One year ago today: February 11, , bad habit accumulator.
Five years ago today: February 11, 2014, dissing Shirley Temple.
Nine years ago today: February 11, 2010, vegan shoes.
Random years ago today: February 11, 2013, Detroit, the American Hiroshima.
So I drove out to get my radial arm saw. I told her I’d be there by noon “tomorrow”, which is now. She must have forgot to mention they were closed on Mondays. Hello? At any rate, I managed to sweet talk my bank’s answering service into giving me some account details over the phone. That pension I was counting on has not happened yet. I’ll look into that tomorrow, I’ll need to gather up all the information they are likely to squawk about. They are bureaucrats.
To avoid cursing them all day, I went out to the shed and put the box joint gear to the test. As figured, the problems that went wrong were not listed in the manuals. This situation, which I have not invented an insult for yet, is common with self-styled experts. The catch-phrase excuse they’ll give it that you are supposed to be familiar with “first principles”. Like it you were, you’d be reading a beginner’s manual. Main problem today was testing the jig.
Here’s a photo of the ripening sugarcane fields out near Okeechobee. The stalks grow a fuzzy beard as shown. You’d be amazed by the size of this sugar operation. The only thing larger in south-central Florida is the scale of government corruption and pay-offs that ensures the sugar production industry remains a monopoly. Except for some operations at the bagging plants, the entire process is mechanized.
You make a really nice jig and the book says test it on scrap lumber. The book does not say the scrap lumber should be similar in size, hardness, and moisture content. An eighth of an inch too shallow and you’ve got splintering. With hardness, the bit takes forever, then punches through causing ragged edges. And dry wood, like my scrap, breaks off every other tooth. That tells me there is a definite match between the bit size and minimum lumber depth. Too shallow lumber must be sawn, not routered. I’m only presuming everybody else had this problem or were not really beginners.
These routered box joints take less hassle than changing saw blades. The measurements have to be very exact for all the pieces to fit, like a jigsaw puzzle. And if today is any indication, I’ll soon be using quality lumber for practice. The scraps I’ve got aren’t cooperating. See this nearby picture for a better view of how much the fence has settled on the right side. No, it is not the weight of the tools, but the softness of the underlying ground, which consists of mine tailings. By the same token, it might be just as easy to raise the fencepost back to level.
Kraft Ketchup factory, Germany.
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Raiding the blade for my new radial arm saw by removing the one on my circular. I need the blade that is on this circular saw. Listening to the Tampa news, it’s been nothing beyond this Pelosi woman running for President. Once again the commie party and the campus snowflakes show they can’t accept defeat. Their inability to adjust stems from their belief that they had perfected the art of political manipulation by the media. That any candidate had to bow to their “politically correct” agenda or be defeated. But Trump isn’t a politician, America had enough of politicians and elected a businessman.
Since they can’t field anybody of Trump’s caliber, they are resorting to slogans and appeals to the far left. As far as slogans, I admit they do have a good one. “An America that works for everyone”, it is aimed at the working masses they have created or allowed in illegally. And of course, there is the bandwagon of let’s elect us a lady president. But most people are not buying it and I wonder what will happen next year. I think they will get their arses whupped even worse. Where Trump wants America great by working for it, the liberals want to artificially distribute the wealth.
And according to the Democrat party, I’m wealthy. That I have nothing I did not work for is not a factor, only that I have things. Two vehicles, a house, and food on the table. They would take that away through taxation and give it free to others who did not work for them. I’m of the opinion that if they had not let 30 million illegals into the country that the average job of today would pay $15 per hour. Think about it. Wages would have had to keep pace with the economy, but that did not happen when immigration created a massive over-supply of unskilled labor.
Personally, I hope Trump both builds the wall and deploys troops. He should have done that the first month he was in office. But he now may wait until his second term, which I think he will win by a landslide. The improvement in the economy is slow but apparent to everyone. All that has to happen is everybody who voted for Trump last time, do it again. There will be enough extras who switch out of disgust for what the Democrats have been up to, screaming “global warning” to be the issue while millions had to go on food stamps.
You know who I would like to catch in a dark alley? The prick to programmed that when you scroll down to the bottom of a Windows file list and one pixel more, instead of stopping, the whole list jogs to the left. You can’t unshift by scrolling backwards. That just rolls the list back up wards with the file names truncated. I’m convinced this is the brand of stupid nobody is born with, it must be acquired in their own lifetimes. Yep, just me, that programmer, and five minutes with a taser. He won’t learn a thing, but I’m only after grim satisfaction.
And here is a macro of my broken glass frames. That tiny piece of metal was the only piece holding the thing together at this joint. The glasses were used only for driving and the odd movie in Tennessee, yet they still break where glasses have been breaking since they were invented. Here’s good project for some millennial to prove they can do more than text and talk funny. Invent an unbreakable eyeglass. Make it a solid piece that memory-shapes itself folded when it senses not being worn. There, I even gave you the idea. For free.
(This bear’s repeating.)