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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016

One year ago today: December 21, 2015, we tour Margaritaville.
Five years ago today: December 21, 2011, first mention of Trent.
Nine years ago today: December 21, 2007, the old church.
Random years ago today: December 21, 2008, I shoulda kept it.

           I’m not a happy camper. There are definite problems with the new Rebel that the seller knew about and kept quiet, even when asked directly. Remember the law says you can’t just say you did not know about a defect if you ought to have known about it. And the owner knew about this rust and varnish inside the carburetor. Once I knew the seller had lied about one thing, I instructed my mechanic to go over the entire machine.
           I left it there all day and took the Honda Fusion loaner to my rounds. As the problems came in, I okayed each repair. Check back with me on that later, just remember that the blog ban on using real names does not apply to people who lie to me or rip me off. The bill so far stands and $280.

           Now, my appointments went okay and I see there is a change for the better in the health care rules, at least of my provider. They are now saying a condition of insurability is getting regular checkups. They are the ones who have the say on what those are. For example, I am required to get an eye check. Nothing has ever been wrong with my eyes.
           Yet, I think this is a step in the right direction. Far too often, people never go for checkups to save the co-pay amount. They don’t go in until they need a $50,000 operation. I’ve seen it. Now, you must attend these appointments or lose coverage. Your premiums won’t go down, however, as the clinics will have to charge more for the checkups to make good on any shortfall.

Picture of the day.
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
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           Last evening I dropped into the club, if I didn’t say, here is a photo of the Rebel outside the front door. What else is there to do in S. Florida. The place has been multi-culturalized to the point there is no culture. The Rebel repairs are going to be extensive, so I’m keeping the Fusion until past rush hour, then taking it down the freeway. Don’t do this unless you are a pro rider because the [I-95 freeway] pavement has been striated again. The smaller diameter tires on the Fusion give it distinct poor handling.
           By mid-afternoon I had to fast, so I went back to the condo and decided on a siesta. The number of calls from the mechanic stayed pretty constant until he closed for the day. The brakes are shot, the plugs are fouled, and he reports the oil has probably never been changed. Just topped up. And again he confirms that the last owner could not have operated the bike without having knowledge of this sort of problem.

           JZ and I walked over to the mall to look at women, er, I mean, to get some Xmas shopping done. Unlike myself, JZ has no problem returning shirts and things for a different color, or cash refunds. I tend not test those things before the purchase, but to each their own. We were in Macy’s, where I personally have never shopped. The price target for toys this year seems to be $11.99. Every other “cheap” toy comes in with that exact price.
           It is also cooler than the weather report, so we went back to the condo to get jackets and sweaters. Who remembers I was the one who got JZ to switch to evaporated milk? There he is, making mac and cheese with evaporated right while I’m in the throes of fasting. Anyway, it makes the blog because normally JZ shuns all dairy products. I’ve never seen him touch milk. Now, he can drink Carnation right out of the can.

Country Song Lyric of the Day:
“Would Jesus Wear A Rolex On His Television Show?.”

           We went back to the mall for a late coffee. That’s at the Starbucks at the west end of the mall. I still check out Brookstone, even though I know they most stock massaging equipment. They have few novelty items any more, but I found a couple. There was a neat string of lights marked $5.99. But when I go up to the cashier, suddenly that price became “if you buy anything else”. That’s a burn.
           I did find a towel warmer, but it was like a large electrified waste basket. I thought it would be a nice touch, but not at $100 each. And not with major motorcycle repairs on my back. However, this is not to be confused with the extraordinary expenses of the past few months. This repair will hurt, but it won’t seriously affect the big picture.

           Here is a sculpture of pencils. Upstairs in the mall, in the restaurant section, they had a mini-display of art. Be nice and I’ll get you more pics of the better objects. And, because JZ made a big deal out of it, I have to tell you about the lady.
           There I was admiring some are when she walked past me from behind on my right side. She stopped, turned around and said hello. JZ is convinced this happens to be because of my eye color, but she did not see my eyes until she was committed to turn around to talk. Nothing happened, she carried on without giving me a chance to respond. But talk about classy. She was not what you'd call pretty, but it was classy. I mean, and, like, there I was wearing an old sport shirt with suspenders and trousers, not the fashion model choice of the day. Oh well, easy come, easy go. But around twenty minutes later, she came walking back again with what was obviously her daughter. I only had time to glance up at her, but she was waiting and again spoke to me, "Bye now."
           And again breezed past without giving me any time to reply. Hmmmm, is husband-hunting back in vogue? I hope she isn't banking on seeing me there again. That's what, the fourth time we've been to that mall in twenty years. Anyway, that was so unusual, it gets blogged.

Last Laugh

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