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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 8, 2018

One year ago today: May 8, 2017, the insult is the goal.
Five years ago today: May 8, 2013, 1,000 gnus & wildebeests.
Nine years ago today: May 8, 2009, sheer weight of numbers.
Random years ago today: May 8, 2011, politics should be outlawed.

           What a super day. Mild, and that prompted me to take steps to catch up with things I would not want to be doing when she gets to 90°F by mid-morning. Listening to left-wing radio can always keep things lively, especially with the Tampa crowd. These people are truly anti-American and pro-everything else. They are now planning to clog up the courts fighting cases where illegal families get broken up. Kids to detention, parents to prison. I have the solution. Empower the judges to hear only one argument. Are you here legally? Nope. Guilty. Deported. Next!
           It is what the American people voted for. We are no the world’s welfare office. My point of view is these people should work for democracy in their own countries using the US as a model. But they should not come here seeking “political asylum”. They should be maybe heading for that People’s Paradise of Cuba, the one they tout as a fearless little fighter going up against the big bad USA. Call me a redneck, I say that I’m too much of a realist for that to stick. My proof is simple. If these people are not abusing the US system, let’s make a bet. I will give you $30 for each time you are right if you give me $1 for each time I am right. Then we go to the welfare office and count white people and non-white people. Gotcha.
           I’m sorry, but enough is enough. We’ve taken on such a disproportionate number of refugees for so long that no sane person could say we haven’t done enough. I suspect the Tampa radio stations only hire borderline communists, but you know, this was all predicted. It’s what can happen in a free country. People who don’t want it free are generally better organized than the others. Simply because most free people simply want to be left alone.

           These and other thoughts keep me around the yard. I didn’t crawl into the attic as tomorrow is supposed to be slightly cooler. How’s the insulation working? Same as the bedroom. The tarpaper seals the room off from drafts and you can tell walking from the area that’s done into the uninsulated rooms. The walls begin to radiate heat. I’m still experimenting with the attic fan. Turning it on takes less that fifteen minutes to lower the inside temperature quite noticeably. And you can feel the effect much sooner than that. (However, there must be a small fan left on in the farthest corner of the building. Fans cost only 1/7th as much as A/C.)
           I’m sold on the concept. By leaving the back bedroom door ajar, I can keep the whole place cool. But it isn’t summer yet. My plan is to have oversize units with thermostat control in the bedrooms, which are large enough to contain a small work desk and a giant reading chair. As for the kitchen, I believe I told how the only location is above the fridge, so I’ll stick a unit in there and run it full blast if need be. I was in there making biscuits today and that area should be finished attic insulation by late tomorrow. The walls in the kitchen are not insulated yet.

Picture of the day.
Drone photo.
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           I painted the new attic louvre and folded more tarpaper. That’s a day already. Then on to two relaxing hours with the jigsaw puzzle. In my DVD cabinet I found yet another dragon movie, this on “Arthur & Merlin”. It’s just a phase I never got into because even when I was a child it seemed too childish for me. All day I’ve had that nagging feeling I’m forgetting something. A birthday? Was I supposed to be somewhere? Double checking and nothing is indicated? I checked yesteryears and nothing comes up on this date. In the end, this journal tracks my days and the question remains, what is it about today?
           I’m half-way through “Darwin’s Radio” and it’s a bit too complicated reading and would have to be heavily adapted for a movie. The author’s treatment of the DNA explorations is, or was, full tilt at the time. Prior to 2010, I read only newspaper articles on the topic, but then began to include scientific journals. I’m not a fan of reading submitted manuscripts, as they are too often written with the intention to sound academic. I remain convinced by the theory that multi-cell life is descended from the constant eat-or-be-eaten existence at the single-cell level. That is, life as we know it began when an invading parasite attacked a living cell and found that killing it was not as good as developing mutual functions. Blood cells have no DNA, y’know.
           My understanding has remained at that 2010 stage, I don’t really have any reason to look closer at this time. The plot involves an ancient DNA factor that gets triggered in a way that, well, it would provide ammunition for extreme feminists. A disease transmitted but not infecting men, but a killer of “sexually active” women. Therefore, the logic goes, women don’t need men and should completely seal themselves off entirely. Yeah, that’s gonna work out just fine, ladies. Until you get a flat. Am I implying women can’t change a tire? What, and break a nail?

           That, however, raises the age-old question of whether sex should be singled out as the sole basis for comparison. I’m first to admit the most important factor of how I go after a woman is whether or not she’s attractive to me. Hey, there has to be some basis to work with. I may stick with guitar players who can’t strum, but not with women who don’t deliver the goods. I mean, just forget it, go waste somebody else’s time. In “Darwin’s Radio”, it appears an ancient gene has been reactivated and various societies are dealing with it in less tactful ways than the American medical system. They shoot the pregnant women through the belly and their men in the head. Apparently the treatment is 100% effective.

           I contacted JZ about next weekend. All is ready, though I may take a day earlier and make the trip via side roads again. With the windows down, stopping for coffee at random towns, like I would with the motorcycle. He still wants to buy his own place out here. Yeah, pal, well you are so far behind you might want to consider the next town over. Bwaaaa-ha-ha.
           And in the end, I could not find any thermometers. So put the experiment on hold, thought I know it will be a success. I just wanted to know how much of a success. Right now it takes considerable time running the hot water before it’s ready for a shower. I won’t have that, which is why I’ve looked so much into passive solar hot water.

           Here’s another view of the birdhouse. You like it so much I’ve decided to manufacture another. That’s the quasi-famous nine-foot stump. I’ve got a matching one in the front yard. I’d say today amounted to a big fat nothing. But I am $426 under budget. It’s from working in the attic instead of chasing women, shopping thrifts, and using the car to drive downtown for coffee.
           I was lucky to contact anyone with my lousy cellular provider. They have not yet fixed that problem where somebody will call you all week and leave messages, but nothing appears on your phone until the end, when all seven calls appear on one day. There is also the weird Nokia op sys, where by if your phone resets, it turns the ringer off. I’m here, quiet, doing the jigsaw puzzle and my phone never rings. I used to wonder why Millennials do things like that with computer code, but now I know it is because they think they are the first and only generation that knows anything about computers. They can’t think out of the box because they never learned to do that you first have to learn to think in the box.

Last Laugh
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