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Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6, 2017

One year ago today: May 6, 2016, working from prepared notes.
Five years ago today: May 6, 2012, the assumption is . . . .
Nine years ago today: May 6, 2008, Taylor Dane link.
Random years ago today: May 6, 2013, rambling about silver again.

           Hotmail has finally resorted to sending junk mail to itself. It always appears at the top of your mail and lacks the check mark so you can delete it. (Hover over the display and an “X” appears to the right.) These Millennials will never stop conniving more ways to annoy people. They do that, you know, because they lack the brains to invent anything new. Quick, name three things invented by Millennials that changed the world for the better. The first sign you are in the Third World is when you have to pay to be left alone. Either that, or you are visiting my family.
           Note advertisers: I intentionally avoid companies and products that use intrusive advertising tactics. Now I boycott Quicken loans for clogging up hotmail with their junk mail.
           Here’s a puzzle new to me, the kakuro or something like that. I’ve seen them but was unable to figure out how to work them. Turnsout the directions are wrong. Like Sudoku, it uses the number 1 through 9, but uses sums. The instructions state the same number cannot be repeated in a row or column. That’s similar to Sodoku, but they lied. They mean the number cannot be repeated in a segment. In the top row, any number could be repeated in that row because there are two segments.

           I had to go on-line to get that cleared up. The next trick is to find or make up a chart of all possible combinations. Puzzle is rare because two of the columns add to 45, which utilizes all nine digits. I’ll just give a small intro, as you can find of this on-line. The second column’s digits must add to 4. That can mean the only possible combination is 1+3, but you don’t know which order. I haven’t done one of these yet, but the tactic seems to be taking advantage of the small sums first, then subtracting the results so you are always working with the smallest number of digits possible. Nothing like badly written instructions to get people to avoid your product.
           Later, just my luck, I did choose a difficult weekend puzzle. It’s tricky to break the old Sudoku habits. I got all the two digit answers where they zig-zag near the center. An hour later, I set it aside. Like Sudoku there are a series of rules to memorize that breaks the problem into smaller pieces. Like learning to use an abacus.

Total at time of posting: $19,893,674,429,144.10
national debt

           If Trump had not been elected, this counter would, they say, be hitting $23 trillion. The last president paid for all those cell phones and votes by just printing up the money. And sticking the next guy with cleaning up the mess.

Picture of the day.
Apartments in Spain.
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           Where is everybody? Well, I’m here, Agt. M is probably on his honeymoon, Trent is off to Arizona on business, and Agt. R is somewhere between Lakeland and Ft. Meyers with our router table. I got a repeat response for my guitar ad, the guy who got tendonitis. He says it is okay and wants to try out. I was gumptionless all day so all I did was prefab some of the shed receptables. Shown here, this is what a beauty of a prefab job looks like. All that has to happen in the field is attach the ground and wire it up.
I also put the new lock on the shed, now that there is enough gear in there to make it worth knocking over. The garden area is a good contender for the passive solar air conditioner. The area is in deep shade in the later part of the day, but that won’t make a lot of difference with the pipes six feet down.
           The concept has merit, I think, and I’ll continue with sketching out the requirements. Rather than one long pipe, four small ten-footers would fit in the garden. I know, the blurb said minimum 50 feet, but this does not have to cool a house, just a 100 square foot work shed. The major work is digging the trenches, but the garden is big enough to dig them one at a time.
           As for the shed roof, screw it, I’m going ahead with the asphalt sheets. I’m going to raise the center beam another 1-1/2” to keep the slope more consistent, but that’s it for the shed. Once the electric outlets are done, so am I. Note, all the other electric, the lights and switches, are already installed. Long ago.

One-Liner of the Day:
“Two years ago I married a virgin and if that
doesn’t change soon, I want a divorce.”

           That’s it, my big Saturday. I suppose I should have gone out for coffee, but that is a solitary undertaking in Florida. Unlike Seattle, at least in the pre-smart phone days, you can’t find any ordinary coffee shops around here. I don’t really know anybody in Florida I could call up to meet for coffee, so when I’m there, you’ll see me with a crossword or a novel. The Denny’s is too far away and I can’t take too much of that “Dunkin Raaay-dio”. Also, Dunkin around here tends to attract family groups. I’m with George Carlin on how I view that crowd.
           It’s a bygone era, but in my day the coffee shops just off campus were a great way to meet people. There was an intellectual aura between six and closing that was never quite recaptured by the big book stores. I haven’t been to a bookstore in a year, anyway. Ha, it’s probably full of people texting. You know, I have a box of those e-readers and stuff around here. Reading off a screen doesn’t have the same staying power when your objective is some real learning.

           I baked some drumsticks and curled up with my Antarctica book. The author is back to comparing myths and there is no doubt he is very, if not exceedingly, familiar with those tales. But there isn’t one of them that provides enough hard evidence to verify anything. They read like you want them to read, though I appreciate the mental gymnastics he’s doing to compare passages to mean the same events. It’s clear enough that mankind was around when the last series of tectonic and polar shifts took place.
           The legends are a mess, it’s like dining at the Karma CafĂ©. There’s nothing on the menu because you get what you deserve. The closest things to a fact in any one of those fables can easily be taken many ways. Meanwhile, I’m listening to adultery radio and once again, it fades off the air just as Tarzan leads the people to the great mountain. The correct pronunciation, by the way, is not tarr-ZAN , but TARZ’n. I still have nothing like an AM antenna. FM? Naw, all the FM stations in this area have very narrow formats, and that gets boring.

           It was around now just ten years ago that photos became an integral part of this blog. Be sure to follow the links, as 96% of the photos are originals. The progress is always there, though sometimes it slowed to a crawl. I don’t blame anyone who might think this blog is a chronicle to failed plans to retire and slow down. To make things worse, I had the time and practice to set things up so I could do nothing.
           Before, there was always something, the biggest task was this house. It took how many trips out here? Ten or twelve anyway and they weren’t cheap. I could always blame being busy on the need to find a retirement place. By rights, I should be lazy and doing nothing. I’m no longer paying $600 in rent nor having to save a thousand a month for a down payment. By rights I should be doing less than nothing all day long.

           Surprise—doing nothing is dull. Even people who do nothing are so dreary they spend their days and lives watching empty TV. And that may be a waste of time, but it is no “doing nothing”. So there, I’m not the only one who can’t sit still for long. The difference is instead of reaching for the remote, I do constructive things. Instead of reading the TV guide, or whatever the contemporary equivalent might be, I read books, just about any book will do if the alternative is, oh, what’s the name of that ugly talk-show man who needs a haircut? Not Oprah, the even uglier one.
           So this blog should become famous for portraying that theme. One man’s failure to accomplish doing nothing. He works his whole life for it, but all that does is accustom him to a higher level of activity. I still sit in the sun, but I’m likely to be reading while it’s light enough. And playing bass when it isn’t.

Last Laugh

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