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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 5, 2017

One year ago today: July 5, 2016, seeking expert advice.
Five years ago today: July 5, 2012, Amish prices.
Nine years ago today: July 5, 2008, Wallace’s new Malibu.
Random years ago today: July 5, 2014, two-for-one brain surgery?

           Once more, work on the house will dominate my writing for a bit. Lackluster or not, it is the top event and gets top billing in the blog. There is no such thing as a totally nothing day around here. There was one incident last evening. I dropped some gear over at Agt. R’s place which took until dark, so I went downtown for a coffee. I had some deep reading to do (about circuit pulses, a type of electronic signal), but everything was closed. I noticed the club had Karaoke and the place was mostly empty, so I stopped in there. That’s the club with the old people who sing obscure Broadway numbers.
           I sat in the far corner and exercised my gift of tuning out the world to read. No big deal, until I go to leave 45 minutes later. The Karaoke host guy is standing near the door beside a humongous woman. I said good-bye and mentioned I didn’t sing because I had some homework. He’s okay with that, but the woman, and I did not catch it, made some totally sarcastic remark about my brain. It was meant and said in a bad tone, which I just ignored and kept on leaving. Totally uncalled for.

           I’ll make an effort to mention anything that sparks my interest other than the renovating. That’s why you get features like this picture of powdered goat milk. Hey, come on, what other blog makes this kind of special effort for you? I mean, a review on goat milk, where else you gonna get this in-depth reporting? I don’t like this product.
           The store was out of regular powdered milk, which I use almost exclusively for cooking, so I thought this would be a good substitute. Nope, it imparts a flavor of its own. So I mixed up a glass and sure enough, it’s there. No unpleasant, but it’s there, alright. Hence it works best in recipes that have stronger ingredients. And packed in metal cans, it is a potential prep food. (Prep as in stockpiled food kept for emergencies.)

           The big battery on the scooter is unsalvageable. Sad for me, that period with the battery acid drained out killed the cells. They won’t hold a charge. Although I have a complete spare motorcycle battery in the shed, I normally put a full size car battery in the scooter. That will destroy the budget for this month. I left the new amp on round the clock to check the 50-hour battery feature. Not even being used, not even the radio, the unit began fading after 36 hours. Hmmm, maybe there are things to write about besides the house?

           Got time? Watch this “oddly satisfying” video. Later - okay, so don't watch it. Some gimp claimed copyright - after he posted it.

Picture of the day.
Chocolate anyone?
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here is your ‘before’ picture of the area to be renovated next. The shelf on the wall was because my desk used to be in that corner. Note the lack of outlets and the room has no lights. Just two switched receptacles. Meaning hit the wrong switch and lose your computer files. The first thing to be done is to wire the place completely. Now I know how.
           Ah, you want to know how. Okay, since there is no insulation in those walls, take a hatchet and knock channels in the drywall for all the new wiring. Don’t forget the exterior receptacle and lights, it is better to wire those from the interior as well. ‘Neath the neon glow of the A/C readout. The heat index out there today was 103°F. Inescapable.

           The chat over coffee this afternoon was concerning these guys who have been ordered to pay child support who, later via DNA testing, prove that it is not their child. It seems not only do they have to continue paying, they cannot sue for any money back because it is a court order. This lack of accountability, folks, is why so many people in America no longer trust or respect the legal system. I’ll tell you another reason.
           There are American citizens in prison for refusing to fill out the census, yet there is no law that says they have to. There is, however, a law that punishes you if you don’t (Title 13 US Code Sec. 141, 193, & 221). The census seem to be the only people other than the Gestapo who don’t know information collected under duress is never trustworthy. The census bureau claims it has taken an oath to never disclose any information that could identify you. If that were even remotely true, they would not know who to put in jail. It all contributes to a lack of regard for the law and the people who make or enforce the law.

Quote of the Day:
“Flying is learning to fall
without hitting the ground .”
~ Unknown.

