One year ago today: March 16, 2018, it's their own fault.
Five years ago today: March 16, 2014, long-winded monologue.
Nine years ago today: March 16, 2010, that fateful day.
Random years ago today: March 16, 2009, dabbling in Karaoke.
You’ll get editorial today because it is freaking cold. Does the sun ever shine in Tennessee? I don’t miss home as much as I thought, but I miss it. here is a close up of the yellow-tipped mother-in-law tongues that I segregated for planting around the birdfeeder. They were just rooting as I left, a rhizome I believe. The make a striking contrast, which influenced my decision. Yes, those are damages visible, but these are outdoor plants. No word from Agt. R.
It’s top story because of how rapidly I adapted to living here in the cold. It was a factor, being a series of firsts. First in cold weather, which I dislike with fervor, and the first long stint away from my new digs that did not involve daily travel. I love those long days on the motorcycle and correspondingly don’t care for long car rides. It is a 13.5 hour trip here by auto.
Adaptation was easy, but my life-style does not involve as much idle time. It’s very relaxing, don’t misread me. It’s that I sustain a higher level of plain old daily motion. I’ve taken to running, jogging actually, with the dogs, which came about when I fortuitously discovered it surged the smaller doggies appetite. Mine, too. I now make rice by the pot-full over the cupful. The dogs like it enough to pick it out from the mix. And I have no misgivings that this home life makes for duller blog reading, unless you are amused by how easily my surroundings amend my activities.
I’m trying to find a part in Hermitage, the nearest place outside the gate that would have such a thing. The theory is the dogs like the novel as much as I and the Internet is not to the rescue. A search on parks brings up pages of apartment buildings. I see Berners-Lee, the touted inventor of the Internet, has finally reached the same conclusions as this blog so many decades ago. It is not the edifice to modernity he intended because he left the shit-house door open. He needs to read my writings on an index for the Internet. Which I will describe in brief now, as it is 33°F and rising, I’m waiting for 45°F.
My proposal, are you listening Tim, is to impose an indexing system on the Internet, but a system that is not your usual list, or even a table of contents. The core of the product is not directions to topics, but an active list of categories that allow the user to rate the site on meta-features. One example is rating on the word “free”. The user check a few boxes to specify if it is free, or some bullsheet millennial variation like free trial, free download, watermarked, detuned, time-limited, membership required, and other such non-free. The system would allow on IPS one vote per day or to that effect.
What I’m saying is there would be filters designed specifically to do something that has always been missing from the start—the incentive to tell the truth. Thus, a user of my system could enact permanent filters that block sites that step over the line. I expect, as Churchill would put it, Niagaras of backlash, but that would merely encourage usage. The system is driven by user votes, so as the scammers and spammers react, they would actually be fine-tuning themselves out of existence unless they clean up their acts.
Karakoam highway.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
Damn those millennial coders. Somehow my entire tablet has changed the display format of those thousands of pictures from thumbnail to list. And it won’t change back. Just great, you tards, now I have to drop to your level and figure out how you pulled that one. No, I did not issue any intentional command, your stupid coding clearly misread something. Real programmers don’t code screens that can even do that.
Another annoyance is Jarte has stopped displaying the images when I open rtf files. It takes real inborn ignorance to even code a word processor that can make that error. Then, when I try to open the files with the original app, the images are still gone. I know, there are other products available, but only useless people can stop what they are doing to go hunting for them. Instead, I’m looking for some other free product. (I have the money to buy anything, what I don’t like is records kept of what I buy. Of course, you anti-conspiracy theorists who’ve been dead wrong every time would not understand that, either.) Now looking at LibreOffice.
There you have it, the last guy who should be at home alone on a Friday night in Nashville, and I decide to stay put. And read a programming text. The pets wanted to do another dress rehearsal for St. Pats, although I’ve got no plans for going out on that day either. I jogged six blocks y’day, in two separate sessions, mind you. It’s enough to go aerobic for me, if I didn’t say. The hot Florida weather is a jogging disincentive.
Yes, MicroSoft has really messed up assembler. Those people have got to be psychotic over their own mistakes, and their biggest mistake was adopting C+. I should point out C+ itself is probably less to blame than the way the MicroSoft mentality implemented it. The language gets ever more convoluted over time because it was defective concept to begin with. It’s dominant feature remains that it is easier to add more code than to go back and repair the fundamentally faulty design.
There are categories of known [programming] pitfalls and MicroSoft has embraced most of them. This I know because MicroSoft hiring practice favors that mentality. Probably the most valuable rule of programming is that you keep the code as simple as possible, which entails being consistent. If you use, say, one type of loop in a project, keep all the loops in the same pattern. No matter what the coders say, it usually can be done. MicroSoft does not appear to be aware of the concept.
When they do simplify, they carry matters too far. Example, the compare statement. You compare one value to another. There are four basic results: equal, not equal, greater than, and less than. Usually one extra line of code takes care of the variations, such as “equal to or greater than”, but anyone with a basic statistics course would find that a walkover.
Instead, MicroSoft has split that into 30 commands that I’ve encountered so far. This is unneeded complication and for the job done, it supplies 29 extra ways to screw things up. That’s how C+ has degenerated and now the philosophy is applied to other languages. My guess is the coders over there have been exposed to real programming and it scares them. They complicate matters to feel important. They fancy it clever to remember which commands are followed by punctuation and which aren’t, without seeming concern that such concepts add nothing to the usefulness of the code.
In the bigger picture, these nuances seem petty, but far from it. They encourage two of the worst possible coding conditions. First is code that is dependent on other code and code that can modify itself. Both make for code that is so excessively complicated to maintain that it becomes cheaper to start over—and that is why you repeatedly see the same amateur errors so many times. They become so tied up repeating the first grade that they never get to the finer aspects of the trade.