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Friday, December 2, 2016

December 2, 2016

One year ago today: December 2, 2015, Enron – not one smart employee.
Five years ago today: December 2, 2011, remember the e-bike?
Nine years ago today: December 2, 2007, YYYY-MM-DD
Random years ago today: December 2, 2002, ahem, Reader’s Digest.

           Ask me if I’m tired. Three hours is about the maximum time on a warm day, between sunup and too hot for me. The front yard is slowly taking shape. I sliced up the branches and piled them nice for the city. I took the chain saw to some of the undergrowth and transplanted three shrubs from the side to the front of the yard. Here’s a picture of the leaf pile and Zeke the cat. Can you see him?
Feeling energetic, I then filled in the mini-pothole near the kitchen door and now I’m tuckered out for the day.
           Good, that means I’ll take my day off actually off. I foretold this could be the month I get back in the black and I’ve got a $25 budget surplus. I remember when that meant something, but I could still go to the movies or get some goodies at Radio Shack, don’t forget, surplus means everything else is taken care of. Food, gas, clothes, utilities, everything so maybe it is still possible to have a little adventure for twenty-five bucks, unlikely as that seems.

           These Democrats have a real talent for making fools of themselves, which they accomplish by taking juvenile sides on complex issues. Trump appointed a retired general to a head military position. I didn’t get his name but he is known as “a general’s general”, not surprising as Trump is a fan of George Patton. Patton, who loved war as long as he didn’t have to do the fighting. Pattons’ nickename was “Blood & Guts”, or as the soldiers quipped, “his guts, our blood.”
           It turns out the Trump general also has another nickname, “Mad Dog Maddox”. That’s two nicknames, so which one do you suppose CBS begins their broadcasts with? The version I heard on gospel radio this morning was, “How do you feel about the US having a [military leader] with a name like “Mad Dog Maddox?” Myself, fine, as long as we don’t get another McNamara or another Westmoreland.

           I need more DVDs. I’m down to watching gypsy movies like “The Man Who Cried”, another of those “we are fam-i-ly” productions. This one is set around a hundred years ago. That’s back when Hollywood began pushing the theory that under identical circumstances, some people suffer worse than others. I’m not paying attention to the movie, but I gather some Jewish peasant girl from Russia goes to England and miraculously discovers she can sing and dance well enough to go hobnobbing is Paree.
           Needing a laugh, I’m going to the library and logging on to some dating sites. They are always good for a few snorts and chuckles. At my age, that’s good enough. My favorites are the ones who already have a partner, but he’s a deadbeat. So they want to just be friends, in other words, you pay for their entertainment, then she goes home and jumps into bed with him. Another darling of the dating bunch is the gal who wants a man who treats her right. Like all women, she automatically treats men the right way and thus doesn’t need to change. As long as she has a good time, that’s all that counts in a relationship. I fell in love with a gal like that when I was 19.
           Whenever we’d go out, if I was having a good time, maybe jamming with the band or meeting friends, she’d want to go home and you know. But if she was talking to her mother, or her girlfriend, buddy, you wait your turn. Library. That’s a good plan, let me change out of these work clothes and go fire up the scooter.

           I’ll read the musician ads, too. It’s wise to keep an eye on any movement there, but it’s normally the wannabes. The largest group are the ones who claim they just like to jam or are not in it for the money. Nonsense, it always turns out they are the ones who have some glaring shortcoming that excludes them from being the hero. In a band this either means they can’t play up to snuff or have some obnoxious personality quirk.

           Here's a personality quirk that got me my last job before I retired. Read this:

           Interviewer: What would you say your greatest weakness is?
           Me: Answering the semantics of a question but ignoring the pragmatics.
           Interviewer: Could you give me an example?
           Me: Yes, I could.