           There is something wrong with this picture. But most of you will never know unless I tell you. I will, but first, you are looking at the only yacht on Earth so far that carries a $330 million dollar price tag. There is one yacht reputedly priced at a billion, but, well, it’s not as classy. This boat is owned by some Russian and is christened the “Eclipse”. So what is wrong with this picture? Give up?

           It is the picture itself that is wrong. The yacht is equipped with special laser beams and lighting fixtures that prevent paparazzi or anybody else for taking pictures. It also has sophisticated anti-boarding features but the real hush-hush is the camera detection system. My guess is that it blankets the area around the boat with some type of infrared halo. Digital cameras are very sensitive to IR light and often you can tell a digital unit by the reddish tinge to the lens. I say if the on-board sensors pick up that signature, it directs a beam of light that messes up the camera. So, buy a lens cover, guys.

           Ha, you want some semi-bragging gossip oriented editorial? Read on. I told you Agt. R was sharp, and that is proving a factor in his reluctance to get on stage. Now that he’s got some formal training, he’s quick to surmise a lot of the stage show is presentation. An added advantage is that everybody knows he’s never played guitar, so he’ll be coming from out of nowhere. Since I also point out the best ways to posture on stage, he’s quickly caught on that that is the unknown element. The one that gets the babes. Ah, now it makes sense when he’s seen me turn down women. I have experience.
           Halt. Do not take it to mean if you get on stage you will get the babes. Let me explain something. Women over 20 view bands opposite than what they did when under 20. Or let me qualify that, they view men in a band differently. Under 20 she’s, “Oh, wow.” Over 20 she’s, “Oh, yuck.” That doesn’t quite capture what I mean, let me try again. Okay, you know how some men have that weird fantasy that nurses and barmaids are hard to score because they’ve seen it all? Well, that’s similar to how older women view a man in a band. Even if you get him, whenever he’s at work, he will be surrounded by temptation. And women know men can’t resist it, they just know that, see? But when the women do it, why, it is just flirting.

           He knows only three chords, hey, it’s been one lesson. I dropped off some materials today and noticed his fingertips. The guy has been practicing. He doesn’t know it yet, but those three chords enable him to play 13 of the 35 songs on my current list, either directly or capo up two frets. Remember, if he picks this up, it is far from the first time one of my students has gone on to become a true entertainer on his own. And in a few cases, better than me. That’s why I never teach them how to sing.
           If Ray-B reads this next bit, he’ll laugh his ass off. I was playing the simplistic bass line to Rucker’s “Wagon Wheel” and it is like, bass kindergarten. What 99% of guitarists think bass is all about. That fiddle line kept running through my brain. Then I finally played it. Okay Ray-B, you were right. I’m playing lead riffs on the bass. But in my own defense, it is not really lead, it is fiddle. I kind of started just playing the fills during the verses, but without that fiddle line, the instrumental parts are as bland as when a guitarist quits chording and picks it. And for the permanent file, most guitarists would not do a proper job of it unless they played a lot of thirds.

           My word, that soundproofing on the back room proves its worth on a noisy holiday. You can still hear the fireworks if you are reading, like I was. But sleeping right through it is a snap. If you have a small fan operating, as is normal around here, you can’t hear a thing. I’m reading a medical mystery, the lady doctor who moves to a company town and notices patients have “bizarre” symptoms. Well written, but reader beware, the book is too politically correct and that theme wears thin by the first chapter, then becomes downright annoying by the second.
           Another movie script book, with the hermit, the factory surrounded by barbed wire, the sinister head of security. And the constant undertone that Mexicans are all bronze-skinned professionals who resemble Omar Sharif. Get past that claptrap and the plot is actually interesting, moving forward in the traditional Capote style. This is the first book I’ve read in the newly occupied back bedroom, with the view of the back yard. Talk about comparative luxury, a view of the lizgarden and future patio. It is also the most isolated wing of the house. From here it is 24 paces to get out to the kitchen. Not bad for a cabin.
           Finally after more than a year, I slept in my own bedroom.

Last Laugh

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