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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 9, 2016

One year ago today: August 9, 2015, unwed mother epidemic.
Five years ago today: August 9, 2011, not on stage, not Friday night.
Nine years ago today: August 9, 2007, the toothpick Taurus.
Random years ago today: August 9, 2010, smells like Denmark?

           That woodpecker in the backyard never came back, but a knowledgeable source says it was a pileated. Yet, when I see this photo, I wonder. It doesn’t seem to me to fit what I saw. I’ll ask JZ but I’ve now found out there are 16 species of woodpeckers. Wait for more information.
           As my long-term readers lean back and say, “Aha, any disruption of routine spells out that something major is happening. I reply nope, not this time. Nothing is happening except waiting for one of my offers on this place to actually come up with the money. You see, waiting around for nothing is the dues you pay for associating with the working class. Over the centuries, the system has adapted to make every delay such that you get stuck for it. Personally, I think banks are the major culprits.
           While all this waiting is going on, I decide to take a glance at the state of things for Mr. Trump. Why not, since the radio stations here can’t pick up the real “Twilight Zone”. I see the establishment, still running scared, has resorted to the insidious stance that an outsider is not qualified to run the country into the dirt as fast as the insiders. And the establishment is embodied by that Hillary person, who has adopted the hard-bitten position of talking in circles, promising to “work with” everyone who is against Trump.

           That anti-Trump bunch are something else indeed. Made up mostly of people without the morality to get the facts. They still cling to the falsehoods that Trump said Mexicans were rapists when it is more than a fact he did not. You know, I have a theory about what causes Liberals. If interested, read today’s addendum.
           Anyway, I doubt her tactic of merely being against Trump, so obviously based on her hatred that he cannot be bought, is going to fool anybody with brains. At the same time, I recognize that most anyone with a brain is already politically committed that the fight is now over the mass of voters who don’t require getting the facts straight. And they are a large and dangerous mob, pointed out de Tocqueville.

           It’s amusing how around election time the incumbents begin to pretend the less-than-rich are important. Especially when there are television crews present. In all, the establishment’s response to Trump has been simplistic to the point of retardation—but nothing else worked for them. Their ads quote obscure polls based on carefully-worded questions that suggest an anti-Trump response, which shows how low they’ll stoop. Example, “Which candidate has made the most “racist” statements?” Well, it was Hillary. She hates white people who won’t vote for her.
           And in my book, the term “redneck” is also racist.

Wiki picture of the day.
Meanwhile in Estonia.

           Once again we get the Olympics dominating the airwaves. That, and the contrived “Zika” scare, hopefully it will work better than last years “ebola” fright. Anything that takes people’s minds off the 40 million unemployed, the wars, and the $20 trillion in debt is worth a shot, said the Liberals. I even watched a few minutes of women’s volleyball, which in my case should not in any way be likened to watching volleyball.
           I then went for coffee up the street and to work the crossword puzzle. Around a half-hour later, the manager asks if I drive a red scooter. I said yes and he said, not no more. In broad daylight on flat level ground, somebody drove into my scooter. And ran, a hit-and-run. Welcome to Florida, they also remember the Alamo, in their somewhat different perspective. And pushed me into the car parked next spot. Don’t worry, they got most of it on the parking lot video.
           The situation now is that I have my scooter started, but the body panels is bent, the jockey bin is cracked, and it is badly scraped up. I got it running and reported it to the police. The one lady witness was overstaying her visa and did not want to get involved. The car was a rental whose driver said she had bought extra insurance for dings and she did not want to get involved either. I got a repair estimate that is over half the price of a new scooter. And may soon file an incident report with the police. Last time I did that, I got a new scooter.

           Later, I think a firm offer has come through. JZ likes to point out it is 36% lower than my selling price and thinks I should be more hard-nosed. Then, he may not appreciate how badly I would like to be out of here. If the money arrives tomorrow, I’m leaving tomorrow. Once that first floor in the 509 bedroom gets leveled, I’m ready to move in. As it stands, I’ve only been there mainly weekends since June. People must be thinking I’m rich to do that.

           Here’s a photo of the 3D printer at the Lakeland library. The catch is, they want you to sign up for a $125 training course first. And we all know what happens when you show up at a Florida college to try to take a single course for self-interest. You don’t know? They sic some half-moron salesman “counselor” on you to insult or high-pressure you into a four-year program with an up-front student loan. These courses are nothing but bait to get you into the closing room. There may be exceptions, but not until further notice.
           Mind you, give me a chance to work with the staff, who know nothing about the printer at all. The sample chain I’m holding was not designed by anyone in-house. It’s another of those downloaded flunky files that convinces nerdy men with unfashionable eyeglasses that they are “power users”.

           I could not help notice it [the printer] is never in use. Unlike the room at the Ft. Lauderdale library, they don’t contract out the unit for commercial use. You don’t have to make an appointment three weeks in the future for a time slot.
While I’ve ruled out 3D printing as a plodding waste, having a unit free and handy puts a new shine on that. Make it “almost” free, you still have to buy the ABS [plastic]. Price it out next time you are in Radio Shack, where they sell it by the millimeter. Plus, the first two questions or so I asked the library staff reveal I may have been the only person present who had a clue what the printer was for.

Last Laugh

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