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Saturday, July 8, 2017

July 8, 2017

One year ago today: July 8, 2016, what’s a stageplot?
Five years ago today: July 9, 2012, the pre-bingo count.
Nine years ago today: July 8, 2008, shave that puppy.
Random years ago today: July 8, 2015, unbelievable lightning.

           Deciding to make the best of this delay, I parked near Sunset Place and spent the day reading at the Barn, drinking what, in this genetically modified world, passes for coffee. How clueless must they be to not realized you can’t mix 15 ingredients and call it coffee. Maybe they should just make the milkshake and sprinkle the coffee on top like they do the cinnamon.
           Then again, you are dealing with a generation who think Tom Hanks and Whoopi Goldberg can act. I wonder if they know Whoopi is called that for her chronic flatulence. I’m trying to remember if he is the one who is short-sighted in one eye and far-sighted in the other. Anyway, the person with that condition has to keep winking back and forth to see things.

           For those who criticize the conspiracy theorists, time for you to read this article. Once again it proves that government departments will abuse any right they are given. The biometric airport scanning was clearly allowed by Congress on the condition it would only be used on non-Americans. This blog has always pointed out the fallacy of such controls. One again, the authorities already know who the bad risks are, but they are less concerned about that than turning these checkpoint surveillance devices on the ordinary citizenry en masse. Shucks, they even want the people with nothing to hide on file.
           The picture is of a pencil sharpener designed to look like an old ink bottle. At $11 each, they were not selling well. But that could be because nobody these days knows what an ink bottle looked like.

Picture of the day.
The M-800.
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           I was reading Dave Barry and he’s hit the lawn mower right on the yolk. The reason he and I are not getting filthy rich is because we are writing the wrong copy. He’s a columnist for the fifth-rate Miami Herald, the thinnest paper that ever charged $2 a copy, and I’m tapping out even less funny material (though only slightly) for the oldest continually operating Florida non-advertising blog. We should, he says, be writing suspense novels with an eye to major motion pictures. The way I see it, with one of those eyes, it’s worth a shot, but it would not work for two or more reasons.

           1) Dave’s name makes the movie titles too long.
           2) Dave is jealous of my relationship with Taylor, non-existent as that may be.
           3) Mom always liked him best. My mom.

Quote of the Day:
“If money grew on trees,
women would date monkeys.”
~ Unknown

           I took the evening off and dropped in to the old club. The place was full of the regulars but the awful influence of Sweeney’s really puts a damper on the atmosphere. Sweeney’s is mafia club over on Hallandale Beach Boulevard, the one that kept getting shut down for tax violations. They have gradually bought out most of the clubs in the Hollywood area over the years. They are in it for the money so when you walk in, you get instantly hit with this gloomy mood of hurry up, spend your money, get two-fisted drunk and do this again tomorrow. The only women present are barmaids, prostitutes, or some combination of the same.
           They are designed to mimic neighborhood pubs, but that is one thing they can never be as long as the all have the same character. They move out a few tables if they have to just to make room for pool tables. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody under 35 in the place, which is strange when you consider the rate of alcoholism in millennials is the same as the rest of the populace and there is no cheaper place to drink in Broward County. Just odd, that’s all.

           Borrowing Rick’s smart phone, I found the maps to Lake Placid. He didn’t know he had a smart phone, so he now thinks I’m a power user. It turns out I did drive past the correct house last month. But the grass and weeds are so high it looked abandoned. Trivia. The number one “crop” in America by acreage is lawn grass. Over 30 million acres of it. Lawns can be up to twenty degrees (F) cooler than concrete or bare dirt. Wait, here’s a last minute correction. Over 32 million acres of lawn grass. And none of it will grow in my front yard.

           Here’s your daily dose of trivia. Facebook, that champion of free speech, is not deleting 66,000 posts per week. Of course, they re-label it an anti-hate campaign. Don’t buy that for a second because censorship is censorship. If something is illegal or hateful, it should be dealt with by the parties iaffected and not with the like of Shuckerberg acting as the middleman. Did you know Facebook has 7,500 people working its censorship department? As this blog predicted ten years ago. Like all media controlled by religion, it is not good enough to report the news. They must also spin it.
           And I say again that it is my opinion that only fact, not biased editorial, is protected by freedom of the press.

Last Laugh
(IKEA jeep?)

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