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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017

One year ago today: August 15, 2016, live oak trees.
Five years ago today: August 15, 2012, at the Big Texan.
Nine years ago today: August 15, 2008, installing Café Manager Lite.
Random years ago today: August 15, 2010, not on my stage.

           Nothing, that’s the word for today. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down. There is always something to record in the life of a non-TV addict. For example, I got the next ‘old-guy’ test in the mail, informing me not to eat for 24 hours. Then take a dye pill and pee in the bottle. What, now they’re trying to starve me? If you think I’m a grouch now, wait until tomorrow morning. No caffeine, not even decaf tea. And with the temperature off the scale, at least I’ve got comfortable surroundings. I was at the library for a couple hours, that’s the high point of the day.
           There’s lots to do if you get ambitious. There’s never nothing to do, so here, use your lumber grading skills to take a look at this flooring. This is the oak that will be salvaged from the living room. Notice the dark red stain. I’ve been told this is out of fashion. Banana for scale. The scratchy patterns over the floor are just drywall dust after I ran the wet mop over the surface. The wood is in great shape except for a few spots. And you can see one of them.

           Just beneath the banana is a spot where the termites got at the joist under the oak. There are three such holes in the floor, but this is the biggest one. The heel of my shoe went right through the deck and you can see daylight under the house. It is the remainder of this floor that gets stacked in the back yard in preparation to run through the planer. I put in a few hours but the heat gets unbearable by 9:30 or 10:00 AM. Especially on an empty tummy. I’ve determined the northwest corner to be the worst spot, so I’ll begin by straightening from there. Another quirk in the house is the bedroom is framed with studs, but the rest of the building is framed with 8-footers.
           Alas, no Bushnell radio, so I threw on the only DVD I haven’t watched. It’s that slanted “A Day Without A Mexican” movie that tries to say since the illegal labor has permeated the market so badly that it can no longer operate without it. That’s nonsense, nobody knows because nobody has tried. Sure, Americans want more money because educated people always do. But really, America has an adequate supply of its own unskilled laborers. Many of them are out of work because of illegals. The movie is irksome because it plays to all the stereotypes. The Mexicans are all good, you know, maids, musicians, shopowners, but no thieves, no drug dealers, no prostitutes. And the whites are all meanies because they can’t distinguish between an illegal Honduran and an illegal Guatemalan.
           According to the movie, all the white people should stop what they are doing immediately and immerse themselves in Latino culture until they accept illegal immigration as Mexican right. Okay Mr. Smarty-pants Latino, tell me if I'm a German, an Austrian, an Englishman, or a Welshman. These notions, it would seem, only work one way. Racist against whites. Interesting, that. I turned the movie off and listened to my MP3.

Picture of the day.
Dneipr River.
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           I’ll talk politics in a minute, but first here is you view of the living room area. This is a stitched panoramic shot so the two edges of the photo are the north and south walls. The window is on the north, the blue dust curtain is on the south. It’s the view you would get peeking in the living room window. Clearly shown is the bathroom wall and closet along the back and the tarpaper with the insulation. I used the cooler morning to do the labor of scooping up the drywall fragments and hauling everything out the front window. So ask me if I’m exhausted? By noon I was back inside doing paperwork.

           One of which was to read the downloaded manual from that kerosene heater pictured y’day. By the way, thank you ProTemp for having a complete site with manuals and instructions available for everyone. Your files won’t display in every browser, but thanks again for the courtesy of publishing everything the use needs on-line, along with the troubleshooting guides and exploded parts lists. You could give lessons to some of these other companies who don’t even support their own last year’s products.
           That heater needs an electric supply to work, it doesn’t run by itself once the draft is flowing. Then again, it is thermostat controlled, self-igniting, and has a digital read-out. Priced new at Ace Hardware, this model sells for $339.99. The only problem appears to be the off-on switch, which exists over here in abundant supply.

           Whoa the big hooplah with the violence in Virginia. Of course, the libtards would find fault with anything Trump says, so don’t pay much attention to what he says or not. But all the old style PC political candy-asses are quick to get airtime denouncing only the whites, as usual. For my overseas readers, the issue is apparently trivial. The liberals are not educated enough to know the Civil War was not about slavery, so they get offended by statues and flags of the period. They wanted to remove a statue of the war hero Robert E. Lee and the white community said no way, not unless you remove the statues of Martin Luther King. So to the outside world, it looks like a sissy-fit, but the statues have come to represent really deep divisions over the route this country is taking.
           It is commonly known that the liberal movement, embodied by the Democrat party, is the source of most of the troubles in the land. It is their methods that is touching off the violence, no matter how you slice it. One item to watch is California, which prides itself in liberal causes, although I have never met a Californian who thinks that is right. Basically, the population over there pretends to be liberal every one because they are terrified of being labeled anything else. Remember, it is illegal in California to even tell racist jokes. The average Californian is terrified to speak his mind except behind locked doors.

