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Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017

One year ago today: January 9, 2016, aboard the Ferdinand Magellan.
Five years ago today: January 9, 2012, stacking?
Nine years ago today: January 9, 2008, stealing the chihuahua.
Random years ago today: January 9, 2015, soft-palmed candyasses.

           You know the old story, it started out to be just a light so I would not have to run an extension cord. Well, might as well put in a switch. Too many shadows, so throw in a second light. And away she goes. By dusk y’day I had both sheds wired with pairs of lights. But no outlets yet, for some reason I have a bag full of switches, but no duplex outlets. The wiring may look “loose” in these photos, there is a reason for that.
           Later, I will run furring strips along the walls when I put in the work counters. The wiring is designed to be stapled in place at that point. Also, if I ever do replace the sheds, the pieces are all salvageable. There are two distinct wiring patterns. One in the work shed, the other, shown here, in the storage shed. That location merits only a pullchain. And the lighting in there is in series, like Xmas tree lights. If one bulb goes, the whole circuit fails.
           Shown here are the 200 watt bulbs needed to light up those metal sheds. I may even go to the maximum 300 watt in the work area, since I don’t intend to use lamps in there. I’m going to cheap out on fixing the roof by just running a couple of support rafters. To heck with making it look straight, as long as it doesn’t leak, I’m happy. Let the work counter stiffen the walls, not the other way around. I may have a line on some free styrofoam to insulate the place. That work shed has become a necessity, now that I'm doing all the work myself, I hasten to add.
           Want to hear something impressive: Ants Marching.

Picture of the day.
Wear your seat belt.
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           I had to get some outlet boxes so I stopped for coffee and potato salad on the way over. I took the long way around and was at the Mongolia. I know the owner and she put in terrazzo floors. She’s not happy, as it turns out the material requires constant polishing in the high traffic area near the till and ice cream counter. She’s tried other ways to polish it, but they don’t last half as long. I’m glad I found that out.
           The building was formerly a grocery store, she showed me this picture from 1939. It’s still got that fancy ceiling, with the fancy tiles. Upstairs, there is a complete living quarters with a spiral staircase. Alas, one of the former owners put in the worst floor yet. It is thick linoleum tiles supposed to look like marble, but the micro-thin finish wore off and it resemble a cracked rubber sidewalk. The amount of work to remove it: unbelievable.

           I’m using plastic electrical boxes, since I am screwing them direct to the metal shed. Maybe you can see the two tiny screw holes with a blob of waterproofing glue. The existing holes are too large, so I drill new ones. These plastic models are very easy to work with and now cost about the same as the expensive metal ones used to. So long ago. And the plastic is surprisingly rugged. Agt. R has a big tub of outlets and such he says I can go through. Some guy up the road redid his house and bought too much, so he gave it away. Apparently there are lots of duplex outlets there.
           We are meeting at the library tomorrow to finally order that 30-ton jack, or at least that’s what we think. We’ve twice more been told the jack was not in stock or had the wrong SKU number. That Tractor Supply company is turning out to be a pack of really annoying jackasses.

Country Song Lyric of the Day:
“No Way, Conway, I Ain't Gonna Twitty Tonight .”

           Now, just the gossip. Trent has been in touch and there is talk of a jaunt up to Daytona or someplace like that. It’s always fun to go chase women in a new town. JZ won’t be joining us, he refuses to leave town without his own vehicle. I’d easily pay for a train ticket and we could meet him in Orlando, but for him, it’s a psychological thing. Well, unlike me he didn’t walk until he was 21 and never travels alone that I know of. Ha, remember when we first met he felt uncomfortable leaving town with less than a thousand bucks on him. Just to go over to Marco Island.
           Here’s a picture of a large solar electric operation in California. This makes much more sense than the complications of a wind farm on the same acreage. Unlike wind generators, the price of solar panels continues to drop. It is also an emerging technology, the area where there is like to be a breakthrough. It has the further advantage of no moving parts. I wonder if they give tours, I’d pay to go see something like this.

           I had the radio on and heard some recordings of our emerging Inquisitor, the funny-eared Trey Gowdy. With Trump in power, he’s coming into his own by going after the corruption in the civil service. The civil service is trying to defend themselves by sending spokesmen who imagine themselves good at not answering direct questions, but succeed only in making fools of themselves. Gowdy is wiping the grins off their faces. He’s become a lot more direct than even a year ago, but he’s been our version of Nigel Farange for some time. Without the class, mind you.
           If you get time, watch Gowdy on youTube. It’s great entertainment, as the Libtards are so thick-headed, they don’t realize they are being humiliated. That goof from the IRS trying to avoid answering that he did nothing when it came to light the establishment was using audits to target conservative groups. (That fact was discussed in this blog a decade ago or more.) Gowdy made a monkey out of him and others. The humor is that these jokers think they are putting up a credible defense. They think they are slippery because they got away with it in the pre-Trump era when they were all feeding from the same trough.

           Mr. Trump, these people are backstabbing the public. Turn Gowdy loose on them, I’ve already labeled him “The Inquisitor”. Play these civil servants against each other. You said during your campaign something about offering rewards to whistleblowers. No need, these people will turn on each other in a wink, it’s the kind of rats they are. Use half of them to point the finger at the other, then fire them for being tattletales. Weed out all the government departments and begin wholesale firings. The USA should have a civil service of about 50,000 people tops. Beyond that, they are nothing but parasites.
           To those who say if we get rid of these departments, the work won’t get done. Fine, then such “work” didn’t need doing in the first place. We only need 5% of the number anyway. Start canceling all entitlements except social security and cap all salaries and wages for civil servants at twice the poverty level. And if they want to behave like a union, let them handle their own retirement funding.
           Besides, by letting the public use their own computer terminals to fill out most forms and applications, it doesn’t make sense any more to have these huge government edifices just to shuffle around paperwork.

           What’s this? Some celebrity type is ragging on Trump, saying his appointees have more boardroom experience than political experience. Trump’s response was predictable, that she would say that. What a dunce, that broad—the entire idea is to free the country from the evil grip of the entrenched establishment. Commenting on politics and business when she has experience at neither. The insiders had their chance and they sold us down the river. They sent the jobs to Mexico and the technology to China. We don’t want anybody who’s had that kind of “political experience” in this country any more.
           Mr. Trump, name names. When a terrorist gets into the country, we want the name of the department head, the employee, and the person who hired them. Enough of this “just doing my job” bull donkey. Make them responsible for their actions, or go get another job. At the same time, go after azzholes like that bureaucrat that let the 8 killers out of prison. Go get these bastards, one by one. Major prison time for people who endanger the public in this way.
           Do you know what a botanica is? You see them all over Miami. They are Cuban witch doctor stores. If you walk in for a look, all you see in candles and incense. It is a cult called “santeria” or something like that. Follow link for free spells. If you want to buy the sacrificial animals or the already slaughtered parts or blood, you have to know the secret codes. These jerkoffs were allowed in on the Mariel boatlift, where Castro “flushed Cuba’s toilets” on America.

Last Laugh

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