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Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19, 2018

One year ago today: February 19, 2017, old meets new.
Five years ago today: February 19, 2013, the instigator’s defense.
Nine years ago today: February 19, 2009, remember the Mesa-Boogie?
Random years ago today: February 19, 2008, you cannot start small.

           The Olga Mall is open for the season. That means the one exception to my diet. Peanut butter and jam sandwiches do not count if it is at the Olga Mall. I think you'll agree. That's MicroSoft Windows 10 wasting my time. I specifically tuned off the useless updates. Somehow, the tablet enacted the updates and disabled the off-button. I even tried powering off, but when you return it locks up again. I had to sit there and watch those bastards leach up the last of my battery power for something I never wanted. I hope I live long enough to see MicroSoft declare Chapter 13. To hell with companies that think they know more about what you want than you do. There, I feel much better now. Let's get back to this morning.
           This morning gotme an early start, I was past Ona and Limestone on a leisurely drive to south Miami. all I could think about really was how much I miss the batbike. The car, it's a gem, but it cnnot compete. You get a short report today because the day was driving and visiting. The drive time was used to ponder and plan. That's what I have to say unless you want me to elaborate on a trip I've made how many times now.

           One thing I'd like is a bigger wagon, one that can haul the batbike. I've been on most of the short-rage drives in the state. The plan is to haul the bike to some new area as a central base, park the rig and branch out from there. Normally I don't travel overnight unless I'm cross-country. This means I'll have two wagons. It's okay, I've got room in the yard. Before I left I set the new birdfeeder out and red cardinals found it within minutes. Ah, the efficiency of Mother Nature.
           I'm not going to stick around Miami this time, I'll be back by Saturday at the latest. I like working on my nice little place in this kind of weather, and I would like to get away this summer. But I'll miss it in a moment if I the least feel like working on the place. Did I mention that the Olga Mall got their sign back. I don't recall if I got this info before last September, but I was there in December(?). Some kids apparently got high and swiped it. Overall, I was in Olga town for close to an hour. I took a side road to the north to see what's there and it is millionaire acreages.

           I stopped in Imokalee for coffee and found the library closed. I've never gotten used to this President 's Day. Faked me out because I drove past and saw people in the entranceway. Turns out they were all the loccal cheapskates using the free WiFi. And will somebody remind me the Mexican restaurant in Imokalee does not serve cafĂ© on lechĂ©.

           The good part of President's day is it didn't take the usual hour to get the last nine miles to the condo. He wants o head over to some new university pub tonight. I'm okay with that, but not until after my Tuesday appointments. Stick around for the outcome of that. As usual, we work best as a team and don't worry about the women being less than half my age. I'll have them at my table in minutes.

           Although I might add that universities are no longer the fashion show of my era. The women are also shorter, fatter, and older. One could almost believe they are there to get actually educated. Ask, am I just a chauvinist, or do I know what I'm talking about? Ah, what the heck, the caliber of people who read this blog wouldn't care much about such trivialities.
           The last memorable item was in Alva. You may recall that place JZ thought was perfect until we discovered the price was twice what I was willing to pay. I reported how years it was somewhat rundown, but some attempts had been made to spruce it up. Today I cut down that road and a four pillar porch. If you look at this picture, you can't see the place directly behind my rearview mirror. You see, there was some ugly goof workin on the place, and he looked up just as I went to snap the photo. You know, the ex-con type who don't like pictures. Pictures put them in trouble. I didn't spot him until the last moment and quickly hid the camera. And this is the result.

           In Auburndale in 2015, JZ and I had looked at a place that was falling down, but re-sided with aluminum. That's why I shy away from such places. I know what is under that siding. As I continued down that avenue toward the drawbridge, I saw at least four other houses with the identical siding.
           I'd noticed how the house in this case was owned by a real estate agent who got so rich buying these older properties that he now bought them cash. Then it comes to mind the stories I heard of somebody flipping these tumbledown properties to the unsuspecting. What are the odds?

Last Laugh