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Friday, February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018 Friday
One year ago today: February 23, 2017, as meaningful as need be.
Five years ago today: February 23, 2013, nokedli.
Nine years ago today: February 23, 2009, names were mentioned.
Random years ago today: February 23, 2015, Olivia on the bongos.

           A few hours of intense work on the sound wall resulted in very little net gain. Where my new work met old work, there was a consistent error with walls being 1-1/2” too long. I attribute this to my own inexperience last year. I’ve built walls before, I was a construction laborer during college, yet I still do not know what the problem could be. I had to shorten the new bathroom wall. Things are moving along. Still, this was frustrating, dusty work that took half the day. Here’s a picture of the wall, with the inner layer of drywall being attached and the markings for the sconces. Note the 50 lb tarpaper. No messing around here.
           How about this blog? For reasons unknown, the background color has disappeared on the first page, or appears to disappear. Google has, I see, removed the template screen. The only solution I can find is to alter the HTML, but that is something I decided against learning in 1997. That’s when CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) made their appearance to try to patch up the horrid mess that HTML had become. Mind you, I have been using the new tablet to post and there is a good chance the screen has been altered by some gimp command.

           [Author’s note: to my overseas fans, a gimp command is one of those idiotic keyboard combinations like Alt-Shift-X (or whatever) that cannot be disabled or easily reversed. In the pea-brain of MicroSoft, these are supposed to make life easier for gimps but just make it harder for the rest of us. You’ve had this happen, when you are typing along and hit Ctrl-X instead of Shift X and your screen goes haywire or your work disappears. That’s a gimp command. Gimp is a derogatory term for somebody who wants to be treated special because he's gimped. Note that disabled people in the USA have one of the highest standards of living in history, better even than welfare.]

           All of this adds to the daily burden that contributes to the downfall of the empire. Now we have talk of armed guards in the schools when the problem is the schools themselves. Dead-head geeks who in former times had to admit they were losers now develop screwball ideas that they deserve attention, too. The sidewalks are full of screaming teenagers demanding gun control. They lack the experience to understand what is happening. If the system treats them like cattle when they are fully armed, think what will happen in an America where they are not allowed to own a gun.
           I don’t know the solution and neither does anyone else. I did not know a teen could purchase an assault rifle until y’day, but that is likely because I never thought about it. That’s scary in a millennial world where every second nobody thinks he is entitled to the same things as a somebody. Before you wag any fingers, be aware that I have never claimed to be a somebody.

Picture of the day.
Finnish Art School.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Music. Taking stock of what has gone right, I conclude it is wise to pick at least a few new country tunes for effect. I have no aversion to the music except how it is mass-produced. But that is a pretty massive aversion. Take some trite catch-phrase and build a song on it. The obstruction is that, like soul or metal music, I have no ready source of material. The occasional tune on Bushnell radio is as close as I get. The one I’m considering today is “Old Dogs Gonna Die”. I’m further looking at excerpts from many tunes as medley arrangements and short comedy clips.
           The snag with those is it can be awkward to get guitarists to play that way. While they will riff off any time, to actually get them to learn just part of a tune is an argument in the making. You know why that is? It’s because most guitar players lack real talent. They custom memorize each song, so learning just a part of a tune is almost as much work as the whole song. The good news is that is not likely to be a barrier with my current situation. Now that she’s learned the method, my guitarist can play most tunes after just hearing the drum beat.

           What do I think? I think Agt. R and I had better hope the situation up in St. Augustine is for real, and that the lady over there washes her arse twice a day. Because by end of March, we could both be kissing it. There is more to this, my pal is being groomed for something much larger. He likes his nice three bedroom and I can sniff government grant money miles away. The one thing we should be clear on is that I owe the system nothing.
           You see, we ain’t that smart, and no way did we guess right five times in a row. You can add all this up later, but things have advanced too far and too fast to match anything I’ve done. I’ve noticed each fourth question concerns business income and the questions are always further down the page. Pay attention here because this is your classic “ulterior motive” scenario. This is more than the home bailout service they originally held themselves out to be. If so, we are not supposed to notice, so you are not reading all this.

           My opinion is that this is really some type of small business program. They want the situation to show that they took an operation that fell on hard times during the recession and revive it. I think if we aren’t sure what’s going on, we should [at least] be prepared to meet the situation with things like a business plan that shows how we will create jobs, etc. and blah-blah. One job, of course, being a high-priced accountant and/or business consultant. Hey, it works for the casinos.
           There is nothing untoward about planning ahead. The feds have poured millions into lesser schemes like electric cars. I spot a pattern to their offer, that after the first month, each future dole out is dependent on business performance. They just have not said as much. Yet. I say get ready now, crank out a business plan. One sure way to get my band hired would be to have Agt. R set up his own night club.

Last Laugh

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