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Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19, 2018

One year ago today: January 19, 2017, a high stakes game.
Five years ago today: January 19, 2013, I look like a drop-out.
Nine years ago today: January 19, 2009, Doctor Sports.
Random years ago today: January 19, 2008, mine is 113 miles high.

           So much happened behind the scenes that I nearly got the day off. The minor highlights of the day involved wondering around the courthouse, failing to find the engineer’s office, and eating a salad consisting mostly of spinach leaves, walnuts, and strawberries. Some day off. I had intended to find out about the science museum in Tampa, but in the end got a five-minute browse of the web site. It’s called MOSI, of which I gather stands for ‘museum’, ‘science’, and ‘industry’. The O is up for grabs. Anyway, I asked a few women around town if they’d like to go see the place with me. That was before that I found out the tickets were $14 a pop. That’s okay, the ladies I asked are worth it.
           Dang anyway. Aren’t publicly funded museums supposed to be free? What the hell. Next, this is the first authentic railway lantern I’ve seen. It’s a more elaborate unit than the ones I was prototyping (before circumstances brought things to a standstill). This from the model railroad museum, which by the way, was free. The lamp is metal, which makes sense since that is a coal oil lantern in there, not a candle.

           The atmosphere still has a cold bite to it, so it was letter-writing time. To make it a treat, I went up the to north end coffee shop and was there for two hours. Mostly had the place to myself, but when there are only women on staff they say they like it better when I’m there. Yet, it’s quite a nice neighborhood. Two of the letters are hand-written, and let it be said that this is such a rare activity that I may be the only person most people have ever seen doing this.
           Then I took to reading this article about how the Puritans stole land from the Indians. Now that is libtardism taken to an extreme. The Puritans were required by their own laws not to steal anything. The fact is, they bought the land and the Indians were only too glad to sell it. The bargaining may have been a little one-sided since the settlers regarded the Indians as an inferior culture. Well what the hell were they supposed to think? The Indians were living in the stone age. There is an unspoken rule that when empty or deserted land is found, it belongs to those who discovered it. That, my friends, is how the human race evolved.
           The fact is, America was severely under-populated, so except for the odd annual migration across it, most land looked like nobody lived there. It is also nonsense that the Indians had no concept of land ownership. Each tribe fiercely fought whenever others intruded on their hunting grounds. Most times when Indian tribes formed a federation, it was to oust others from their territory.

Picture of the day.
Bomb crater village, Ho Chi Minh Trail.
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           Once more I dropped into the club. Tonight they had a five-piece rock band, exactly like I would have wanted when I was fourteen. The same song list as well. Man, the things you can get away with when the crowd is drunk. It must have been payday at the mines for this mob to show up. There was one that caught my eye. It was a no-go, she did not even glance at me in curiosity. That normally spells doom to me. I developed my rules of response, that is, “immediate, positive, exclusive” by the time I was twelve or thirteen, and have had no pressing reasons to change it since.
           Like anyone, my stance gets modified, and there are exceptions, but I remain unconvinced that I should chase women who don’t exhibit that behavior. Number one justification? Easy: why go looking for resistance. Any woman who does not instantly percolate is not what you are looking for. Some call it chemistry, and I largely agree with that. Maybe I’ve plain met enough women in my life that way that I never had to fuss with the ones who aren’t receptive from the get-go.

           I drove over to Bartow just to hear this bar band. The joint was packed five deep and four high. I stuck around because of the music and how the place was also rife with single blonde women. Um, let me change that. Not single, but unaccompanied at this point in time. There was one, a babe in a read clingy top and CFM boots (which I am so glad are back in style), but she intentionally bumped up against me. Nice as it looked, it was all mush. Before I got to move in, a wink from the bartender told “not that one”. I backed off.

Last Laugh

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