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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018

One year ago today: April 11, 2017, a beekeeper, too.
Five years ago today: April 11, 2013, off to St. Augustine.
Nine years ago today: April 11, 2009, my teen dream car.
Random years ago today: April 11, 2010, there’s my old Taurus!

           The car is acting up. Other than that, the only event today was rehearsal. I now have 51 songs on my vocals list. We are playing again this Sunday. Tips only.
Here is a view of the disconnected positive battery cable. This is to test if the problem is the battery itself or something in the wiring slowly draining away the charge. It appears there is a short somewhere. That entails a systematic search of taking each fuse and relay out one at a time to isolate the problem.

Picture of the day.
Anthem of the Seas.
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           I got to the library later, but that guy I don’t like was there. He’s a stickler. The rest of the staff, after two years, admit they know who I am. Not that guy. He’s the one that looks at your ID, then turns it over and examines the back, then carefully types your name into the computer, asking you how to pronounce it. I don’t like that. And I don’t like how puts your name in the system to use a computer. But when you are done, he doesn’t take your name back out. I didn’t say it was wrong. I said I didn’t like it. If you are not taking active steps to protect your privacy, you are falling into a trap. Ask 100 million Facebook users who regret what they’ve done. They know it will come back to haunt them. Serves them right, the way they called down those who issued warnings.

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