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Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21, 2017

One year ago today: May 21, 2016, my new kitchen.
Five years ago today: May 21, 2012, DIY anti-joyriding device.
Nine years ago today: May 21, 2008, my precious Pudding-Tat.
Random years ago today: May 21, 2014, chocolate covered sunflower seeds.

           Well, Mr. Cat, make yourself at home. The paint is still drying in the shed and already the neighborhood tomcat is making himself comfortable on my pretty new lawn chair or bench. Here’s a thru-screen photo of my shady yard. Too shady, although I getting a lot of small growth where the wildflower seeds were spread. I drove downtown for breakfast and coffee, and took along my scribbler to balance the books. I endured an hour of overhead ads for used trucks ($289 per month) and some house vacuum robot, how can people actually watch that stuff? The books balanced after only one coffee refill.
           Was there anything notable there? In a sense, yes. It’s how little waste happens when you have an accountant in charge of spending. For all the posts featuring rock polishing, the total cash outlay has been only $34.99. That includes Expedition 01 to Wachaula. Event he most advanced project, the replica lanterns, has only incurred $61.27 out of pocket. If you need proof of the value of research, there it is. Now, if you said aha, those dollar figures do not include the cost of the research if you had to pay for it, you’re right. That just further proves my point.

           Once again, I have a bad word to say about MicroSoft. Those blithering idiots still put the file close and application close buttons beside each other. I’m in the habit of issuing a manual save command every few minutes, but that still snags me and it got me this morning. I went to close the file and hit the application, which pops up that mostly useless modular “are you sure” window. But Microsoft is so shit-full of spurious pop up messages, you routinely click “No” just to make them go away.
           That’s the same gimptard that put the delete and rename buttons right beside each other. Have you ever seen these geeks defending that kind of sloppy work? It’s all what you could do, their heads are full of how you can solve the problem. That’s the kind of mentality you’re dealing with. They are the ones claiming to sell you a product that works, but it’s up to you to make it work. That whole generation is digging their own computer graves, not because they can’t see ahead, but because they ignore the past and don’t know they are not only repeating every mistake, they are picking out the stupid ones.

           Serious, back in what was it, Win 95, the application kill button was over on the left hand side of the screen. Where it belongs. Another item is I’m getting reports from back west that the latest generation of external hard drives, that would be mostly Toshiba and Seagate, are rigged so they can only work on Win 7 or higher. That is, they are specifically engineered to not work on Win XP and hardwired so you cannot format them to do so. I’ll check on this, but my sources are far more reliable than the Millennials who would pull such a stunt. I decline to use Win 7 or anything subsequent for sensitive information until somebody explains what all the extra code is for. It certainly is not there to enhance the performance of the operating system.
I kept lots of old reliable hard drives that still use safe and secure IDE cables, so I’ll continue making backups with that system. It is too coincidental that the mysterious black code began to appear at precisely the time 256-bit encoding became the standard and right when the big companies began touting the value of the cloud. Think what you want, but if you are keeping your data on somebody else’s hardware, in the end you don’t deserve any pity.

Picture of the day.
$1.3 million bog roll.
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           Here’s a can of spray paint that is supposed to make glass into a mirror. I’ll give it a shot, get it, a shot? The instructions say up to five layers may be required. Can you imagine a troop of MicroSoft programmers doing this level of research? I laughed at than MSN article saying $200k programmers were leaving their jobs because the company was “unfair”. Makes you wonder what will with these sissies if they ever land a real job. As in a job where they are responsible for the quality of their output, nomsayn?
           Hey, did I hear somebody say I should hire them to go get us some rocks down at the river? You got to be joking. It would take them a semester to figure out water flows downhill and the rocks would come back mixed together so as not to offend any of the darker or dumber specimens. There would be five driveway-friendly stones blocking every real agate. And if you maintain there is no such thing as one rock that can be dumber than another, that’s just saying you have never been to Nova Southeastern.

           Taking the afternoon off, I’m spending a couple hours in the new work shed, testing out another style of lantern. Keep this under you hat, since nobody else knows my research is ongoing. Mind you, by the dozen, the locals are beginning to suspect. I took a lot of care to minimize the cost per lantern, and one pricey nuisance was that little hinged door to change the candle. In the original format, that has to be there. It requires some mode to keep the door closed, but not too far, and to stop if from swinging open.
           What I’ve come up with is a door that is hinged at the top, like an access hatch. It would be easier to affix some material along the bottom and let the hatch stay closed by gravity. And, I’m going to practice cutting glass. Today’s Tampa newspaper was disgusting, article after article of why Trump has not been impeached “like Nixon”. No comparison, left-wingers. Most of what Trump does that the liberal left doesn’t like is supported by popular vote. Trump brings real meaning to the phrase that if the president does it, then it isn’t illegal.
           But what America can’t figure out is why Trump is taking so long to build that wall and kick out the bad guys. If you don’t do it soon, people are going to think the Rothschild’s have got to you, too. Just build the wall, kick out the illegals, and paint anybody who objects as unpatriotic scum. That’s what they are.

Quote of the Day:
“I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling
on his face and not Gary Cooper.”
--Gary Cooper on "Gone With The Wind".

           See that twitch on my shoulder? From excessive bass-playing. Good, seeing it is better than feeling it. I dropped off the reports, wrote three letters, and planned out how to build the sluice. I went through my lists and I’ve got 22 songs, possibly 24 if you include the ones I’m working on. Like Willie’s “It’s All Goin’ To Pot”. Bass players can’t sing, that’s a given. Well, I do it, but I didn’t say it was easy. It’s the opposite of “natural” strumming and I can’t find my cheat book with all the lyrics.
           I told you, once I find a guitar player with enough brains to just hear me out and try it my way, things will move fast. He’s got ten songs to come up with, so he’ll likely choose his best material. Um, next to me on stage, that is probably a wise as hell strategy. He can only sing in G and still can’t figure how I can instantly transpose to that key. Don’t tell him I use patterns all the time. I’m the pattern-master.

           So, I’m behind on music and that left me only one thing to do. Make a batch of peanut butter cookies from scratch. And put on the coffee. This is usually the answer to most hectic situations when you live in the countryside. Any thing more urgent that cannot be solved by this method, well, it’s probably self-inflicted. Before I forget, when I dropped off the reports, JZ’s blonde was there, Petunia. She had locked the keys in the car up at the superstore and like myself, has a very good reason not to trust AAA.
           It turns out nobody sells wire coat hangers any more. Add it all together, and she was on the doorstep just like that. Dear Abby, I think despite my highly announced retirement to the central Florida highlands, the reality is that I may have to start up the robot club all over again. Is that what has already happening? Do you think I should? Let’s have a show of hands.

           The club lingo has already pervaded the vocabulary, such as the trip to Wachaula to pick up the first rocks was “Expedition 1”. To the natives, it’s a whole new way of doing business. Last, there is a recurring advertisement on Bushnell Adultery Radio. It is a recreation park that blurbs it has “the finest in primitive camping”. When you read it. There is something ironic therein but I just can’t quite put my finger on it.

Last Laugh

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