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Thursday, April 5, 2018

April 6, 2018

April 6, 2018 Friday
One year ago today: April 6, 2017, mansions and food stamps.
Five years ago today: April 6, 2013, terms not interchangeable.
Nine years ago today: April 6, 2009, my smart mailbox idea.
Random years ago today: April 6, 2015, happy 400,000,003rd?

           I’ll have to fix you up with photos later, but I finally invested in one of those [2.5”] terabyte drives that state they require Win 7 or higher. Nonsense, just don’t run the application that is on the hard drive and it will work like any other memory device. I paid full retail for it, $54.99, and I was surprised, almost astonished, by how fast it is. It runs so silently that with a desk fan across the room, I could not hear the normal whirring sound. Yes, I know there are bigger capacity drives, but I work the theory that two 1 terabytes are better than one 2 terbytes. These are mechanical devices so err on the side of caution.
           This had me over in Winter Haven all day, or at least until late afternoon. Logistics. Here’s one on me, some years ago when I was returning from Savannah, I took the road into Winter Haven, where I had only ever been before by train. Remember, if you will, how I got caught in a downpour and had to crawl in my camper. For any newcomers, I have a small camper I tow behind the motorcycle. Somehow I got lost and turned around because I recalled the Wal*Mart was on the wrong side of the road.

           Well, today I got lost again and found myself in the same area. Ah, it wasn’t a Wal*Mart, it was a Publix (supermart). Déjà vu. That’s the lot where I asked for permission to park overnight due to the storm and the lady security guard got the hots for me. Oh, she says, I get off at 11:00PM and I’ll come by to check if you are okay. When she went on her rounds, I pulled my rig way over to the far end of the parking lot. Yikes. I mean, she was as old as I am.

Picture of the day.
Ebony for sale.
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           Nothing to report the rest of today unless you want to hear about electrical codes. You do? Well, I’ll make it short. The newest codes define more items as appliances, meaning they are required to have dedicated circuits. There are also other circuits with multiple receptacles that now must also be on a separate circuit, such as bathroom outlets, which must also be GFCI. All this takes time. My speed at this work has not improved, I still average 1-1/2 hours per outlet. But that includes the wiring and drilling to the panel.
           And I will require a twelve circuit panel. Add it up yourself, you’ll see. The attic fan and garbage disposal are considered appliances. Three air conditioners, the washer, dryer, and dishwasher all require dedicated lines and breakers. It doesn’t take long to see this triples the cost and time required. It’s the next size up but who knows what will surprise me if I don’t choose this bigger box.

           Agt. R and I were talking again about the hot dog stand. I not only feel it is too much for one person, I balk at relying on his truck to tow it around. That’s his personal transportation and I don’t want my $1,000 investment left unguarded. Trailers are one of the easiest things to steal. Nor do I want to go partners (he keeps forgetting money is not the issue) because it isn’t necessary. It’s like a band that goes partners on the PA system. When the band splits so does the PA system. I think when I was 28, I still had one speaker column from my high school combo.
           I would also like him to investigate some way of using the cart more often than the local street festivals. There is a farmer’s market in the park, which is tiny, but it is right across the street from the county court house. On Wednesdays, there are a minimum of 400 people processed through there. I have a meeting arranged with Dawn’s brother on the 15th or 16th. If I could put him to work, it would solve all kinds of difficulties.
           The snags right now are the way everybody sees only the selling the hot dogs, not the big picture. People, selling the dogs is the easy part. Somebody has to set up the accounts at Sam’s Club, make sure there is gasoline and propane, and shell out for the licenses and insurances. I said it before, it will cost $4,000 before anyone sells that first hot dog. And that person is no doubt going to think they are doing all the work. Nonsense. I did all the work. Long ago. And that’s why I’m the only resident around this territory who has the $4,000, nomsayn?

           The “new” tablet computer became so stopped up with viruses that I will shortly ship it to Agt. M. It is maddening that idiots like MicroSoft even still produce a computer that can be infected. Of course, you can no longer simply re-install the opsys because that is some millennial “whiz kid’ who wants to make.0.0045 cents off each attempt, even if he has to false click you into cyberspace, I got taken last month by the same scam. I signed up for a one-month “membership” and they tricked me something that caused a $21.99 debit from my account three months running now. That was my background search site. I’ll get you the name soon, so you’ll know who to avoid.
           Meanwhile, Mr. Trump, clamp down on these people. I know exactly what I signed up for and which buttons I clicked on. And the bastards still got me.

           [Author's note: I'm saying Internet advertising should be regulated. Free must mean free for nothing, or it cannot be advertised as free. And anything to do with automatic withdrawals from a bank account must give the user the option to block more than one transaction under all circumstances--and if that option is chosen, the advertiser must be slapped with an estoppel from any activity of that sort, and further prevented from mentioning it again in the same ad.]

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