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Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18, 2018

One year ago today: March 18, 2017, did you try the cat thing?
Five years ago today: March 18, 2013, on legal thievery.
Nine years ago today: March 18, 2009, turn on the antenna, dude.
Random years ago today: March 18, 2016, can't parallel, can't piggyback.

           Sunday is over, but the whole day was occupied doing research on hot dogs and knocking out the old kitchen wall. This is what my coffee table looks like over at the donut shop. The little white gadget on the tablet, if you can see it, is a detector for cellular cameras. I'm afraid this is all you get today, but be on the lookout. The money is on the way and my interest in the hot dog stand is I just might need it as a backup myself one day. Things are pretty ugly out there.

           The Feds are saying the unemployment rate is a record low. Yeah, because people have become desperate enough to take those dead-end jobs that don't pay a living wage. If they had not let 30 million unskilled laborers into the country, chances are there would be $15 per hour jobs everywhere. I want experience with a hot dog cart because no matter how simple it may look, it is still a specialized piece of machinery and that means don't make assumptions.

Picture of the day.
Landing on the autobahn.
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           Actually, on that picture of the day, I'd bet he's really taking off, not landing.

           Can you see through that door? Good, because there was a wall in the way this morning. It sure brightens up the room, but the kitchen will still be cramped for more than a couple of people. Also, return tomorrow as I found a weird tool for cutting circular ceiling holes for hanging ceiling fixtures. It attaches to a power drill.

           Tell you what, if you want some fun. This site is a random text generator. Here is a sample:

           Investigatam diutissime quaestionem, quantum nostrae mentis igniculum lux diuina dignata est, formatam rationibus litterisque mandatam offerendam uobis communicandamque curaui tam uestri cupidus iudicii quam nostri studiosus inuenti.
           Qua in re quid mihi sit animi quotiens stilo cogitata commendo, tum ex ipsa materiae difficultate tum ex eo quod raris id est uobis tantum conloquor, intellegi potest. Neque enim famae iactatione et inanibus uulgi clamoribus excitamur; sed si quis est fructus exterior, hic non potest aliam nisi materiae similem sperare sententiam.
           Quocumque igitur a uobis deieci oculos, partim ignaua segnities partim callidus liuor occurrit, ut contumeliam uideatur diuinis tractatibus inrogare qui talibus hominum monstris non agnoscenda haec potius quam proculcanda proiecerit.
           Idcirco stilum breuitate contraho et ex intimis sumpta philosophiae disciplinis nouorum uerborum significationibus uelo, ut haec mihi tantum uobisque, si quando ad ea conuertitis oculos, conloquantur; ceteros uero ita submouimus, ut qui capere intellectu nequiuerint ad ea etiam

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