One year ago today: July 12, 2017, a hissing sound.
Five years ago today: July 12, 2013, beware of the Rabbit.
Nine years ago today: July 12, 2009, bar scams.
Random years ago today: July 12, 2005, a couple of babes.
The morning was gone in a wink. Looking at the recirculating hot water pump, I see there are a number of designs. Some continually pump hot water through the piping system, but they have a reputation for being wasteful, as all pipes, even well-insulated, will radiate heat. So they can put a timer that only keeps up the supply during high usage hours. But hmmm, if it’s high usage, the water would not have time to get cold, maybe? With another type, you momentarily turn the faucet on and off. Then a minute later you get hot water. But that’s hardly instant, is it? Another model has a small thermostat at the sink or tap furthest from the heater. When it detects the line gets cold, it recirculates back through the cold water line until it’s hot again. You might have to think about that one
The tradeoff with that last design is increased price. What slowed me down is that each type requires a 115V outlet. My system was hardwired, so I had to install that outlet while reaching over the tank. No, it wasn’t fun and took two hours. The only good news is the pump is considered part of the hot water tank so tapped into the dedicated line. Even with my habit of leaving a foot of slack in each line, this wiring is tight. What you see in this photo is not bad wiring, but I’m leaving it loose until I decide where the chopper lines will end. It’s not required, but I will route the wiring away from the metal.
The also has to be a switched light in that area, but I don’t want to put it on the same circuit. Right, you hot water tank trips a breaker and that light wouldn’t work when you try to find the problem. It was this kind of work all morning, just me and Boss Hogg radio, some say the only radio station you will ever need. In a sense, he’s on the money with that, because all the other radio stations are so terrible. I found the correct fittings to join the galvanized pipe to my cvpc lines, I’m not sure about a couple items. Like, the lines on the tank are 3/8” and the rest of the system is 1/2”, but it’s an expansion setting, not a reduction.
Does that make sense? The water flow from a narrower to a wider pipe. Seems to me the pressure would drop, but that is how it was configured before and things worked fine. So, let’s go with what was already there. The bad news is my DVD player is giving out. That’s the old unit in my shop computer that will play anything. The heads have been misaligned for years and now I can’t have my regular movie breaks. Not good, because I’d planned for this back in the 1980s. That I would begin to watch all the movies I’d missed over the years, even the bad ones. For instance, I’d like to watch “Ishtar” and decide for myself why it got all the bad press.
Action movies, I should specify. I will sit through chick flicks with the right lady, but it’s like horoscopes. I don’t believe them but I understand how they work, with a wink in my eye. And I don’t care for movies that portray hard work as a virtue. Yeah, like parents ‘teaching’ their kids to work hard, but never teaching them there are other ways to make money as well. I’m watching a movie called “She Came To The Valley” that has no date. It is black and white and the caliber of the acting says early 1950s. Based on a true story, but not on the facts, it’s an amusing twist on history.
Like the fake Zimmerman telegram, orchestrated by henchmen and the New York Times to get the USA into the war. Well, that’s not strictly true. It was about getting the USA to start borrowing money to get into the war.
Sleeping swan.
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From, the type of amalgamator webpage that may soon be illegal, here is the best photo I have ever seen of Mercury. Not that I follow which spacecraft head for that planet, though I take it this is from some recent flyby. To my semi-trained eye, the obvious features are lack of atmosphere and some volcanic activity is likely why there are so few large craters. Or the surface is so constantly peppered with new incoming that it acts as a form of erosion. Where’s my factbook?
Here we go, Mercury. The smallest planet since Pluto got an arse-whupping. Pluto, the illegal immigrant of the planetary federation. Almost impossible to spot because of the Sun, you cannot ever get a good telescopic view of this Mercury. A surface temperature of 700°F, isn’t that about where lead boils? It would be fun to teleport all the liberals there just to find out. My source says these photos are likely from Mariner 10. I forget that one, and my book stops in 2009. Trust me, not much has since changed on Mercury, which makes it a lot like New Jersey.
[Author's note: the Mariner 10 was launched in 1973 and lasted until 1975. This photo was probably taken from 203 miles away. That probably explains the sparkling detail. But I was unaware of this photograph until recently.]
Bad press is what the American media is all about. Trump is panicking the liberals, which is all he needs to do to assure patriots that he’s doing a damn good job. The liberal press is screaming he mean-mouthed NATO. All he really did was tell them they would have to start paying their fair share of defense. Good, that issue has been lagging for years. You get countries like France that won’t participate because the know the west can’t allow them to be invaded. Then again, the west did let the French down after World War II and it cost them their empire. The Empire that is now, as it goes, “striking back”.
Have you seen the immigrants sleeping on mattresses in the Paris streets? Disgusting, really. France’s immigration policy sucks worse than ours. The concept of democratic freedoms never appeared anywhere in history except in white European nations. This is not racist propaganda, you can look that fact up for yourself. This is why people snicker at the suggestion the ancient Greeks were African.
The fault in democracy is that it creates bureaucracy. I say the real fall of every empire is not the decline of the culture, but the gradual takeover of people’s lives by an encroaching state. This is what causes apathy and hopelessness. It is one thing for the powers that be to moan that the younger generation are not patriotic. But what have they given that generation to be patriotic about? A deeply flawed education, no job prospects, taxes to fight undeclared foreign wars over oil, and documentation that stalks every aspect of their lives from cradle to grave. Don’t be expecting them to parade in celebration.
Excessive bureaucracy is not an American monopoly; all we did was computerize it. Look at what I’ve gone through to set up my little hotdog stand. The most annoying aspect is that once you get past the first layer, that’s when they can put the screws to you. Any how-to book will tell you the basics, but the system is much more sinister. They wait to pounce until you’ve paid the start-up fees, knowing that you can’t back out now except at a loss. That’s when you begin to find out your car insurance is invalid because the wagon is a commercial operation. And the system lets people who slip and fall walking past your cart to sue you. Because your advertising distracted them.
And this is why I’ve written a short chapter in my record (not yet published) of this startup. It wise to have initiative, but not wise to show it. The early successes on the Internet were, methinks, largely due to lack of regulation in a new business model. But the chances of that happening again are zilch unless it can develop in secrecy and takes the world by surprise. I still hope it does in the same vein as I would like something to come along that eclipses the Internet. Now that would be something, considering how the bureaucrats are now making massive inroads toward choking that off. It is not profitable for the big players to allow the small players too much sharing between themselves.
With the cart, now I’ve shown initiative and it cost me nearly $900 so far. This is why I say if you have a choice between being popular or being famous, go for famous. They can’t take that away.
Talking to my people out west, there is a similar plumbing problem over there. Except, my fix is costing around $38 to their $3,000. Because they don’t dare to do the work themselves. I’ll dare, knowing that the city code is made complicated enough on purpose so they can always snag you on something. And I was talking to Dawn today over coffee, me drinking, her serving. I said something that came out the wrong way when I answered her question why my band never plays at the local spot. I meant that I avoid playing where I hang out, but she took it to mean I won’t play unless asked.
took that mistaken impression to let me know they would “never ask”. I got to thinking about that later. Hmmm, really? I see her point and didn’t say anything. But if I get a band going that is my style, anyone want to bet I’ll be asked? Every other guitar band in this county is some jarhead who wants a theme band that showcases his songs, but who doesn’t want to go through the headaches of creating that band. He thinks the music world is full of non-guitarists just need his influences to strike it big.
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