One year ago today: February 22, 2018, Florida-grade dorks.
Five years ago today: February 22, 2014, WIP
Nine years ago today: February 22, 2010, early Arduino.
Random years ago today: February 22, 2016, repressed memory, again.
Isn’t that the cutest little doggie? It’s a candle, see the wick? This guy is going to some lucky lady as a memento soon, I just haven’t decided which one. Yes, there is more than one lady in my life, always has been. But I stress that I can only love one at a time. Always been that way. Let me think if I know any ladies without a dog. Nope, not around here. Let me ask the question differently. Do I know any ladies who have a dog and have kids. Nope. What’s that? I’m not supposed to ask that kind of question? Okay, then I won’t. Other than grabbing a coffee and this doggie in the morning, it was a day of work on the house. I’m proud that I finally manage to frame in the A/C cut-out without making too many errors.
I had to use the car, which still has no A/C. I had to get some clothes to the laundry for my trip tomorrow. My car has dozens of millennial features, like no flat space within reach of the driver to place a paper to write on—but there are three cup holders for cinnamon latte iced coffee with sprinkles. Can’t drive a car without sucking on a coffee-flavored milkshake. No metal parts to attach anything with a magnet, no place you can put a pair of glasses where they won’t slide off onto the floor. The glove box is too far away to use in traffic and in any case should be permanently locked. And nothing you stick on the dash with glue or suction cups will remain in place very long.
I read another chapter on crime detection and learned that “forensic” means it is done for the police. I didn’t know that, I figured it was some Latin phrase for investigation after a crime went cold. That’s police, not law enforcement. These are no longer the same thing in America. I have always taken umbrage that the laboratories have an unlimited budget to prove someone guilty, but are not obligated to disclose any findings that show innocence. The lawyers can only argue what is introduced into the courtroom, and that has become a highly-controlled and manipulated furtive operation.
If you like statistics, figure this one out. Of people who murder, if you tally up the ones who immediately commit suicide afterwards or turn themselves into the police, it is always 50% of the known murders. Of the ones who surrender, most telephone the police. The other 50% are a curious lot. They either sit and wait, but a tiny group will try to conceal the body or run. And that is the bunch that gets all the press. The media and Hollywood make it so. Also, the primary motive of those who try to hide or dispose of the corpse is because if the identity is known, it usually gives away the perp. The book kis interesting reading if you take a statistic viewpoint. Otherwise, it’s another English rehash of old cases.
Airbus 380.
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It was me and Boss Hogg for the afternoon again. “Get on your tractors and ride.” I sorted and classified the old window trim that came off the front bedroom and I think it may be salvageable. The paint is gooped and peeling but the lumber was stacked to dry last year and it’s looking good. As for the heavy labor of y’day, I was fine. None of the usual deep fatigue, so away I went all afternoon today with the lumber. Agt. R also recommends watering the plants twice as much as the book says. Spring is soon, I’ll try to get you some time lapse of the difference one day makes with Florida weeds. You hand-pull the nasties out by the roots and a day later a new crop is blooming. They particularly like the soil groomed with rooting fertilizer.
In fact, I’m limbered up enough to skip siesta and ran through the new song list for what I could play. Once I untangled his naming system I’ve got forty tunes ready or soon ready. He’ll find because he can now strum through the instrumentals, he won’t need so many. He often calls songs by the first line of lyrics, so if I know another five, it’s gig time. I ascertained quickly he likes tunes that have major 7th chords. He’ll love what I can to with those on bass. As ever, don’t read too much into the condition, the odds are it is yet another temporary sidetracking.
I wish there was more time, as I’m also needing more backing tracks. I’ve traditionally avoided pirating such things, a wise move. There are major problems now that youTube is on the warpath, and the business community is finding out just how much of a generation of criminals the Internet gangsters can be. The 2020s look like the decade of patent trolls, copyright blackmailers, and file ransom. You may recall that the Last Laff feature that upsurged this blogs popularity was an offshoot of a complaint by a seedy-looking Turk named Togla. I’d criticized his idiotic habit of posting a series of stills and calling it video. Not having the cajones to face me directly, he complained to Google. I removed the still I’d posted as an example. It’s not lost that he’s a third-worlder who complained under American law, not the law of wherever his goat farm is at. Is all I’m saying.
Triva. The original Colt revolver was a five shot, not a six-shooter, and had only five moving parts. It was virtually jam-proof, but did misfire due to ammunition quality. (With a revolver, that just delays the next shot.) It has become the most copied design in history, with some 1500 models using format.