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Saturday, August 11, 2018

August 11, 2018

One year ago today: August 11, 2017, it’s the paperwork . . .
Five years ago today: August 11, 2013, the sad death of Lavabit.
Nine years ago today: August 11, 2009, early anti-Cloud warning.
Random years ago today: August 11, 2011, not gov’t funded.

           Yes, I often get free coffee at the coffeeshop. I guess I didn’t make that clear last day. Gates & Getty may have millions, but I get free coffee. (I have never claimed to be popular, but I am very well known.) Here is the missing picture of the stealth gate. This is the view you get from the street, and no way to see what is over the fence without trespassing. I’m motivated to add another chapter to my booklet on the realities of this business. You must take steps to conceal or it will cost you.
           It will concern the inevitable interference from the direction of those who do and have nothing. At least, that is the only features they seem to have in common. The problem is that Agt. R and I happen to be white males. So we are compelled to obey laws that are never enforced on ethnics. It’s a sad reality in America these days. Nor do I expect any sympathy because the prevailing attitude is that we had it all our own way for too long and it is payback time.

           Hogwash, I never had anything in this life my own way. If that were true, Taylor would be over here next weekend instead of at some silly old Hard Rock concert. Keeping my projects a secret is a lesson I seem to have to learn over and over since early childhood. People will try to trip you up for no apparent reason. (Inapparently, it is pure, raw jealousy.) Thus, it is better to spend an extra $50 and keep the plant and equipment not visible from the street. The car in the lower left corner is to create tire tracks so they don’t get suspicious over that. It’s sad, really.

           [Author's note: the location has already been dubbed the "pit stop".]

           I drove out to Rural King east of Lake Wales and dang, somebody bought the grill I had picked out. I hesitated thinking I might find something in Miami. I’ll buy something that will train the staff for now, and I’ve run some numbers on chili and chili dogs. Hmmm, the markup is impressive, even paying top dollar for the commissary to make large batches. My intention is to keep things simple until I have a working crew, but being prepared is always wise. Here is the new home-made grill. It was ground down from a larger piece. This is no toy, it weighs around 30 pounds, isn’t that something like 26 kilos? Or is it the other way around? I haven’t been in University for 40 years now, whatever that is in metric.
           What’s this on my calendar? Time to mention food. Good blogs do that often enough to keep everybody happy. This morning it was pancakes, with walnuts and coconut in the mix. If you only get tiny portions, you might as well make them gourmet. And while the kitchen was cool in the morning, I made up a batch of chicken gravy enough for the week ahead. And if you are reading this blog at work, take an extra coffee break. Tell the boss I said it was okay.
           We had a quick meeting over another matter that came up. It seems the city and county have a rule against hiring uninsured food carts. I’m okay there, I doubled my coverage for an extra 20 cents per day. The meeting was on a different but related topic. Finding out about this rule has implications, the top of the list being that since nobody else has mentioned it, they probably don’t have insurance. So glance over the conclusions I leapt to:

           -0 insurance is not compulsory, so they have never been hired by the city.
           -1 they are cutting corners on everything but food.
           -2 the cart is only insured while it is in operation, not when towed or in storage.
           -3 others may copy us for being insured, but they don’t know we have twice as much.
           -4 operating uninsured is beyond crazy for the risks involved.

           I took the basic $1 million coverage and doubled it, I believe I must have mentioned this by now. I consider it necessary. You know, 84% of the court cases filed in the world are in America. I read that in an article that said there are five, not three, ways to have money. The old saying is you can inherit it, marry it, or steal it. They added that in America, you can also win it or sue for it.
           The lottery remains the best chance of riches for most Americans. Sad. There is also a growing body of law that is eating into those winnings. It is just retarded whoever came up with the “windfall tax”. The very concept is repugnant. This enthrallment with the lottery is something that happened during my lifespan. I remember the original tickets and watched how they burgeoned into a payday addiction. The first real anti-winning law was preventing people from buying every ticket. That sounds odd, but consider the lotto when it was new. I'll explain.

           The odds were 17 million to one. It turns out those were the best lottery odds this nation would ever see. But what could happen is the pot rolls over and over to say, $35 million. It is then worthwhile to buy $17 million one-dollar tickets and be guaranteed to win. The state stepped in and clamped down on that, saying it made it “not a game of chance”. That’s lame, but for once I agree. Anybody with that much money did not work for it, so they should not be allowed to use it in a manner that shuts others out.

Picture of the day.
The entire Pirate Bay server.
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           I finished “Battle Hymn”, the author is a specialist on future war themes. I can’t give the book a rave, more like an only read if you have spare time. Our hero, the Confederate general’s daughter, gets the president. You are supposed to believe America would ever have an unmarried president--it is unlikely. Either that, or the author is setting us up for some other fringe type to hold the position. And the book makes certain that the President wants to “marry” the lady. Every encounter mentions that is his one and only secret desire. Sure.
           Here is that cell tower over the pond that was featured back in 2016. Does it not look like it has grown more branches? If you find the original picture, leave me a comment. And I never got a comment from the gal at the breakfast cafĂ© in Lake Placid. I guess that means she doesn’t want to run away with me. You know, get “married” all afternoon, maybe over at the Lanai Kai. Back to the tower. The sky is grey, but this isn’t a gloomy picture. That is just the ordinary afternoon rainstorm gathering off the Gulf. In a half hour, the sun will be out again.

           What’s this? Some research team in England (Cardiff U) has evidence that chicken soup does clear up sinuses. Earlier studies concluded it was the hot vapor, but now the evidence points to compounds in the soup which can dissolve mucus, which would account for how you breathe easier—and why you can smell chicken soup even when your taste buds and other senses are numbed. I’ll see you later. I have a sudden craving for chicken soup. And so do you.

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