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Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 24, 2019

One year ago today: March 24, 2018, soybeans for brains.
Five years ago today: March 24, 2014, freezes on impact.
Nine years ago today: March 24, 2010, wow, 34.8 to 1.
Random years ago today: March 24, 2016, never quite round.

           I’m today’s hiking casualty. An early start around the power lines reveals why there is a fence blocking the right of way. These animals are penned up. I can’t tell if they are burros or Shetland ponies from this extreme telephoto shot. They are tame enough to start ambling toward my position, probably expecting to be patted or get treats. I decided not to chance it with the dogs in tow, and they were in a feisty mood themselves.
           I stumbled on a vine, catching a tree limb to steady myself. Around eight hours later I got the consequences. My bass hand is sprained along the ring finger. I’ve immobilized it but the way I play bass, that puts me out of the game until at least the swelling goes. One clumsy slip and I’m in a mood all day over it. Sunday mornings, I off duty. I parked the dogs at home and went off to the nearest Panera, the one over on Old Hickory that lacks any atmosphere. Even the lady working the till is bland as dishwater. Takes my order, forgets to hand me a cup, and disappears into the back. Dumbunya.

           The top story this morning was the spa treatment for the turtle. I know, I’ve never been to a spa. Hold on, yes, I was. But not for the treatment. Long ago I was a part time music teacher with the school board. I used my 50% discount to take Liz to the hot springs. But it wasn’t for the treatment. We were workmates only and had signed up for the calligraphy course. I’ll bet once this blog ever gets published, you’ll find that account. I wound up in a hot tub with all the available women in the place. Except Liz, who had turned in early. Ah, to be young again.
           Here’s the therapy, coconut oil on the shell. Edible grade, of course. Nothing but the best for the reptiles in my life. Under the sun lamp, the shell dries slightly but not to what would worry me. But it’s not my turtle, so you get this situation. The shell also gets a slight coating of chemicals from drying water, kind of like your coffee maker. This has to be removed ever so gently with a toothbrush. And because the coconut oil will turn rancid, it has to be padded off so that only the shine remains.
I get the feeling some of you are laughing. That’s mean.

Picture of the day.
Fon du Lac Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           While most people walk their pets down predictable marked paths, there are dozens of trails through the woods. I’m sure the dogs enjoy variety so over time I’ve explored several miles. It’s mostly old tires and plastic bottles, so I have not found the empty millennial nest. Where the less-entitled ones go to party instead of studying for those non-existent jobs that will be performed by either robots or illegal aliens. That’s the legacy they are heading for. I’d have better pics of the extent of this pollution but I could hear popping noises over the horizon which could have been small caliber target practice.
           I went grocery shopping and normally I can make even that into a mini-adventure. Instead, my painful hand put me off. So I bought enough fixings for a big pot of chicken soup. It doesn’t take a ring finger to chop up food, try it. And here’s some trivia. Did you know that carrots are alive until you eat them? And if I just repeated that tidbit, well, good. Now they got me wondering about celery. And apples. Are apples alive?

           It’s late afternoon and I need to get out the ice pack. I’ll make you a deal, I’ll use the ice pack time to get you some more trivia. Let’s see what I come back with. Okay, how’s this. The US has built a total of 68 aircraft carriers, of which 10 are in service. And if you total up the time, Russian astronauts have lived in space over 67 years. And like it or not, rock music was and still is the most popular style of music in history. It accounts for 29% of all music ever sold, and is 30% of all music being sold today (per Paul Terry, the Top Ten guy). Gospel rock isn’t included, probably because it isn’t rock, and it comes in at a pitiful 3.1%.
           You like this trivia? It’s from reading, not from surfing. Did you know Robert E. Lee’s wife owned an estate in Arlington? The Union grabbed her land for back taxes and, to ensure she’d never get it back, turned parts of it into a cemetery. My opinion is that the degeneration of politics in America began with the Civil War. The president before Lincoln did not start a war because he could not find any law that prevented the south from leaving. It took a lawyer to do that. And even then, he had to take a half-dozen different tacks before hitting on freeing the slaves. Which the south was going to do anyway.

           Today’s work is a reprint of the mini-essay on mass identity theft. It was too good to delete, so it is reproduced here.
           I’ll tell you who is stupid. The crowd screaming for the breakup of Google, FaceBook, and Amazon. They are nothing more than idiots who have discovered their self-imposed helplessness. Calling for destruction of the beast they created is no more than a pathetic attempt to eradicate the more blatant evidence of their mass ignorance. I have no mercy, for they called down those who tried to warn them. Not because the warnings were wrong, but because the warnings came from “old people” who obviously did not know the world had changed. The Brave New World was also instant and connected and anybody born before 1991 had missed the bandwagon.
           By the millions, the ass-enders* gave some of the most evil corporations in history all their personal & private facts for free, even volunteering their own time to upload it. And they think fragmenting the public face of these bloated companies is going to break up their data files? The databanks got every one of them beetle-brains by the balls and the dupes (15 million of them so far) are moronic enough to think deleting their Facebook accounts is going to help. Can they possibly be that stupid?
           Worse, I’ll tell you why it will never go away. Because these corporations did not do anything wrong. They broke no laws. Here’s how they did it. Every last loser they’ve been tracking, profiling, hacking, robbing, impersonating, recording, abusing, threatening, blocking, scanning, imprinting, and who knows what else, gave them permission. You think they are ever going to give any of that back? I got news for the ass-end alphabetters, your history is now their property, not yours. Every mistake, every error, every mis-deed of your lives is going to come back to haunt you, and the worse you scream, the hotter it will burn.
           It serves you right.

*refers to Generations X, Y, Z who are identified by lettering from the ass-end of the alphabet. It seems the only A, B, or C any of them ever got was for participation . . .

Last Laugh