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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18, 2016

One year ago today: October 18, 2015, attention-whore feminist.
Five years ago today: October 18, 2011, permit me anonymity . . .
Nine years ago today: October 18, 2007, a look at e-books.
Random years ago today: October 18, 2008, at the Coral Castle.

           I’ve got three trees that have to go. Two are dead and one is so overbalanced into the adjoining lot that one good storm is going to crash it down. Here’s a tiny portion of the underbrush that I cleaned out this morning. It’s just two small branches and a dead oak limb that fell last week sliced into logs. To do it right and observe safety, this required three hours. You can see the log pile, but the five-foot high pile of branches and leaves to the right side (stacked against the tree) isn’t apparent because some of the cut leaves are still green.
           I’ve checked around and the idea at this moment is to see about renting a cherry picker. Do you know how to operate one? I don’t, and JZ isn’t answering his phone. There are another two limbs that curve over the house that are blatantly too large for the supporting trunk. If the cherry picker is available, I may just consider figuring it out myself.
           If you watch, the operator has a set of levers that guide the bucket around. Hopefully, those are governed so the rig cannot overbalance itself. I’ll go on-line this afternoon to see if there are any videos. I’m not to hopeful of finding anything useful, but you can be sure of finding the way 99% of the goofs in the world would work the thing. Truth by majority rule.

           I have a new neighbor up the road. She’s absolutely gorgeous. I don’t stand a chance. It’s evident she knows everybody in the area, so she’s local. What’s a gal like that doing walking to work every morning? And a new bird at the feeder, a large blue colored bird with a crest and black and white wingtips. Possibly a blue jay, it is the biggest bird yet to land on the feeder.
           So you’ll know, I just built the feeder out of scraps with no plan and no particular birds in mind. And it was my inexperience east of the Mississippi to think there was something special about the red cardinal family in my yard. I’d never seen them before. It turns out they are one of the most common of birds. They are special to me. And the new pale blue bird may be a female blue jay. I’ve begun putting a mix of birdseed that appeals to more species. None have become the slightest tame yet. It is neat to see them feed in relays, like they don’t even trust each other.

Picture of the day.
Yalta, Ukraine.
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           Here’s horseshoes. If you need any, ask me now and I’ll pick them up for you. Maybe a little hoof polish, let me know. I was looking for some new work clothes and found a farm supply store that I’m going to have to visit after payday. I admit, I need a set of suspenders for my work jeans. And not those feeble things they sell at Wal*mart.
           If there’s one farm store, there will be others and they have stuff I need. Chain saw oil, saddle soap (which isn’t soap at all), bulk birdseed, small tire tubes, and heavy duty t-shirts.

           I found the local paper with the most crossword puzzles. Three per issue even if it is another left-wing piece of dung. The Tampa Bay Times. And what a joke it is. You’d love these two uneducated but thoroughly indoctrinated contributors named Jim Rutenberg and Doyle McManus. They are Trump-bashers who can’t understand why so many people hate the press. After all, they only attack Trump because he is a Nazi populist. They only publish anti-Trump articles 13 times as many as against Hillary because Trump damn well deserves it.
           These same media feel “unsafe” at Trump rallies because the crowd is chanting “tell the truth”—and what a terrible threat that must be to Liberals. It’s just another sign the hordes are all mass-indoctrinated. The fact that the media have agreed between them to never show the tens of thousands of enthusiastic Trump followers has nothing to do with it. Why, pro-Tumpers lack the brain thrust to realize how wrong all of them are all of the time. That is why the entire mainstream media and the entire establishment have been against Trump and his millions of supporters since day one. Because they are wrong and the media is right, and the media therefore wish to continue telling us what is proper to think.