Picture of the day.
Not snow, cherry blossoms.
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           First, have a gander at this product. Termite killing foam. But if you read the fine print, it says it only kills exposed insects. Duh. A termite you can see is not the one eating your wood. You can kill all the visible termites you want and your house is still going to fall down if you don’t get to the invisible ones. I must have bought this on impulse because I sure didn’t see the instructions.
           I promised you some unpopular statistics last day. These come from a publication that I’ve not read, but have read a lot about. It was one of the most stringent studies of IQ and social standing ever conducted and the results have been ignored by the press, banned by the education system, and denied by the government. I mentioned the bell curve y’day and that is the name of the book, “The Bell Curve”. No link--and I stress these are NOT my opinions. Are you ready?

           First, we should predicate these numbers with some background. It lessens the blow. This study, “The Bell Curve” is the one that definitively proved that there is a measurable difference in IQ among the races and cultures. It is heavily based on studies that stressed the elimination of testing bias, yet some people still contest the findings on that basis. That’s pretty lame, but they try—and it is usually pretty evident what their real beef is.
           There is no time to go over all the results, but here are some highlights. Foremost is that intelligence isn’t the mystical whose-to-say element that lesser-intelligent people would prefer it to be. Rather it exists for real and can be very accurately measured. Intelligence can be measured by race, nationality, and culture and the scores are always the same. The most intelligent beings are pure-blooded white northern European males, followed closely by white females in general. Now you know why this book has been suppressed. It isn’t PC, but wait, there’s more.

           The lowest on the intelligence scales are black Africans. Intelligence is somewhere between 42% and 82% passed along genetically. That means, folks, all humanity suffers when there is interracial marriage, and it’s worse than that because intelligent people tend to have fewer children. This is not racist propaganda, you can look it up yourself. Anyone who is denial probably should. As for “creativity” factor that IQ tests don’t measure, they don’t have to. Because intelligent people are naturally more creative than their counterparts. Idiot savants appear more in Hollywood movies than in real life.
           How do you like things so far? The tests also showed that intelligence does not increase with age and nothing has ever been found that can change IQ with one exception—early childhood adoption by white northern European parents. Though IQ s above 125 are rare, only one person in 10,000, they are an exclusive and favored group. Only 2% of them have ever been unemployed. They have the lowest divorce rate and poverty is non-existent.
           And here is something you definitely won’t like if you are not on the scoreboard. This is called a chronometer, it was originally designed to measure visual reaction times. The subject sees an event and presses a button. This timer was accurate to 194 milliseconds.
           However, it unintentionally measured something the United States does not want to admit. It could measure the time taken to process information. Once again, it showed that NEWMs (northern European white males) were easily top of the scale. These tests are non-biased. But it does mean that even if another race had the same IQ as a white male, they would still take longer to process information. And as far as the world is concerned, being slow and being dumb are barely distinguishable. Don’t believe it? Look at your co-workers.

           I have no idea where this puts me. I can’t speak French, can’t remember names, can’t do integral calculus, and have no clear idea how an Internet computer interface works.

           Wait, there’s even more. Only 0.2% of intelligent women have illegitimate babies. There are no recorded cases of intelligent people (>IQ 125) dropping out of high school or living on welfare, and only 1 in 23,000,000 ever go to jail. So tough, Superman fans, there are no Lex Luthors in prison and never have been. If that isn’t enough to destroy hope for many, since 1950 intelligence has been steadily gaining as the most important factor in success in the United States, finally overcoming social status, inheritance, and business acumen. Dang, but not fast enough to make a difference in my time.
           So there you have it. Smart men don’t get incarcerated and the worst-case scenario for having low-IQ illegitimate children is the single drop out mother on welfare who has a low IQ herself. This relatively small group of women produce 80% of the least intelligent offspring in the nation. And that percentage goes way up in most other countries.

           This is only the most extensive study. There have been countless other studies, including many designed to minimize the differences. The numbers vary, but all come back with the same correlated pattern. I’ve always naturally felt that the only substitute for intelligence is a good education, and that deciding to become educated is a conscious decision made by most children before they are eight years of age. I’ve seen it first hand many times.
           I’ve also noticed that the majority of students don’t really learn anything much after 9th grade. The expense of high school is a massive burden on the taxpayer to keep trying with that group. One way or another, that bunch always get left behind. Besides, twelve grades was never designed to prepare children for the job market, it was meant to keep them off the streets.

