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Monday, July 9, 2018

July 9, 2018

One year ago today: July 9, 2017, at the Last Chance.
Five years ago today: July 9, 2013, a secret formula, y'know.
Nine years ago today: July 9, 2009, the enemy won't oblige.
Random years ago today: July 9, 2014, Orchid Island, my eye.

           Tomorrow’s the big day. If all goes planned, we do the largest single business transaction in my p pal’s life. That’s real money, not the borrowed kind. Because that doesn’t count. I was on the plumbing again, I got the tubes to the tank roughly where they should be. That took twice as long as it should have, but that kitchen is small and every cubic inch saved helps. And whenever I took a break, I went out to the shed to glue more pieces to the ‘medicine chest’. Here’s what it looks like now, minus the lid and hardware. Here are some of the bottles that give it the name.
           Its function is like a crash kit. Those bottles are handy for everything from small drill bits to those small lock washers that I never have enough of. By mid-morning, we had a meeting proper at the coffee shop, going through the contracts clause by clause. It was really a failsafe measure, since we caught everything the first time. On the return leg, I looked in at two hardware stores and neither carries the recirculating pumps.

           For the two Russian readers that asked, here is the Granger catalog I use for reference. At 4,000 pages, they don’t print them any longer that I know of. But if you’ve tried to find specific parts on-line, you’ll appreciate why I kept this handy. What’s that word for big heavy books? Tome? Anyhow, it’s like the old Yellow Pages, one of the manuals that is still better than the Internet versions. This would be a good time to remind everyone that the word ‘Internet’ is a proper noun, and is therefore always capitalized.

           In unrelated news, everybody else is ill with the same symptoms. Except it is a stomach flu, methinks, and I rarely get nausea at all. Very rare since I as a kid, except for a mild form when I have jet lag. I have not been on an airplane since 2003 when it ceased to be an enjoyable form of travel. The terrorists won that round. The US government lost all credibility when they started groping people in the name of freedom. American politicians are and will remain the laughing stock of history after the empire collapses. On jackass after another. Sad and sick individuals for the most part, not one respectable human being among them. Imagine them criticizing North Korea.
           My bumper hitch regularly scrapes the pavement. It is the regulation height, but Florida roads are subject to flooding and often have a deep swale at the intersections. And I’m still not used to taking it off regularly. I plan to, but one of the times I am most easily distracted is just after I pull in at the home driveway. Always been like that. Is this retirement? Bad guitar players, leaking water pipes, and a noisy bumper hitch?

Picture of the day.
Genoa, Italy.
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           I found a Disney DVD in my collection. Usually I don’t bother any more, Disney has slid downhill without Walt. They’ve used up all the classical themes and the world knows what aptitude millennials have for inventing anything new. Called “The Other Side of Heaven”, I was expecting another feel-good goober movie but this was about a missionary to the Tongan islands. Of course, the prettiest gal on the archipelago does her best to introduce him to the island’s customs in the fashion of Margaret Meade. She’s the authoress that discovered (posthumously) that the foreign policy of Pacific Islanders consists primarily of telling outsiders what they want to hear. Oh, how she’d love South America and most of Tampa. Still, it is novel and with Disney, after the Miley Cyrus debacle, that is a treat.

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