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Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27, 2017

One year ago today: March 27, 2016, west of Clewiston.
Five years ago today: March 27, 2012, the prescription of the decade.
Nine years ago today: March 27, 2008, I hate Sony – long before Trump.
Random years ago today: March 27, 2013, touring Ritzville.

           Here’s something new, in the sense so few have seen one except maybe in the museums. I like to reward the readers who stick around even during the slow times, so here’s a for-real US Cavalry horse harness. These buttons are purely decorative so I can’t tell you what part of the harness this is. That’s where Agt. R comes in. He’s got barns and sheds full of this stuff and it is an Internet goldmine. I found a solid wood headboard and footboard bed set curbside and as over there this morning asking him if he could deliver. No problem.
           He mentioned something I’d never thought of, not surprising with my lack of carpentry training. He often takes this headboard sets and makes benches out of them. As he puts it, two hours labor for $150. Imagine this furniture. The footboard becomes the bench part and the headboard is the back rest. The posts and styles become armrests and legs.

           Here’s another treat for being patient. It’s a for real New Age Bullshit Generator. If you click on the “Reionize Electrons” button at the top, it will create for you a complete article of New Age you-know. Here is a copy of the featured comment, included for my old musical acquaintance, the Hippie:

           “the temporal differential we call wakefulness is the cosmic interaction of subatomic particles operating in the quantum field, the (quantum)leap represents a fundamental universal constant that we can only speculate upon in the macro scale of wave form frequencies.”

           On-line all this morning, I could not catch up on everything. Remember to check back for pictures, the most original and best documented feature of this blog. I spoke too soon about no jet lag this trip. One manifestation is the sleeplessness I often call insomnia. Rather than waste the time, I ran diagnostics on all my hard drives. Only to tine the one in worst condition contains this blog plus all my personal and legal files. Question: how did Florida know to pick that hard drive? And pick it right when I have not unpacked my ghosting software.

           I also tuned in to Europe radio. It’s a little less propagandistic than their other media, the theory being that once broadcast, the material has no physical permanence. My, er, “European” is a little rusty, but guess what the Union is proposing now? Nigel Farage fans, sit up. He was right. They’ve become a pseudo-dictatorship. Their proposal is a law preventing any political or law enforcement figure from stating a terrorist’s first name if that name is “Muhammed”, “Khalid”, or “Hussein”.
           There was a four hour delay from the London car attack until the press announced his name. Again, I’m not fast enough to catch the details, so don’t quote me on those names or the new law yet. But one thing I can tell you for certain is that for people who make such laws, I was not born with enough middle fingers.

Picture of the day.
Guns and Roses
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Keep an eye on this concept of Agt. R selling this antique material on-line. While he has teenage sons who have listed articles for him, my experience at creating eye-popping ad copy and manipulating screen formats is a quantum leap ahead of all but the most specially trained Millennials. Scan a few of the ads on Craigslist and you’ll discover how unimaginative and lackluster the people are with postings. Ah, I heard someone say that’s because they don’t do it every day.
           Neither do I. (Now, to whoever said that, bugger off.)

           Now, it is not all ancient junk he’s got. He was formerly an employee of a hardware chain and had the lifelong habit of buying or salvaging anything they discarded. This includes new items in broken packages, outdated designs, and lots of door parts. Take a look at these picture hooks.
           Can you see the pieces? Each is a little brass (albeit tarnished) with its own nail. Yes, the package is broken open. But that’s okay, I’ve advised him to sell these by the hook. This brings up an interesting situation. Make yourself a cup of tea and just hear me out on this matter.

           It’s true there is still an account full of Robot Club money. It is also true that it belongs to me, as I was the only member who paid dues and equipment fees that did not require it back at some point or withdraw it when the club folded operations. (The club is still in existence, but we no longer have meetings.) How this ties in is among the tools slated for club purchase that we never got around to was machinery specifically for cleaning or buffing older metal objects. So if you are thinking what I’m thinking, I’m probably way ahead of you. Har!
           Anyway, part of the delayed purchase was like the welder, we did not have an immediate or on-going use for such tools. That was before I priced out formerly cheap doo-dads like drawer pulls, window latches, and doorknobs. Now, imagine you suddenly met someone who has two barns full of such material and needs some help.

           First on the list is something I know zip about. Those small sandblasting cabinets like at Harbor Freight. (I’m only boycotting the local store.) I’ll find some on-line instructions and delve into the operations. My interest once again is the learning aspect. I have not interest in sandblasting for a living. Drop back to see how far I get tomorrow. I personally think the setup looks like one of those incubator baby cages or the little room where they handle isotopes. Since there is a ton of money in the account, it may not be that long before we get some results on this one.