           Now if any of the above pisses you off, time to take a good look at your personal ability to deal with facts. But if these studies intrigue you, watch this video. Again, these are not my opinions, but I, and most of the world, would not value the opinion of anyone who would not at least listen to the other side of the story. It is a an accurate quotation from "Mein Kampf". The world has been indoctrinated that this man is evil. Majority rule may make him evil, but does it prove he is wrong? Don't answer too quickly. Look what happened to Da Vinci.

           Tonight, I sat down and read more of “Improbable”. It would make quite the action movie and for all I know, it has. Like most novels, I don’t read one book exclusively, but a few chapters at a time, reading other material in between. The book is nearing the end and although it is too many narrow escapes, most of them are at least plausible.
           My favorite is the spy hijacks a car, but doesn’t want the victim running to the police. So she grabs the drivier’s ID and phone. She pretends to call “Dalton”, giving him the address on the license and if he doesn’t here from her in and hour, to kill the guy’s wife and kids. Trust me, the guy didn’t try anything funny.

           The book has moved on from the lecture-like passages I was enjoying. The fun factor is the protagonist once worked at a university and likes giving examples for the students. It is always fun to hear somebody else simplify things. I’ve never studied Jung, but he had a lot to say about collective unconsciousness, I think that’s what he called it. This is the behavior that each species exhibits without learning. Like how baby fish are born knowing how to breathe water.
           That isn’t much to do with probability, but it ties in with various concepts of what humans regard as free will. If everything can be determined what happened before, is there such a thing as free will? Or is everything that happens a result of interaction with the environment? I don’t know, I just find the concept interesting as long it keeps to terms I can understand. Like, since learning cannot be inherited, where did the first organism of each species determine what must be learned by each generation for the species to survive?
           Yeah, like all those vines in my back yard. They are evil, I swear it. Plotting to take over back there. Must. Not. Surrender.

           I may have an explanation why my new house has two addresses. Train tracks. Agt. R has said how there was an ice house up the road and that means there was a train. While no trace of the tracks remains, an aerial map shows that the streets east of here don’t match up with the west. And if you drive down the main road, there are spots where the houses are too close to the street, like the street was once straightened. The original tracks separated two sub-divisions and my house is on the old dividing line.
           Later, I went out for potato salad and crackers. Fridays are not big around here and besides, yard work makes you realize how few hours there are in a day. Those two ladies who talk about scratch therapy were there. It’s like massage therapy using scratching. I’ll pass, but they swear it works. There were also some teens playing the piano, or trying to. (There is an old but nicely tuned piano in the corner.) Boy, and I thought I was bad.

           Next, I made macadamia cookies, reminding myself not fool myself that I can skip supper for a salad. I called the guitar player who holds the jam session and I missed a good one last night. My fault, I decided to take a siesta and woke up too late. Don’t blame the siesta, it is a wonderful concept as long as it isn’t abused on a national scale and too early in life.

           This is a little less than cheerful. When you live in a warm area near a riverfront, get used to the idea that vermin also like that locality. In Florida, you got roaches, ants, and rats and there is nothing that can be done about it. Nor is anything likely to be invented by the nincompoops the schools are churning out these days. They’re more likely to become rat advocates. The news is, a rat got into JZ’s condo.
           Why is this blogworthy? Because each such incident brings it that much closer to him making the decision to buy a place out here. You see, I happen to know that JZ completely hates rats and roaches. He’s got all the traps and poisons but the very thought of them getting into his third floor digs can really give the guy a tizzy. He also does not care for biting insects.
           By contrast, I have one trap and no poisons inside the house. I spray the perimeter but that’s about it. My kitchen cleaner is called “vinegar”. Anyhow, incidents like this can be a little depressing for my pal, so each brings it just a little closer to him saying to hell with Miami and get out here. Then I’ll have somebody to hang out, chase women, make nice repairs, and chase women. Did I say chase women twice? Yeah, well, I like to chase women.

Last Laugh

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