           [Author’s note: don’t read too much into the flashy coverage of white skinheads giving the Nazi salute. Very few Americans have any inkling what national socialism was all about, but they have been raised on almost complete propaganda that anything Nazi is evil. Most are afraid to even admit there is another side to that story. So while they don’t understand what it is all about, they know that the swastika and sieg heil salute will get television ratings and they go through the motions. In reality, there are probably no real Nazis in America.
           These people are American patriots who believe in America for Americans. Calling them Nazis or white supremists is something the majority of them would not have the brains to grasp. They know they live in a country where the majority public will does not want immigration or integration, but the so-called elected government is not listening. If they do whatever they have to before the message gets out, then they can be expected to do so. I repeat, the majority of Americans support curbs on everything from surveillance to foreign wars, but it has been a long time since the American government has been behaving responsibly in regard to what their citizens really want.
           If half of what the pundits say about Mexicans was true, it would be Mexico building the wall.]

           Back to California. What’s happened is the state has finally passed the point of no return on their support of illegal immigrants. California has both state and federal taxes, but what’s changed is their entire domestic state budget, I believe I heard it is $3.1 billion dollars, is now used up making welfare payments to illegals, most of who live in Los Angeles. This means the entire rest of the tax dollars come from federal transfer payments. Ha, serves them right. Every other government service in the state is dependent on federal money, and Trump has already said they will cut off the sanctuary cities. Well, Sacramento, it serves you right. If you won’t get tough on crime, DC will get tough for you.
           That will be a dandy situation, America is watching. Come on, Don, squeeze them till they toe the line. Nothing these bleeding hearts fear worse than having to pay for their guilty consciences themselves. Three billion down the drain every year, you know, that’s a lot of money wasted. Let’s not forget these government welfare programs were designed for American citizens, not Mexicans. Remember, I would never stop anybody from giving their own dollars to the immigrants, but I would not compel somebody who felt otherwise. That’s a lesson many a liberal needs to learn: leave the other guy alone.

Quote of the Day:
“No husband has ever been shot doing the dishes.”
~ thunk, not said.

           There it was, a semi-cool evening so I went to work on the tarpaper. There’s more to it than that, but the radiant heat from the walls ceases or at least abates to nothing as soon as a section is completed. Visible are the diagonal braces from 1946. Also the A/C cutout is evident and the wiring is now stapled in place. The big A/C cannot keep up with the heat overall, so I’m anxious to get the smaller unit installed and run both of them. Bushnell radio came on for a bit, so I listened to a western, but as always, the station gets clobbered by some talk radio around sunset.
           It’s not your imagination, the work really is going faster. Experience counts. I know I should have put the tarpaper first, but I had no way to get the bundle here before I was ready to commence. Anyway, in this western, these two guys agree to help their friend pretend to rob a stage because the lady the guy is after thinks outlaws are dashing and daring. A lot of women in America still do. Well, the problem is, the robbery goes perfectly and they get away with the money.
           Now things get complicated. The guy who wanted to be the outlaw is unknown, but the two friends that helped him got identified. Our hero wants to return the cash and reveal how it was all a joke, but the other two guys have been shot at already by the sheriff. Just as things got hopping, the station got clobbered, so now we’ll never know.

           That was JZ on the horn, he may zip out here for a day or two. Good, he needs to renew his old acquaintances and view the progress. This place is worth a tidy bundle now. Hmmm, if he times it right, we can tear up the floor as a team. It worked well last time, which by coincidence was almost a year ago to the day. And in gossipy news, Alaine says no offers on the place in Coconut Grove. The new place in North Port closes on September, what did she say? The sixteenth? Well anyway, if there are no buyers for the old place, which means they will own both houses simultaneously, and that ties up something like a million and a half. More than we mere mortals can comprehend, house-wise.
           As for JZ’s retirement cottage, in the last few dispatches, I’ve included a picture of the cheapest house for sale in this area. In a good neighborhood, I mean, and a few other parameters that make it comparable to this place. But as far as bargains go, he’s on his own because he missed the boat. He’ll be lucky to ever get out of Miami now. Ten year ago you could live there in a gated community but now the South American drug money is being laundered in what used to be the poshest of neighborhoods. Million dollar cash deals under the table and the American authorities look the other way and classify it as an “investment”.

           In health news, JZ is bewildered why we all though his back was out when it was his legs. Maybe it was the e-mails we got from his kinfolk? He was put on some kind of painkiller I could not follow the explanation. I do know for sure it was a treatment that does not address the cause, only the pain. So what does JZ do? He decides by the second day he’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator. An hour later when he crawled back to his apartment, I hear, he calls and I get a fifteen minute description of what hurt is. This time I hear the real symptoms.
           You know what I think? Well, you’re about to. Years ago my primary care doctor said I should get those laser treatments on my calves to prevent exactly what JZ is describing. At the time, the doctor was explaining how diabetes was a common development in my situation. I opted for the surgery, an on-going series of laser needle sessions interrupted only when my surgeon opted out of some Obamacare program that was supposed to be transparent. Anyway, the idea was to electronically pinch off certain veins, causing a re-routing of vessels through lesser used paths back up to the torso.

           I’ve heard conflicting reports of its effectiveness but it worked 100% on me. Except for a few extra charley-horses and having to wear nylons a bit, I’m fine. I was a candidate for varicose veins and today I don’t have even one. But I would probably have discontinued the program because I did not understand when it began that the routine was on-going. And it was nearly a year before I noticed any improvement. If it had not been covered by my insurance, I would have balked. Nonetheless, to me it sounds like exactly what JZ is going to need. Did I mention the needle is quite painful?

Last Laugh

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