidly more effective than namby-pamby counseling. Ain’t that a fact?
           I propose a new category of mental patient. You know how so many first-year students read a Psychology 101 text and think, “That’s me!”? There are a minority who read the same text and think, “That’s everybody else.”
           That’s the group I mean. I can’t coin a term for them on the spot, but rumor has it droves of them work for the State Department.

           My backyard tree is gone and I just got a direct lightning strike on the roof. What an experience that was, I’ve been near but never hit like that before. Yes, you can hear the boom and so can any dishes left in the cupboards. I suspect most people are so stunned they don’t hear the instant boom. No worry, all my computer equipment is completely jolt and volt protected, so I’m back in business. I miss my pepper tree.
           It knocked the office router out, that thing has never worked right and cannot be auto-reset. I’m not sure what I’ll do for service at my new place. Right now there is no outside communication except AM/FM radio. No television, no Internet. Isn’t it odd that cable TV can restart, but not a modem. Ah, but I have a good book, “Fast Shuffle”. By David Black, an “award-winning journalist”. My book report so far says that you would have to be at least as old as me to follow his very dated writing. What is “loiding”? What’s a payphone? Who is Frank Sinatra and who told him he could sing?
           I’m offended by people who think jazz is some superior brand of music and that people who like it are aficionados. Have you ever seen one of these “aficionados” try to snap his (it’s always a he) fingers to the beat? They are pathetic old farts if you ask me. To me, jazz sounds messy and all over the place, a cacophony. Probably because that’s what it is. No wonder all those jazz musicians could float from band to band and nobody noticed.

           Since it is a significant item of the day, blog rules say I must tell you that the office is going out of their way to make this place difficult to sell. I can’t figure their motive, since they will get more money by letting me sell quickly. Instead, they have the ex-con groundsman follow you around in his golf cart, indicating that they have a long history of difficulty with tenants who merely want to move.
           Having said that, they are approachable if you even hint that you could cost them. Business is business and I reminded them there are many ways to calculate a percent. On that note, they said they would reconsider the application from the McDonald’s lady. I had her on the phone within five minutes, arranging to give her the forms later today.
           Since you are still here, I’ll tell you what loiding is. Older style padlocks and combination locks have a shackle that can be released by sliding a thin strip of metal down the shank. The process of picking a lock in this fashion is called loiding.

Last Laugh

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