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Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018

One year ago today: December 23, 2017, oh boy, free coffee.
Five years ago today: December 23, 2013, stack of Marshalls.
Nine years ago today: December 23, 2009, 20-footalmond tree.
Random years ago today: December 23, 2002, highly bastardized.

           Everything is closed down, except the lumber yard, so I'm proceding with the drywall. I used the dimensions for the old medicine cabinet to frame in the new mounts. Now, I discover the mirrors are too high by around a foot. The top 2/3 of the mirror never get used. This means re-framing the cutout. I have the purple drywall, I figure if I ever put tile, I can put cement board on top wherever necessary.
           Something I have not done for months, at least since the motorcycle collision. I got out and went for a hundred mile Sunday drive. On the way, I picked up some plumbing pipe, see addendum. This picture shows the morning ice fog. I took the back roads, it was a beauty of a day for work. But I didn't get any done. What was prominent was the number of businesses that were open today. This is a strong indicator to me of the decline of traditional American values. I've lived in Mexico City, where everything roars around 24/7 and everybody is still broke and cutthroat.

           By late afternoon, I stopped and helped a couple of gals I know move some stuff and hitch up a trailer. It has been cold lately after the sun sets, so we opened the bar from the back door and sat around drinking and talking for a couple of hours. Then, who should come in but, well, no names, but this gal who seems to like everybody I don't get along with. She's known them all for twenty years and they are all wonderful people, you know the pattern.
           There are three people I do not like so I avoid them, and here she is making like I am feuding with them or something. Anyway, that is not the point. She maintains that I am not in a band after auditioning with 22 guitar players. Therefore, it must be my fault. She spent half an hour dressing me down over this. Interesting, so I listened to see what I could gain from that perspective. What I got was a non-musician's point of view which for me is always an eye-opener. But quite frankly, she was being unrealistic because she considered the failed auditions as a problem.

           That's understandable, I suppose. If I meet 22 musicians and there is no band, she maintains, the "problem" must be me. It's time to start blaming myself, she repeatedly admonished. I mean, she has the facts right but the interpretation, I'm not so sure. A failed audition is not like the breakup of a band or business or marriage. She equates things on that level and I know better than to argue the point.
           So, she is correct. I am not in a band, which to her is the single important musical issue. That's definitely an outsider's viewpoint. I would rather play in any band than no band, but that doesn't extend to wasting time with musicians who will never pan out. None of the guitarists I met were capable of learning new material in a reasonable time. For the few that even tried, it was more like me giving them free lessons than a true rehearsal. None of them put in any real practice time between sessions. These are factors she was not even aware of.

Picture of the day.
Somewhere in England.
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           Remember this is the blog that dares. Always daring to take on the real pressing issues of our lives and today is no exception. Would you just look at this soup label? See there where it says ‘ready to serve’. Now that means you don’t add anything, stop me if I’m wrong. That means other than the fact it is cold and inside a can, it is ready to be eaten. The only thing you add to the soup is some heat. Now flip the can around. So, it says 2 servings per can.

           The serving size is one cup. As packaged, it has 140 calories. As prepared, it should still be 140 calories. But it says 310 calories. No, that’s not for two servings. That would be only 280 calories, and besides the regulation says it must display the calories per serving as prepared. We have no answers to these and other urgent questions. We only dare to ask. The realm of answers is tricky territory.
Next, have you seen that photo on-line of the lake of ice on Mars? This is an extremely positive step toward establishing that life as we know it could exist. It could be old life, current life, or impending life. I don’t know how this was played in the media, but it certainly did not make the liberal news radio that infests Polk County. To the observant, this could be the news of the decade. The price of a trip to Mars, even if taken by the NASA mob, just dropped by 80%.
           Water means you have fuel, air, and can grow your own food. Please let me be alive to see the end results of all this. If I can locate a good copy, check in and I’ll publish it. I believe the one I saw was by the ESA, the European Space Agency. They are rapidly leaving NASA in the dust. And SpaceX is gaining by leaps and bounds. I think because Mars is geologically quite stable, it is a goldmine, literally. With water now guaranteed, it is probably a matter of who gets their first. It seems to be the lot of humanity to have to sail into the unknown to escape from their own kind.
And, once again the Liberals embarrass themselves over the wall. They won’t approve funding, saying it is needed for more schools and hospitals. Yeah, to treat the illegals for free. The point is, everybody knows Trump was elected by a majority of voters. That translates to most people was the will of the people. And the Liberals, to further their agenda, have to go against the majority. It shows their true colors.

           It looks like I'll be learning plumbing basics. Everybody I sent the photo to is telling me how easy it is, but none of them will drive out here to show me. After JZ took four days to replace a 15 gallon water heater (remember that), I'm not about to go through a similar situation with Rick the Plumber. He talks a language I do not understand, but I am not replacing mains or whatever he means by "stack". I am replacing corroded iron pieces with PVC and it will take me a week to do what somebody with experience can do in four days.
           Seriously. Like moving that hot water heater. I planned it on paper. Cut and dryfit all the PVC, but then make several trips over to Winter Haven because the local store is out of the most popular fitting. Discover after you glue several pieces together that not all universal fittings are universal. Then the cutoff taps are the wrong kind, and splicing into the existing iron needs special untions.

           Next, as you cut the electric to the old tank, a fitting you never saw before comes loose off the tank. Spend three hours on the 'net trying to find the name of the piece, much less get a replacement. Drive to Plant City, the closest Lowe's that stocks the part. Put it all back together to find the tank never quite gets the water really hot again. Then notice that the total time put in, including the driving, from start to finish was 66 hours. But other than that, it is easy.
           Looks like I have no choice. I do not know how to join PVC to iron, but everybody I ask starts talking Martian. This is what I was afraid of. Where a plumber would look at the picture and order the parts, now I have to crawl under there and start taking measurements. I'm no longer a stranger in town so I know better than to start buying plumbing supplies around here. I'm going to have to figure out each step, each piece, and make every mistake. And people wonder why you don't owe them any favors.

Last Laugh
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