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Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017

One year ago today: November 17, 2016, translates as “John Smith”.
Five years ago today: November 17, 2012, out in the Keys.
Nine years ago today: November 17, 2008, best ever bass picture.
Random years ago today: November 17, xxxx, WIP

           Today took forty years. This would not surprise anyone who knows me--considering that long ago I was not a country fan. The exception was Johnny Cash, but I never regarded him as a country musician. His hits were on the country charts, but he has no ordinary farm boy. He moved the musical landscape. I never really played much country until, oh, the late 1980s. Even then, it was only those tunes which fired up an audience. Read on, in the addendum, I’ll tell you my first impressions of the show at the Grand Ole Opry.

           Since the only day I could get that prized front row balcony seat was today, I technically missed my birthday. But roughly the same week is close enough after you are 30. I was not going to settle for the back row or nosebleed section. Since I already know that will be the big event of the day, here’s some reading material for you. And I found out the difference between the best seat and the best available seat. I should have know the center balcony was sold out.

Picture of the day.
Putin’s house.
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           Having quickly learned the Nashville road system, I arrived an hour early for the Opry. I strolled the strip and man, why didn’t I move here? Because I didn’t know and there was nobody to ask, that’s why. I took the ten bucks all night parking and poked into every club that had live music. Which is most of them. Trust me, gang, I would play rock music if it could ever draw consistent crowds like that. Six deep on the sidewalks, every club packed. I saw nobody I recognized, but this is pretty far from the Pacific. Where going east is considered a sign of desperation or failure.
           Florida has never quite learned the right mix of getting entertainers who draw a crowd. They expect you to bring a crowd with you, duh. There were no buskers, maybe due to an ordinance, but that’s one thing you’ll find about live musicians. When it comes to performing on stage, there is no middle-class. Got that, you guitar players? I’d estimate there were some 40 clubs on Broad Street. All with live music with NO backing tracks allowed.

           Wanting to say I sang on Broad Street, I ducked into Wanna B’s and sang one tune. Knowing my act is new and refreshing, I gave the staff and DJ the heads-up to watch how only my show solidly kept the audience’s attention from start to finish. They were impressed, but still made me pay for my own beer. Hold it, this couple at the bar bought me another on their tab. Thanks!

           [Author’s note: today was my surrogate birthday which was last week. I figure this is close enough, but it was a totally full day and this is my best effort at a post. Read through the upcoming week for my reflections on one of the best weeks of my life.]

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