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Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 14, 2019

One year ago today: April 14, 2018, not at the same time.
Five years ago today: April 14, 2014, no glass means Google glass.
Nine years ago today: April 14, 2010, I invented that idea!
Random years ago today: April 14, xxxx, WIP

           So much for my 5:30AM departure. We slept in until 9:30AM and by then, we the dogs needed a good walk. You get home hungry, and so on. I’ll never get out of this town today. Besides, no matter when you leave heading south, you will run into some kind of traffic jam in Atlanta. The free way goes through the middle of town and the bypass never saves you time. The only thing I think could fix Atlanta is an overpass or tunnel thought the entire city for people who don’t want to spend any kind of time there.

           Here’s the dogs, with Sparky unaware that some sticks in the water are too big for his britches. Actually, he has an approach to that condition. He tries to bite the log into smaller pieces. Like the odd time over at City Hall, sometimes he succeeds. The lake was murky today and there are signs of reddish brown bloom. Hence, as soon as we got back home, I was in the tub with both dogs scrubbing them down to the last layer. Unlike the dogs when I was a kid, these critters would not survive in nature one day on their own.            Did I tell you I make them scrambled eggs when she’s not looking?

Picture of the day.
Spring in California.
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           Nothing is likely to come of this afternoon as we wrote, choreographed, rehearsed, and videoed a short movie. The idea was to work together to see if we’ve lost our touch. This gif technology is still new to me. I need some shorter title to refer to her, since her name is cumbersome, spelling out Robynette. Anyway, she’s involved in several projects where these gifs have marketing potential. Now at least we know we can produce one minute clips with several scenes. It was a hoot trying to splice scenes made at different times of day. There’s a reason they have people who specialize in that.
           We went through product displays using ordinary household items as props. For those who remember, I’ve got a preference for good camera work. Whereas post-production effort can produce some remarkable fixes, I find it far easier to get a good cameraman producing top-notch material to begin with. A number of our videos today showed my strong influence of working alone, in that several scenes at a time are taken from the same camera angle.

           During this activity, somebody noticed these mushrooms in the kitchen planter. Some vines had been in this pot and didn’t take, so they were discarded and the pot left on the ledge. If we had not been in a shoot, I would have tried to time lapse this scene. Note the play of late afternoon light. The white object in the background is a figurine of an angel. A few hours later, they were gone.
           I can be so predictable in the right situation, and I’ve totally adapted to taking care of the pets. One guy I want to get on video is the box turtle, name’s JeePee. Knowing nothing about these animals, I presumed they did not like being startled and so I’d issue a short whistle before passing the cage to and from the kitchen. Pavlov would have loved the results. In a manner of days the turtle learned which direction the note came from and would clamber along the glass in parallel. She had told me his brain was the size of a pea, so I had the advantage of having worked at the phone company. I have trained this turtle to dance. Yes, you heard me.

           The steps have been dubbed the Turtle box step, get it, box turtle. So far all the really good moves have been used by the Hokey Pokey. I’m writing the lyrics for the turtle dance, nut it’s a pretty hard rhyme. So far, I’ve got, “Gimme a T, gimme a U, gimme an “rrrtle”. You know, we creative people often go through a lot of tribulations. Like, do you know how hard it is to form a human to reptile bond when there is some lady in the next room laughing her head off and calling us bat-guano crazy?
           You know, you can’t make this kind of stuff up. But it’s enough to make a couple of up and coming starts feel downright underappreciated. Suddenly, I regret throwing out the one turtleneck sweater I ever owned back in the day. I had a Nehru jacket, too. I told you I played in a band.

           Who remembers Vina, pronounced “VEE-nuh”. Haven’t seen her in the news for years. Finally, this batch of e-mail had these candid shots of nap time.

Last Laugh