One-Liner of the Day:
“Sex in an elevator is wrong
on so many levels.”

           The front siding ledger strip is off so I can see under the building. There is considerable water and termite damage in the kitchen area, all of which can be repaired by adding sister joists. This is the same siding strips that would have to be removed to attach the porch ledger board, so there is no wasted effort as with the bedroom. There is a confusing set of off-level points along the length which I’ll have to figure out before I carry on. The lower two strips of siding were mismatched. These are two of the three pieces added afterward to make the building appear level from the street.
           This means some serious work under the building. The addition of the porch will actually strengthen the structure. The section under the kitchen has been Mickey-Moused, I was able to vacuum a lot of the mess away. But while the siding is off, I can see the opportunity to add the correct electrical wiring. That would include GFICs all around and separate circuits for the dishwasher, the garbage disposal, the new water heater, and the microwave.

           Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to have a shower, make some tea, and get into that roast I made with tomato and onions. Say, there is another item just on the fringe of importance today. To have any more adventure than I have over the past three decades, I would have had to come into a lot more money. Recognizing that as a trap, I planned to watch all the movies I’ve never seen. You’ll find this mentioned countless times. This is, after all, a daily journal and repeats are allowed. I’m finding something has come about that I did not plan.
           That something is watching the same movie more than once. All through my life I have never, except by accident, watched the same movies more than once. Lately, I’ve found that a second viewing is entertaining as well. That’s not the same mindless watching like these yahoos I know who have seen “Phantom of the Opera” 50 times, or this one guy who watches “The Mask” twice a week since 1995. Rather, I tend to read a book or work a crossword while watching most movies, so there is lots I don’t see. I’m finding that since I moved here, it is more amusing than I would have imagined.

           In particular, I re-watched “The Bank Job”. This is the tale of the crooks set up to rob a safe deposit vault for some incriminating photos, but in the process they find various records that go to the top. Based on a true story, says the credits, but I’m not sure how to take that. For that matter, I could care less who Princess So-and-So gang bangs and my presumption is that all cops and politicians are on the take anyway. So I don’t understand the hoop-lah when they get exposed. Then, I remember how absolutely stupid most people are and realize how badly they need their drama and scandals. Keeps their little minds off how empty and wasted their own lives are.

           Lake Placid called again with the specs on the garden shed. It is still in the shipping crate and I have the measurements. JZ called also, he made enough at his last job to replace a ton of his tools. That’s fine, but he’s missed the boat up here in the sense that I’ve learned to work independently. Here’s a photo of the Rebel in his parking spot. It would be nice to have somebody helping, but it is no longer a requirement. Hey, what do you expect, peeps, he’s been here less than ten days in the past year. He does the heavy lifting, so I welcome the assistance but times have changed. Maybe I should re-word that. Times have evolved, which implies a slower but irreversible change. Yeah, that’s the word.
           I went over the progress today and I’m not so keen on crawling under the house while I’m working alone. There’s a way to run string lines from the open floor of the new bathroom that seems a safer bet, either way, I’m not waiting around for anyone to help. Let’s not forget an average work day for me is two hours, and it can take a full eight hours to accomplish that. I mentioned the removed siding exposed the electric wiring, but it also gives access to the kitchen plumbing. This would be the right time to rough in all the piping. JZ has the experience, but it’s not easy to forget how it took him three days to solder in the hot water heater. (I finally shoved him out of the way and finished the job myself in a few hours.)

           In fairness, I should explain that his priority was to do the job right. That conflicted with my priority to not go a fourth day without a hot shower. My plan is the same, to completely rough-in the electrical and plumbing before the cut-over. No long days of pieces and parts lying around. The new systems will be run parallel and I will not budge from that stance. I’ll be reading up on this plumbing in the next short while. I already have a plan that might make things easier. If I framed in the porch, but left the floorboards off on the kitchen side, that would mean the possibility of working in the shade with the utilities.
           You see, the outside wall would be under the porch in the exact area where the majority of the plumbing and electrical would be run in. Let me see if I have a better picture of this. Nope, not really. The porch is really a type of lean-to on the front of the house, and at nine feet wide, it would be like working inside. I’ll tell you right off, some of the lumber is in a real mess, rotted away from termite damage. The good news is, it is right along the area that is exposed.

Last Laugh
(This photo posted as a "When
You See It". I can't see it. You try.)

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