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Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018

One year ago today: June 28, 2017, I love this amp.
Five years ago today: June 28, 2013, my style is “Watch this.”
Nine years ago today: June 28, 2009, I got this hand!
Random years ago today: June 28, 2007, meet the designer.

           My new battery in the scooter, purchased last August, is going dead. I told you, these things expire on the same month as the warrantee. I puttered around the house because that 30% chance of rain meant 90% on my place and 10% two blocks away. I reviewed the rehearsal tape from y’day and that Shocking Blue tune, “Venus”, may be a winner. Other than that, I did some tarpapering and cleaning up, and I threw on the DVD “Avatar”. It’s okay for the incredible special effects, but I disliked the presentation for the same reasons as the first time. I like my aliens to be aliens, not some Hiawatha take-off.
           I’m on the side that says religion is totally man-made and therefore is unnatural. To me, that means if we ever do encounter a “race” of aliens, the last thing I’d expect is Apache-like behavior and their primitive macho strutting around and lame manhood rituals. Same goes for all this worshipping the mother goddess.

           I don’t care for these people who say you’d be surprised how sophisticated these tribes are. No, I would not be surprised. The ancients built pyramids and irrigated entire valleys, so I’m not impressed that some tribe from the dessert has a cure for snakebite. I consider most rituals to be a form of arrested development.
           My connection with Nature is what’s pretty. Today that would be this first white flower blooming in the front yard. It really is that kind of phosphorescent color, as this picture was taken just before sunup. I was up reading something unusual. You know how these ancient history types can tell by the shape of teeth if the fossil was a vegetarian or carnivore. I thought I’d take a look to be familiar with the topic. Wow, way beyond me. I could not even follow the terminology. I think I’ll stick with my casual interest in DNA to follow.

           Let me explain where my understanding of evidence falls, and why I keep an eye on what supports evolution theory. There is a gap in scientific technique right at the stage in pre-history where some damn interesting questions are unanswered. It’s around a half-million years ago. Yet all the best radioactive measuring techniques don’t work on that stretch. Carbon dating, argon, even that one that reheats the stones, all fail or peter out at that same period. I don’t place much faith in the other dating tactics, like tree rings. But I do like the concept of correlating findings when supported by such methods. Is that clear? Okay, let me say it another way. Tree rings were thinner after Krakatoa, as there was enough atmospheric dust to dim sunlight. But in themselves, the tree rings are just supportive evidence. Many other events could have caused the same condition.
           It is funny in a way, how all these dating systems leave a gap at the very time man really diverged from an ape-like ancestor. It’s a Creationists dream argument. When I was a kid, they told us a break in the fossil record was the missing link, but I’ve come to wonder if what’s missing is accurate data from that time period. I further recognize the value of pottery shards, but never enough to even read a college text on it. I’ve glanced at the encyclopedia pictures, but always moved on.

Picture of the day.
Knotty pine desk.
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           This is not the ceiling fan that I had originally wanted, remember the fancy one with blades three feet long? It was the designer fan. The one shown here was 1/7th the cost, so I decided to slum it. And the effect of having a much larger fan that recommended for the size of the room pays off in many ways almost instantly. Primarily, the low setting gives the feel of a cool breeze without your work papers flying off the desk.
           Six easy hours on the house today. Listening to Boss Hogg, “we play music that is in tune with words you can understand” the only English language transmitter in the territory. Your only other choices are shigga-booga, rap, and, shall we say, there is a reason these small stations and women over 30 are called “independent”. Most of the time was on electrical again, it is best done right the first time. I was reminded you cannot rush ceiling fan installations. Who remembers the time I installed the fan for Alaine over on Loquat? That took around the same half-day as this one, and I had her helping me. I would have had to charge $200 for the job today to have made any money at it. And I would have brought a helper because there is a point where you always need three hands.
           The afternoon followed suit, I was up and down the ladder placing new fixtures. Well, not new, but retro-look material from the ReStore. That, and baking chicken. You can have all the chicken you want, as long as it is baked or boiled. No KFC for you. And approved breakfast cereal. You’ll find boxes of it all over here. What’s ‘approved’ mean? It means one of the primary ingredients isn’t sugar. So I hope you like the taste of oats.

           Later, the combination of the attic fan and the ceiling fan is more than successful. It takes most of the swelter out of the room without the need for costly air conditioning. I believe the attic fan is the key. Now that is works in the smaller bedrooms, I’m tempted to put one near enough to the new kitchen area to make the entire building consistent. Then, for a challenge, I took another look at Kakuro, that puzzle with the numbers that add like a crossword.
           Here is a Florida printout of the hotdog cart registrations over the past ten years. Notice how it began to surge after the 2006 recession until 2012, then has tapered off showing the seasonal bumps. We have budgeted for the off peak periods, but the chart reveals that not everybody makes a go of it, and the business is not for everybody.

           A gunman shot up a newspaper office in some Atlantic northeast state. It makes the news for two reasons. First, I believe the way the media is abusing their right to report news to instead present slanted political agendas that would by any other definition be libel and treason. I say freedom of the press means only that they can report the facts, no matter how unpleasant, without fear of repercussion. But it does not mean they can say what they want under the guise of it being news. Second, the media was very careful to report that the “assailant” (as opposed to the suspect) was a white male. That kind of backfires if they think it evens some left-wing score. Ha, it comes across that this is so rare they had to mention it.
           The initial reports quickly changed tack, so something went wrong over there. The focus switched from him being white to how he was caught using facial recognition software. Now that is scary. Not because the pictures used were from driver’s license and passport sources, but because they are not going to stop there.

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