           Not one of the major networks can state they have given balanced coverage. All of them are bent on portraying the race as 50/50 when in fact there is going to be a landslide. The average voter has been fed up with Liberal agendas for forty or fifty years, but until Trump, there was nobody to vote for. If the insiders want to stop Trump now, they are going to have to pull an obvious fast one. And I wonder if the voters are going to stand for that again now that there is someone who actually represents them instead of the special interest groups.
           The problem I see arising is that this time, the USA is not some upstart that the world can gang up on. The American population is armed and 20% of them have military experience. I don’t see any opposition coming from the outside, but I see plenty from the inside if they try to block Trump’s presidency after he gets a majority vote. People don’t see Trump as inexperienced, they see the so-called experienced politicians as indecisive plotters who are wrecking the American way of life. Of course, the establishment will cry facism and racism. It’s about all they can do at this point. They’ve distorted things so often in the past, who’s going to believe them except the minority who already do?

           This is the local microwave tower. It caught my attention because of the enormous number of large birds that roost there. I took the evening off, then later went for coffee, then stopped at Karaoke. The last was not so great, there was one couple dominating the show and well, such people don’t like competition. But there was a good looking gal two chairs away from me and you know. That didn’t fly as she had terrible timing. Immediately before both times I sang, she got up and wandered out the door for ten minutes.
           Have I got the weird flu? Where the symptoms arrive one by one a day apart. First the sore throat, then the sniffles, now the dry cough. This finds me at home reading a lot and I just read a disturbing passage about the changing nature of war. All serious student’s quickly spot that wars historically take place repeatedly over a very small fraction of the Earth’s area, and such spots tend to see repeated conflicts. Constantinople, the North Sea, Ukraine.
           But since the nuclear age, you see wars in the desert and remote islands, in the jungle and potentially outer space. And you get more religious fanatic wars who give no regard to collateral damage or civilian deaths. I have no doubt the moment one Middle East dictatorship has the bomb, it will be used against Israel. The possession of weapons of mass destruction very rarely results in negotiated peace. These days, you can’t merely defeat the enemy, you must destroy him or he’ll keep coming back.

           Israel will pay for upsetting the equation. It was the first example of a nation created out of nothing by the importation of vast amounts of money and technology into an alien environment. But it also requires the continual input of foreign aid to survive, and the Arabs are very aware of who is behind that. Further, it would not be lost to the Arabs that trying the same thing themselves with oil money has been one massive failure. They build the cities and palaces, but have not got anywhere toward infrastructure. And one day, the oil money will stop.
           Before that time, they must wipe Israel off the map, or all become second class states in their own region. In the meanwhile, Israel can’t compromise for fear that would be taken as a sign of weakness. Militarily that nation only survives because of expertise in the use of European weaponry against what is basically Arab small arms. It’s superficially reminiscent of the British using the Maxim against tribesmen. They managed because their war-making machinery back in the home country had never been whacked by a massive detonation.

           News from the southern front. JZ now has some financing for a new vehicle, but he has yet to shop around. I checked the local offerings several times, but this is a prosperous area. The second hand market for cars tends toward clunkers. He’s wisest to shop in used car paradise up on 441 right next to home. This time he’s after a more sensible work vehicle and I’ve already told him he can crash in the back room just to get out of the Miami congestion, where he’s been cooped up over a month. He’s not the first or last person to not listen when I said, “Get a hobby.”
           It’s only 40 miles to Tampa, and I’ve not been there since I moved. I’ve driven through the area on the batbike and didn’t care for much of what I saw. It’s kind of like Birmingham, a city that is just “there”. It is the nearest metropolis that isn’t Orlando and I should get to know the place at least some.
           The daytime temperature is finally falling into the balmy work range. Time to get under that bathroom floor and see what I’m up against. That could prove an usual challenge. It took three tries to get the easy part of the house level. Maybe I’ll even fix the guest bedroom up nicer, with a chest of drawers maybe. And a small desk. Cool weather is still my favorite work climate. Not too hot, not too cold. Where you can swing a hammer without sweating or shivering.

Last Laugh

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