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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017

One year ago today: November 28, 2016, a plan for revenge.
Five years ago today: November 28, 2012, get a big box.
Nine years ago today: November 28, 2008, it used to weigh 220 pounds . . .
Random years ago today: November 28, 2013, three hundred sixty-five dollars!

           I hate to be back in Miami. An hour and forty minutes to drive 33 miles. When I got there, they were holding a vegetarian cooking course, and me fasting for the past 18 hours. Unless you want to hear a lot of grumbling, best let me change the subject. Here’s the brake shoes for the red scooter. I got a certain amount of chasing around done and got a carload to deliver to North Port. Then, we went for dinner at Denny’s. Alas, the old Denny’s, the outfit that stood the test of time, is now gone over to the bad side.
           I know they have to compete, but they are doing so at the cost of the qualities that made them a long-term success. I recall very well when these “new style” restaurants began taking over in the 1970s. It sounds strange now, but that was when various colleges began to teach courses on how to maximize restaurant revenues.

           And what a change it was. The emphasis shifted from serving the best food for the lowest price to doing othere things that coaxed the maximum dollar out of the customer. I’ve groused about this before. How it became difficult to just stop somewhere for a coffee while on the road. Or places that began insisting on showing where to sit.
           Now it’s universal. Denny’s took out the stools. Other places hand you a menu and a glass of water and set the table for a meal before even giving you a chance to say you’d just like a coffee. Well, you know the Mongolia? They are doing the opposite. They put in a coffee counter last week and moved in a real old jukebox. Well, old except that it accepts bluetooth.

           The brake shoes, $25, are to extend the life of the red scooter another six months. If I didn’t say, I’ve decided not to replace it simply because it still runs.

Picture of the day.
Russian eagle and prey.
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           Everybody got home late and tired. I fell asleep on the sofa, by right arm in hot flashing pain. My arm is going through menopause? This is an abbreviated entry. We went over the plan for the joists from y’day, there were no objections to this plan, and I was out of the picture. True, I got up at 4:00AM wide awake. But Wednesday is a holiday, drop back tomorrow.

Last Laugh

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