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Saturday, November 10, 2018

November 10, 2018

One year ago today: November 10, 2017, Bradford, another no-show.
Five years ago today: November 10, 2013, from northern California.
Nine years ago today: November 10, 2009, Theresa's goof bizcard plan.
Random years ago today: November 10, 2008, an ATM patron.

           Left Columbia for a record 858 miles all the way to Denver. Sixteen hours driving time, so it's a good thing I left at 3:30AM. Sailing along, no traffic, more than once I realized I was towing the camper at 70 mph. It's steady, giving no trouble at all, but it has small tires, so I kept it down most of the time. I lost track of the distance, running out of gas in east Missouri. While I did not see a lot of ghost towns, I saw many that were in terminal condition. Nothing usual about several blocks of abandoned strip mall.
           I saw a sign saying fuel was available, so drove on finding a little town with the station closed. I got back on the freeway, got a couple miles and conked out. Fortunately there was a highways crew who gave me all they had, a half-gallon. I made it to Grainfield, the gas station was also closed. This may sound dumb, but I have never in my life before bought gasoline with a credit card.
           Sadly, fast service is gone out on the prairies as well. It takes a half hour to grab coffee or gas because there is only one clerk at the till. The little delays like that meant the Aurora Library was closing as I pulled up. I went to the only places I knew, took a few photos, and headed to Late Nite Shebean's. That's the club I first soloed live. I see blogspot has finally added back some video capability, so hold on for that.

           The Dick Frost band was playing, but they barely remembered me. Five years ago, Dick looked like my kid brother. Now he looks like my father. Actually, I'm seeing all the difference in the world since those five years. It's the growing old time for my entire demographic. The band was still excellent, even the New Age bass player. I don't play that style of bass, but it was very fitting for the show.

           [Author’s note 2022, I’ll post a bunch of photos from the trip as it appears much of the original text is gone. Note the camper electronics and dullness of the prairie roads in the autumn. Some photos are near-repeats but that's that nature of publishing years after the fact. More of the electronics and some road snacks, the green box on the side of the camper is for shoes and laundry and things you don't want inside.]
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