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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6, 2016

One year ago today: September 6, 2015, modern bragging contests.
Five years ago today: September 6, 2011, 51.86% in tips.
Nine years ago today: September 6, 2007, a confusing entry.
Random years ago today: September 6, 2012, Colorado drought grass.

           Here’s a photo I call “Slouching Motorcycles”. Note the smooth-ish green lawn and the single bush at the corner of the house. That’s the one [with the purple flowers] that has been causing rashes mostly everybody but me. So I just kept the one furthest from the kitchen door.
           Did you miss me? Five days with no Internet, think of all the extra reading you get, the break from Twitter and Facebook. So I’m taking the day off to do nothing. I just found out the nearest free ATM for me is 15 miles away. I have to drive half-way to Mulberry, a town I’d never heard of a year ago.

           I’m telling ya, there is no such thing as an envelope made that you can conveniently mail a business sized letter inside, I thought to remove that metal clasp from a manila envelope. Not easy, even though the metal tabs will break off soon enough, the clasp itself practically riveted to the paper seam. I’m the guy utterly convinced they purposely don’t make an envelope the right size to send somebody a stamped pre-addressed business letter.
           Wait, that’s inaccurate. They make the envelope, but it is either bubble wrap or has that metal clasp which is easily detected by post office scanning machines. The message is clear—they don’t want you sending anything pre-addressed back to yourself. Strange, since I cannot think of a single legitimate reason they do that, does that make it a conspiracy. The demand is certainly there. And remember about the kid who cried wolf—in the end, there was a wolf.

           Roy Rogers is still playing on the monitor. What a suck that guy was, but such is the stuff heroes are made of. Charm the women, beat up the men, no wonder whatever they called nerds back then loved this guy. Totally crude. Roy hangs around the saloon playing poker a lot. He’s always there just before a big fight breaks out. And he has a penchant for riding shotgun on stagecoaches full of gold immediately before a robbery. Still, you got to hand it to old Roy. When five people leave town, he knows which one to follow.

Picture of the day.
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           How do you like this picture? I call it Oak Marion. It is the smallest oak that I own, but also the nicest one in my front yard. I’m getting better with the stitching program, so you can see most of the tree, but the leaves at the very top are from another oak further back in the yard. None of my trees has a branch big and convenient enough for a swing. Can’t have it all, not at the price I paid.
           I didn’t really do nothing all day, try as I might. I removed everything from the bedroom in preparation for ripping up the floorboards again. I got the last try almost half done before spotting the flex in the joists. I contacted a carpenter friend who said this is not as rare as I supposed. But that reconfirms it: I’m done with trying to keep the boards original at all. Out with the old, in with the new. I’m learning.

           Only half the room is going to be a bedroom for now. I’m moving a desk and a bed in there, which will be my room for the next who knows. Window, lamp, and desk, that’s all I need except my musical gear, and that is the next challenge. I’ve been able to play bass for a week now, but I really need to keep learning new material and for that, I need the whole set-up.
           Ha, I had a go at playing the steel guitar part of Wynette’s “DIVORCE” and wound up playing the melody, but interspersed with a bass line. What an interesting effect and that is why I need to get my Fishman set up with a computer into one of the output jacks. And I finally learned the opening part of the theme from “Hogan’s Heros”. It is very difficult to play on bass, so I think I’ll keep it. (A guitarist would tune to an open D, as guitarists are wont to do.)

           There is no TV here but that does not mean I have no entertainment. I do enjoy good movies on DVD. That may seem hypocritical to those who do not draw a distinct line between planning which movie to watch, and the mindless channel-surfing of the cable addict. I watched “Boiler Room” with Vin Diesel and found it to be a very good little number, though it remains a low-budget non-thriller. Zero action except a bar fight and Roy Rogers wasn’t even there.
           It’s been decades, but I’m getting something I’d almost forgotten. Junk mail. Here’s one from that bank that won’t break a bill for you unless you open an account. Even then, they won’t just break it. You have to deposit the hundred and withdraw five twenties. They’ve got millions to advertise, the jerks. Or how about that bank that makes you show ID to buy Canadian money?

           Meanwhile, everybody keep the faith. I’ll be back. I take a five day break and lose half my readership? What’s with that? Let’s show a little team spirit out there. Most of the time a short break means something big is underway.

Last Laugh

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