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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1, 2019

One year ago today: January 1, 2018, intrusive advertising.
Five years ago today: January 1, 2014, I'm not that good.
Nine years ago today: January 1, 2010, I must go to Colorado.
Random years ago today: January 1, 2004, "credit destroys privacy".

           Yep, I was a little woozy and wobbly heading for morning coffee. Dadums had a might too much medicine last evening. At least we showed them what real dancing looks like. Everybody has the flu so toward the end the turnout was okay. That actress was from Tampa, where I’ve only been a few times for shopping. Both the city and the roads to get there are a mess for driving. And again, these become top stories because I’m working on the house every day. That’s instead of the wild adventures to the other side of the continent, and the thrills of Bakersfield. Here’s you first picture of 2019, the view from the white work shed. Fall is finally here and the leaves are beginning to drop.
           It’s a bit of a mess back there, but it is getting fixed up fast. That’s the consolation of living in Florida. The rest of the country is in a freeze, which is supposed to affect us on the weekend. But today, I was about in my shirtsleeves. The neighbors were over to chat, they are convinced I’m worried about them having tractors parked in their yard. I can’t get through that I’m more than okay with that.

           I’m rigging up more shelf space in the red shed, meaning the inside of my house if finally starting to look inhabitable again. If I can keep up this pace, you’ll be seeing some pictures of the new front bedroom in a few days. That’s if I can find a way to get the drywall here. No sign of Agt. R whatsoever. Well, he’s got that Rendezvous happening. He’s putting his payments away again, so soon I will authorize an extra thousand-dollar payment on his principle. That was planned in from day one, so he was more than happy when I informed him he did not have to increase his deposits. That’s my good deed for 2019.
Myself, it was my worst month since early 2016. December found me a whopping $784 over budget. I can’t be doing that too often without consequences. Or I’ll be the one running the hotdog cart. Ah, and Agt. R, with it quietly parked behind his fence, now sees the wisdom of having it paid for and thus no worries or pressure to fire it up except when we please.

Picture of the day.
Hotel Mriya, Crimea.
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           I’ve got decent wiring in the red shed now. I’ve decided to run some receptacles in there as well, since once I get all the shelving done, space is still cramped. There won’t be a spare spot anywhere in both places. But I will have a second small countertop for smaller projects. Right now I have to clear a space, brushing away sawdust. I don’t have a vacuum collection system yet. I crawled under the house momentarily to get the basic specs on that new plumbing. Actually, it won’t be too bad. I finally found a sort of picture that shows the recommended plumbing pipe sizes, and it looks like I guessed right. However, why in this day and age does one have to guess at such things? That’s like saying the Internet is full of nincompoops that will tell you how to join pipes but forget to tell you the sizes.
           I’ve got it planned to run single pipe along the length of the bathroom, under the hallway, and outside to where the washing machine will likely be situated. It is one long pipe, around 18 feet, everything else taps into it much like the red pipe shown in this diagram. I have all the fittings and I’m crawling under there today if the weather stays compatible. I ran a piece of string with the correct slope and with the chop saw, I’m cutting some custom pieces to hold it exactly in place. The only hesitation is I may have to cut the bell off the old iron pipe and I’ve not done anything of the kind.

           JZ called to say he wants to help. But can he now? He’s not been here in over two years. However, I’m thinking, his major objection is that bathroom. Yes, it is old and rickety and the termites have been feasting. He is unaware I’ve been invited away for a spell, I’ll give him the details on the 16th when I’m in Miami. He’s aware that he let me down and it might be an idea to let him crash here while I’m gone. But that would be dependent on having much more work done between now and then. Check in afterward.
I downloaded Hall & Oates version of “Lovin’ Feeling”. The guitarist of New Year’s did a pretty crappy version because he had to leave out all the bass riffs. That will be my relaxation for today.

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