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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6, 2017

One year ago today: September 6, 2016, the marionoak.
Five years ago today: September 6, 2012, franks in Denver.
Nine years ago today: September 6, 2008, WIP – bad header
Random years ago today: September 6, 2011, Professor Oz, R.I.P.

           This post is off kilter, but blog rules say it stays just the way it was entered. Enjoy.

           It took an hour of waiting in line this morning to get a tank off gas. So I took along a spare gas can for two extra gallons. The panic started at noon y'day as the locals began queuing to spend $3.33 per gallon. I think regular gas would be a bit cheaper, but my babies only get served premium. The gas station was sold out by supper time but the delivery truck came in at 4:00AM. We can see it from the balcony, but by the time he pulled away it was 6:45. I was there in a moment and still had to wait an hour for my turn.
           Shown here is the guy ahead of me filling up his last batch of gas cans. He had the van full of nearly twenty jugs. His pump bill came to $234. There were lots of flaring tempers and blaring horns. Strange as it seems, the lineups get worse as the danger gets nearer. Myself, I'll carry and extra two gallons with me but my tank, even when full, only gets me around a hundred miles. But this is always taking a chance, not with the gasoline, but because Florida is full of irresponsible azz-clowns.

           So, I'm getting out of the Hollywood library. I came over here to use the desktop computers but there was a 3 hour 20 minute wait time. People need the computers to get hurricane information, but let’s hold a class for three people and take all 21 computers out of commission for the afternoon.
           The schools are already shut although the hurricane isn't due until Sunday or Monday. If I can't get my mechanic later today, I'm driving back early tomorrow to get out of the cone. I base more on the hurricane track models and 80% of them show the course right up the center of the state and ove my house. Either way, we always get violent rainstorms. I'll clear out of Miami while the going is good although JZ’s place is concrete. That’s more protected than my wooden structures, but these storms always peter out rapidly once they get off the ocean thermal cycle on to land. So I’m hauling out of here asap. Out of the cone and out of the zone.
           The remainder of the day is a series of unrelated incidents, so if you like average days, this one is for you. Flashback. Who recalls that big overstuffed armchair in JZ's living room? Taking up space for the last ten years because nobody actually sat on it except me. You had to move ton of laundry first. Then, some years later, JZ and I went for breakfast in Coconut Grove. I told him there were no good-looking women there, but he insisted. That was the day I left my legendary Argus 1600 camera on the table. Except, I didn't. JZ check the cushions on the chair and found it. That's the same camera that fell in the Atlantic Ocean. I shook it off and it still worked.

           [Author’s note: read on, this camera was bound to be lost in a fire very shortly. I may mention much of the above more than several times. This situation is still on-going.]

Picture of the day.
Cow shoes.
(Used to disguise footprints.)
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           I had to fast for tests again, remember with me it is 6 hours more than for you. Don't feel too sorry that I'll starve, I found I can eat all the raw vegetables that I want and the tests are still good. My point is I was not due in until next Monday and that is prime hurricane time. I told them I would not be here and they took me today. So I got all my shots, my game plan is to clear out early tomorrow. No work on the motorcycle this time. Hurricanes are the most excellent excuse for everybody to shut 'er down and take a holiday.
           The governor suspended the tolls. Whoop-de-doo. I went back to the old office and found not two but three bills for the times I got in the wrong lane and had to use the toll road to turn back. $9.23 in tolls and $14.40 in “administration fees”. That's the other reason I left south Florida. The place is brim full of these small-time operators who will screw you for a couple pennies each. And, like the roaches they live with, there are millions of them and they breed like rats. Is it wrong to compare humans to these pests? I dunno, have you ever lived in south Florida?

           I also stopped at the old club on Wiley. All the old gang is gone. The staff is no longer tons of semi-babes, but middle-aged ladies who remind me the secretarial pool back at the phone company. For real, there was not a single person or staff that I knew. All gone in a matter of months. I casually inquired and much of the original staff seems to have failed the pee test. The ones that are there now don't look like they even pee. Party? What's that?
           That was the end of that, I stopped at the Russian store and bought ten large cans of Riga smoked sprats. The I opened the mail and more bad news, in a sense. That bitch up at my cardiologist's office has flooded the Internet with my personal information. She is putting in credit card applications in my name, or causing them to be put in. This is her covering her trail. she doesn't know that the information is salted.
           However, chances are I could not prove a thing. Trust me, that woman will suffer. That’s the only way these people learn to respect others. This not revenge, this is a needed lesson that it is my duty to teach her. These scumbags never act in isolation. Now is not the time to lecture her victims.

Quote of the Day:
“I hate peer pressure and so should you.”

           You might want to enjoy one of these very last photos of the Rebel, for reasons that will become clear tomorrow. This shows the vacant stretches of road that I prefer for long trips. Note the white, puffy prairie clouds of pre-hurricane fine weather. I would place this around 20 miles south of the nothing town of Immokalee. The only more ideal setting than what you see here would be low rolling hills of Georgia pine. The breeze was cool from the northwest and the temperature was mid-70s. And no big trucks on the tarmac is always a treat.
           I had originally planned to stop at the library in Immokalee. It’s one of those where you get the entire research section to yourself. I mean, who else over there uses it? As another side venture to make the trip better, I had also planned on touring the Alva Museum. It’s a house fixed up by the garden club. Dang, the sign said they did not open until October. That was the same as the sign at the Olga Mall. All these places I’ve referring to on this leg of the trip are twenty, thirty miles of each other.

Last Laugh

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